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Topic: Tribulation

Showing 101 to 150 of 212.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-03-18 Coronavirus Pandemic: It seems like this coronavirus is just the beginning of the "great tribulation". what do you think?
2020-03-12 Great Tribulation: Are we, as Christians, promised protection from the "Great Tribulation"? [Revelation 3:10, 7:14, Matthew 24:21, John 17:15, Exodus 11, Psalm 91:1-8].
2020-03-10 Sin that Keeps Reoccurring: How does one deal with reoccurring sin that seemingly can't be beat? How does God forgive in this situation? [Matthew 1:21, I Peter 2, Psalm 119:11].
Tribulation & Rapture: Could you clarify more about the various positions on the tribulation and rapture? [I thessalonians 4:16-17].
2020-02-21 Illumination of Conscience: What do you think of doctrine "the illumination of conscience"?
Left Behind or Taken Where?: Regarding the rapture & tribulation, particularly the verse in Matthew about "one taken" ... is it to heaven or hell? [Matthew 23, Luke 17, Psalm 91, Proverbs 2, I Thessalonians 4, I Corinthians 15].
2020-02-07 Calvary Chapel Doctrines Contrasted to Bible: Can you help me sort through what the Bible actually says in contrast to how I was taught by Calvary Chapel? [Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, I Thessalonians 4].
2020-01-17 Tribulation: Would you clarify the timing of the tribulation, the rapture,and the return of Christ? [John 6:40].
2019-12-30 Future Tribulation & Book of Revelation: So you don't believe the book of Revelation is still for the future? What about Daniel & the Statue of the 4 kingdoms? What about the Lion, Bear, Leopard & a Beast w/ 10 horns? Don't you think they all represent stuff that are still supposed to happen in the future? Doesn't Jesus' Kingdom still need to be setup in the future? [Daniel 2, 7, Daniel 2:44-45, Revelation 13]
2019-05-29 Suffering: God promises to take care of us, but when bad things happen, it seems as though He doesn't come through. How do we sort that? [Matthew 10:29, Psalm 119, Hebrews 2:10,
2019-04-25 End Times: Do you believe in a future tribulation? And what about the rapture and the "Man of Sin" rising? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-10, Matthew 24:21].
2019-03-18 Tribulation & Testing: Are the verses about being kept, or kept from the wicked one, about being protected from trials and testing, as in the Roman world? Is this related to the pre-trib rapture and the tribulation? [John 17:15].
2019-02-25 Rape & losing Faith: What should a person say to a someone who says she is a Christian who was sexually assaulted, but is now losing her faith?
2019-01-24 Doomsday Predicted: Doomsday is right around the corner, according to former California governor Jerry Brown, & Abortion is legal in NY up until the day of birth.
2019-01-10 Eschatology: Do you believe in the eschatological 1000 year reign and the 7 yr tribulation?
2018-12-17 Personal Suffering: Do you have any Scripture relating to reasons for suffering, because I'm all of sudden going through financial loss, romantic loss, health loss, & wondering what do to do, what Scripture I can rely on? [Job, 1 Peter 1, 2 Corinthians, Romans 8:18]
2018-06-20 Events Surrounding the Jesus' Crucifixion: Caller thinks the righteous people being raised out of the grave, the sun darkening, the earthquake happening, the curtain of the temple being torn in 2, all these events are the "great tribulation" that Jesus was talking about. [Matthew 27]
2018-05-21 Great Tribulation: Is there going to be another Great Tribulation in the future? I know you think it happened in 70 AD, but is there going to be a future one also?
The Great Commission: At the Great Commission, Jesus' disciples went to Galilee like He said, it says that some of them doubted. Is this talking about just the 11 Disciples or others that doubted? Matthew 28:16-17
2018-05-21 The Ability of Demons: Can the demons block your prayers?
2018-04-23 People's Suffering: Suffering is not God's will.
2018-04-17 The Great Tribulation: God causing the Great Tribulation, it being His wrath, people are wrong about that because it's not the case; it's the devil causing it. [1 Corinthians 14:33]
2018-04-17 Olivet Discourse to the Jews: Wasn't Jesus warning the Jews about the upcoming tribulation in the Olivet Discourse?
2018-03-19 Eschatology (Last Days) Timeline: Tell me if I got these right: rapture first, anti Christ, tribulation, Armageddon, & then the return of Christ?
2018-03-07 Rapture in Relation to the Tribulation: When does the rapture fit into the 3 views of the tribulation? (Pre trib, mid-trib, post-trib)
2018-02-28 Images of God: People thinking God (Jesus) needs to look a certain way.
Parable of the Sower: In the parable of the sower, are they all Christians being talked about?
Tribulation: Is there going to be great tribulation in the last days? (I think Steve forgets to answer it.)
