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Topic: Animals (Pets, Dogs)

Showing 51 to 100 of 118.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-08-15 Jacob, Laban & The Spotted Sheep: Would you talk about when Jacob (Israel) made a deal with Laban about the spotted sheep, particularly in regard to the brew he created to control the spots on sheep? [Genesis 30:25-43, 31:10].
2019-07-31 Animal Rights & Environment: How does one resolve their disagreement with many mainstream Christian political issues like animal rights and the environment? [Psalm 115:16, Matthew 10:31, Proverbs 12:10].
2019-07-24 Animals on the Ark: How could it be true that Noah got every single animal on to the ark? [
2019-07-24 Animals in Heaven: Doesn't the verse that "the lion will lie down with the lamb" prove that there will be animals in heaven? [Isaiah 11, 65].
2019-07-23 Pets in Heaven: Will there be animals and pets in heaven?
2019-07-23 Evolution: Why are there still apes on the planet, if we evolved from apes?
2019-07-01 Dogs in Church: What do you think about people bringing their dogs to church (not service dogs)?
2019-06-03 Animal Sacrifices: Who was the first to practice sacrificing animals? [Genesis 3:21 & 4:4].
2019-05-30 Old Testament Sacrifices: Any particular symbolism relative to the sex and type of animals used for the sacrificial offerings? [2 Corinthians 6:14, Acts 10:28, Deuteronomy 22:10, I Peter 1:19, Romans 12:1].
2019-05-30 Birds in scripture: Birds in the Bible sometimes implies they are evil, but will they be in heaven? [Matthew 10:29, Matthew 13:31-32, Daniel 4:12, Ezekiel 31:6, 17:1, Mark 4:15, Luke 8:11-12].
2019-03-25 Animal sacrifice: On the Day of Atonement, what kind of animal did the High Priest slaughter? [Leviticus 16]. How do we understand the symbolism of "Lamb of God"? Do all the animals have distinct meanings in the sacrificial rites?
2019-03-13 Exodus: During the exodus, the people were limited to manna and quail, why didn’t they eat their livestock and not just sacrifice it?
2019-02-15 Tithing & Animals during the Exodus: How were the Israelites able to tithe in the wilderness, & how were they able to keep their livestock healthy?
2019-01-30 King Saul: Did Saul go to heaven?
Demons in the Pigs: What happened to the demons after they went into the pigs? Did they die? [Mark 5:10-20]
2019-01-23 Animals in Heaven: Why would God make animals if He wouldn't have them got to heaven?
2019-01-16 Where the Eagles are Gathered: Why are the parallels in Matthew 24, Luke 17 & 21. about "where the eagles gather" so different? [Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37, Job 39:30].
2019-01-09 Lion & the Lamb: Will "the lion will laying down with the lamb" apply to a future millennium or heaven? [Isaiah 11].
2018-09-19 Benefits for caring for Animals: Is there any heavenly benefits to caring for animals & strays? [Proverbs 12:10]
2018-09-19 Old Earth Creationism: What would old earth creationists say about animals not dying before the Fall?
2018-08-27 Animals in Heaven: Do animal souls go to heaven?
Second Chance after Death: Is there another chance to be saved after physical death? [Hebrews 9:27] 1064
AA Celebrate Recovery: What about 12-step programs?
2018-08-01 Unicorns in the Bible: What does the word "unicorn" mean in the Bible?
2018-04-26 Dinosaurs: Were do the Dinosaurs fit into the Creation timeline?
Belief in Christ (John 3:16): Isn't it true that it doesn't really matter what religion/denomination we are, just as long as we start at John 3:16, we really that?
2018-04-20 Cremation: Is it wrong to be cremated?
Heaven for Pets: Are pets going to be in heaven or is there a heaven for pets?
2018-03-27 The Dog Whisperer/Dr. Dolittle: Do you think that people can really communicate w/ animals?
2018-02-26 Pictures of Dragons: Is having a drawing of a dragon in your house bad since Satan is depicted as a dragon?
2018-02-14 Pets in Heaven: Is there any evidence in the bible that animals, our pets, are going to be in heaven?
