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Topic: Animals (Pets, Dogs)

Showing 101 to 118 of 118.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-09-10 Races: How is possible for all these races to come from a single family of the same race? Caller thinks it's possible God created people of different races after the Flood, or during the Tower of Babel.
Kangaroos & Dingos: How did the Kangaroos & Dingos get separated from all the other animals?
Ron Wyatt: Caller feels Ron Wyatt discovered from pretty important, amazing, discoveries, such as Noah's Ark, Moses' Mountain.
2014-08-11 Being saved before the Cross: How were people saved before Jesus died? [Hebrews 11, Romans 4]
Diet in Heaven (New Earth): What kind of food are we going to eat on the other side of the glory?
Bugs in Heaven: Are there going to be bugs in Heaven?
2014-07-22 Carcasses & Eagles Gathering: What did Jesus mean by, "Where the carcasses are the Eagles will gather"? [Matthew 24:28]
2014-07-18 Disagreement: Caller disagrees that Steve only has a radio face!
Animals/Pets: Do animals/pets go to heaven? Will there be animals there?
2014-06-06 Roosters Crowing during Jesus' times: Were there really Roosters crowing during the time of Peter's betrayal of Jesus?
2014-06-06 Cock Crowing: Caller calls regarding a previous call about Roosters crowing to remind Steve that there was chickens even in Jesus' day because He mentions about hens protecting her young. [Matthew 23:37]
2014-06-05 Giants & Grasshoppers: People do use those type of expressions, hyperbole, of Grasshoppers, even if someone is only a foot shorter, so you were right in what you told a recent caller about giants.
2014-05-12 Computer literacy Programs: Libraries give lessons on how to use a computer.
Skin of the animal required blood of animal: Even the animal skins that Adam & Eve got from God, that required blood from the animal.
2014-02-19 Pets in the Bible: What does the Bible say about pets being in heaven?
2014-01-10 Jacob & the Spotted Animals: What was the story about Jacob & the spotted animals about? [Genesis 30:25 - 31:16]
2013-09-23 Seeing our Loved Ones: Will we see our loved ones in heaven?
Animals in Heaven: Will animals go to Heaven?
Forgiving Ex-Husand: Caller is trying to forgive her husband.
2013-08-20 Animals having Souls: Caller thinks animals might have souls.
Jesus "Coming": The angels told us that Jesus would "come" in the same way He went, so how could He have come back in 70 AD? [Acts 1:11]
2013-07-25 "Dog" in Scripture: In addition to referencing gentiles, can you give other meanings of the word "dog" when used symbolically in scripture? [Philippians 3:2, Revelation 22:15, Deuteronomy 23:18, Matthew 15:22-28, Matthew 7:6]
2013-06-21 Pets in Heaven: Will we see our pets in Heaven?
Job's Wife: Job's wife didn't seem to accept the tribulation, suffering & calamity that had suddenly happened.
2013-06-10 Light Before the Sun: How was there was light before the Sun was created on the 4th day? [Genesis 1:3-5, Genesis 1:14-19]
Animals on the Ark: Why is it barely ever mentioned that Noah actually brought seven pairs of a lot of the animals, not just 2 by 2? [Genesis 7:1-2]
2013-02-08 A Serpent Speaking: How come Eve wasn't shocked that a Serpent was talking to her?
2013-01-28 Pre-historic Animals: In what part of the timeline would you place the prehistoric animals? Prior to man? During Adam's creation?
Drawings of Animals & People in Caves: What about all the drawing of animals & people in caves?
2013-01-25 Dog Returning to its Vomit: What does this mean that a dog returns its vomit? [Proverbs 26:11, 1 Peter 2:22]
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