2018-02-02 God Allowing Tragedies: Why does God allow certain tragedies to happen? Why do we always have to believe He had a better idea?
Effects of Sin in Eternity: Will there be lasting effects of present sin in eternity?
2018-01-30 Trial & Suffering Sanctioned by God: Did God create evil, trials & suffering in our lives? [Isaiah 45:7]
2018-01-25 Providing Everything We Need: If there are promises that God will provide all we need, then why are there starving masses in other countries? [Matthew 6:25=34]
2018-01-24 Day of the Lord being the Great Tribulation: Is the Day of the Lord the Great Tribulation?
The Rapture: What about the Rapture?
2017-11-17 Holiness of God & Permitting Suffering: Regarding the goodness/holiness of God, why would an all-loving, all-powerful God not step in & prevent horrific human suffering?
2017-11-13 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: I was always taught that the rapture would happen BEFORE the tribulation. Is this true? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18]
2017-10-30 Satan Oppression or Just Bad Luck: How do we know when it's Satan attacking us or it's just bad luck, & is it important to know the difference between the 2?
2017-10-16 Secret Rapture: Is the rapture going to be pre-trib, mid trib or post trib?
2017-09-26 Assurance of Salvation: I used to be in the Music business, but I developed problems with my ears, & can't do that anymore, but I've been looking at end time events seeming to fall in place, & I'm questioning my salvation & wondering what to do?
2017-09-18 Church being Us: The Church or the Mansions are us!
Drinking Urine & Eating Dung: Where does it say that in Isaiah that if you add or subtract one word in the Bible, you'll drink your own urine & eat your dung? [Isaiah 36:12, Revelation 22:18-19]
2017-08-31 Context of Scripture & Cherry Picking: What can you say about people saying you are are just saying take the Bible in Context so they can skillfully cherry pick from the Bible, but not really taking it in context? Exegesis over proof-texting.
Once Saved, Always Saved: So you say people can lose their salvation? What about people who go through a rough period of time, & go out & perform willful sin? Are they lost during that period of time?
2017-08-07 Sun Shall Be Darkened, Stars Falling: IMMEDIATELY after the tribulation the sun shall be darkened, moon not give her light, stars falling, what does it mean? What does the verses in Revelation about Jesus second coming mean? [Matthew 24:29-30, Revelation 1:7]
2017-07-31 Prosperity & Blessing in OT, Suffering & Persecution in NT: In the Old Testament there seems to be an emphasis that if you live a righteous life, you will prosper, be blessed, but in the New Testament, just the opposite seems to be true, that we'll be suffering more than being blessed.
2017-02-15 Battle of major Bloodshed prophecy: When did that bloodshed take place? [Revelation 9:16, Revelation 14:20]
Building a 3rd Temple: Could a 3rd temple be built & animal sacrificial system start again?
Microchip: And even if we have to end up getting a chip in our hand or forehead, that's not really the Mark of the Beast, is it?
2017-02-09 Amillennialism & Dispensationalism: Isn't there going to be a major Tribulation right before Jesus comes back & how to identify literal interpretation of scripture
2017-01-05 God Permitting Suffering: Why does God allow suffering, especially illnesses, physical problems?
2016-11-14 Getting Angry at God: Agreeing with God about what He has for you, accepting disappointments.
2016-10-12 Storing food: Is that biblical to store food, & how come so many conflicted messages about it because Jesus could come back really soon?
2016-09-19 God Creating Suffering: How can any thinking & compassionate person think God is good if He created a world full of suffering?
2016-09-01 7 Years of Tribulation: Where do the Dispensationalists get the idea about a 7-year tribulation?
Cremation: What are your thoughts on cremation?
2016-08-26 Christian Living Glorifying God: How come people are not glorifying God today? Why are people not coming to Christ now? Persecution now? Christians not drawing other to Christ? [Matthew 5:16, Matthew 5:11, Ephesians 5:8]
Christian Persecution: Caller thinks he's never been persecuted for his faith, but is it coming?
2016-08-15 The (Secret) Rapture: I'm curious about the (secret) Rapture. Are we gone during the Tribulation? I hardly ever hear about it.
2016-07-07 Tribulation in 70 AD: Does you think the tribulation happened in 70 AD? [Matthew 24:21, Luke 21:20-24]
2016-06-23 The Rapture: Differing views about the Rapture? (first caller from nebraska)
2016-05-24 Christians during these Perilous Times: What should we be doing as believers now in these perilous times?
2016-05-24 Christians being in Troubled Times: What should we be doing in these perilous times? Should we be fleeing or stand? Death End Times Last Days Persecution Suffering Tribulation
2016-05-10 God Allowing Stuff to Happen: Is it true that everything that happens to you gets filtered from God?
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