2017-11-28 Pearls to Swine: What does that verse mean? Does this mean not sharing with those of alternate beliefs, like the Jehovah Witnesses & Mormons? [Matthew 7:6]
2017-11-07 Uses of the word "dog" in the Bible: The use of the term "dogs" in the Bible, are there 4 different meanings?
2017-10-04 Pets Going to Heaven: Do pets going to heaven? Is there any evidence in the Bible that they do?
2017-06-23 Eating Meat, Killing Animals: Aren't you killing animals when you eat meat so shouldn't we all become vegetarians?
2017-05-16 Faith of Canaanite Woman: I'm having a very hard time with Matthew 15:22-28, could you shed some light on it? [Matthew 15:22-28]
2017-02-06 Euthanasia of Pets: How do you feel about the euthanasia of animals & pets?
2016-11-03 Writing the Law: Did the Kings have to write the laws down themselves? [Deuteronomy 17:18]
John the Baptist & Locusts: They weren't supposed to eat insects, so how does John the Baptist & eating grasshoppers fit together? [Deuteronomy 14:19]
Noah & 7 animals: So why did Noah take 7 of some animals, where did he get that from?
2016-10-07 "Not Good for Man to be Alone": Is God just being practical about procreation or implying something romantic when He indicates that it is "not good for man to be alone"? [Genesis 2:18]
2016-06-17 Irregular Colored Animals: Jacob taking the irregular colored animals, stiped, spots or speckles, is this some type of superstition prenatal influence? [Genesis 30:7]
2016-04-11 Pets going to Heaven: Are pets going to be in heaven?
2016-03-30 Unicorns in the Bible: Where it says in Numbers about the trength of the unicorns, it seems like they've actually discovered unicorns, validating the Bible even more. [Numbers 23:22, Numbers 24:8]
Christograms such as Fish: Is there any type of taboo of making our own Christogram, like the fish?
2016-03-30 Animals Vegetarian before the Fall: If animals before the Fall were vegetarians, why the claws & teeth of the lions, for example?
2016-02-25 Sea Cow (Manity): what is a sea cow? (A Manity) [Exodus 35:21-23]
2015-12-28 Animals sinning: Animals don't sin, do they?
2015-12-21 Calculation problems w/ Noah's Ark: It just seems like an impossibility all the logistics involving all the animals in Noah's ark. How would it be possible? All the food, all the clean up. [Genesis 6]
2015-10-14 Chronicles of Narnia: What do you think of the C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, fantasy & fiction, verses reality, especially since they have witches in them & such?
Leviathan: How literal should we take Leviathan?
2015-09-25 Animal Immortality before the Fall: Did animal & plants die before the Fall? [Genesis 1:30]
2015-09-22 Balaam's Donkey: Does Steve think God just opened the mouth of the donkey & his OWN thoughts came out, or was it God speaking, sort've using the donkey as a ventriloquist? [Numbers 22:28]
Witch of Endor & Samuel speaking to Saul: Could that be the exact same situation, not really Samuel speaking? [1 Samuel 1:15-28]
2015-05-05 The Millennial Reign: Will it be governed by the Mosaic Law or by the Law of non-aggression? How would Jesus reign on David's Throne? what about wild animals eating straw, mingling w/ the Lamb & the children? Where can I learn more about this?
2015-04-08 Mythical Unicorn: Were there really Unicorns? Or, does the bible passage mean something different?
2015-03-27 Animals in Heaven: Animals in Heaven.
Steve is very dedicated: Steve being dedicated to his Ministry.
Red letter Edition - Don C. Harris: Is Steve familiar w/ Don Harris or the ministry of Red Letter Edition?
2015-03-17 Cock shall not Crow: Jesus told Peter the cock would not crow before Peter denied Him 3 times, so was that a man or a rooster crowing? [luke 22:34]
2015-03-03 Pets going Heaven: Do pets go to heaven? But what about Ecclesiastes 3:21? If they do go to heaven, what do they do to go there, to get there? [Ecclesiastes 3:21]
2015-03-03 Pets in Heaven: Dogs incessantly barking in heaven, so it wouldn't be heaven, having to hear them!
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