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Topic: Tribulation

Showing 151 to 200 of 212.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-04-12 Paul having the "Marks of the Christ": Paul says he “marks of the Lord” stigmata of Christ, but what exactly does he mean? [Galatians 6:17]
"I am the Door": Why did Jesus use the words like “I am the door" as opposed to anything else, like, 'I am the window', 'I am the roof'? [John 10:9]
2016-03-28 Comforting a loved one with Diagnosis of Cancer: I have a relative who has just been diagnosed with cancer, & I was wondering how to comfort them.
2016-02-26 Spiritual Attacks or God's Testing: I'm trying to differentiate between having spiritual attacks from the devil or is God orchestrating testing?
2016-01-15 Destruction of 70 AD: How can this Scripture be talking about 70 AD since there's been so much worse destruction since then? [Matthew 24:21-22]
2015-11-30 Great Tribulation: When Jesus was speaking the words that they'd be a time of trouble such as has never been before, was He talking about the present time of the first century? [Matthew 24:21]
2015-10-26 Jesus Setting up His Kingdom in Israel: Can you please explain Jesus coming back for the Jews? I thought the Jews didn't believe in Christ?
Tribulation & anti-Christ: Jews will be converted during the Tribulation?
2015-09-14 Graven Images & wearing a cross on a necklace: Is wearing a cross on a necklace considered worshipping a "graven image"?
Prepping or Storing Food: Are you a believer in storing/prepping of food, etc. for a time of trouble?
2015-07-30 Lazarus: Wouldn't that have been cruel of Jesus to bring Lazarus out of Paradise to come back to this cold, cruel world?
Suffering: Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? Jesus suffered more than anyone will suffer, the caller told his friend. Was he right in saying what he said & could have Jesus turned off His nerve endings, & would that have unqualified Him from suffering for us?
2015-07-23 Ruin & Destruction & Relents from Sending Calamity: Is God a good God? In one passage it says He'll have no qualms about making ruin & destruction happening but then in other places He relents from causing calamity. Can Steve explain the contradiction? [Deuteronomy 28:63, Jonah 4:2]
2015-06-25 The Rapture: Caller wants to explain HIS theory about the Rapture, that the Church is going OUT (in the Wilderness) & not UP, 2 groups, 10 Virgins, & Wood, Hay & Stubble & Silver & precious stones, [Matthew 25, 1 Corinthians 3:9-15]
2015-05-22 Tribulation & the Rapture: Steve thinks the Tribulation already happened? But he doesn't think the Rapture has happened yet?
2015-05-19 God Loves Us, but Proof Needed: The caller knows that God loves us, but he needs encouragement because he & his family have been suffering both financially & physically.
2015-05-15 Amillennialism & the Tribulation: How can the Tribulation fit within the 1000 years?
2015-04-29 The Rapture & Tribulation: Caller would like to know what Steve thinks of the Rapture & the Tribulation.
2015-04-07 God Intervening: Why doesn't God intervene & stop bad things from happening, especially for Christians who were praying when they were killed?
2015-02-12 Tribulation & Rapture: Are Christians going to go through the Tribulation or part of it before the Rapture happens?
2015-01-26 Pre-Wrath/Mid-Trib: Is it a strong view that Jesus will come back right before the wrath, or right in the middle of the Tribulation?
2015-01-26 Irony about the Middle East: Shouldn't the Middle Eastern countries be rejoicing since they won't have to go through the tribulation?
2014-10-31 Appreciate of Steve Gregg: Caller is appreciative of Steve Gregg.
Trials that caller had: Caller says how he's been much better after going a period of suffering.
2014-10-17 God & Tough Times: God is not a genie, & that it might be God's will for us going through trials, suffering.
Fundamentalism: Do you ever find that you have to correct people about their Fundamentalism?
2014-08-28 "Slain for the Word of God": Can you explain who the souls are that are crying out that were slain for the word & testimony of God? [Revelation 6:9-11]
Activity in Heaven in Contrast to the New Earth: What is everyone doing in Heaven when they die? I know some things we are doing on the New Earth, but what are we doing in Heaven?
2014-08-11 Motivation for Jews in OT times: What would be the motivation for the Jews in Old Testament times if they knew nothing about having a relationship w/ Jesus Christ or that there was eternal life?
Still having Tribulation: If Jesus overcame the world, & told us to have peace, why do we still have troubles? [John 16:33]
2014-07-30 Bad Experiences on this side of Glory: Are we going to remember bad, horrible experiences that we experienced while here on earth?
2014-07-28 The Church & the Tribulation: Will the Church go through the Great Tribulation or not? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 3:4]
2014-07-22 Great Tribulation: When did the great tribulation which what never be, like never happened or will happen again, fall into the place of history or future? [Matthew 24:21]
Revelation not for us: By you suggesting Revelation was fulfilled in the first century, he seems to be diminishing its value for us.
2014-06-30 Joy of the Lord: Joy of the Lord amidst turmoil.
Meteorology: Can people help support my short program for meteorology so I can make a living? I have to make more than my social security.
2014-06-27 Blessings & Woes: Can you please tell me about the Blessings & Woes in Luke because I seem to align myself w/ the woes but not really the blessings? [Luke 6:20-26]
2014-05-30 Take My Yoke upon you & Resting in Jesus: What does Jesus mean to take His Yoke & rest in Him? [Matthew 11:29-30]
Suffering: You said something profound once regarding suffering, that there's more of it than we can possibly know, but it's just that some of it gets sensationalized & some ignored.
2014-05-22 144,000: Caller thinks the 144,000 weren't raptured, & they were converted during the tribulation. They will be permanently sealed. Does Steve agree?
2014-05-16 Job & his troubles: How long was the duration of Job's suffering? [Job 1-42]
2014-05-16 Job's Suffering: Caller thinks Job's suffering should take a little longer amount of time than Steve said in a recent answer to a question about Job.
Lusting after a woman: Caller wonders if Steve agrees w/ him that it's the number of times you look at a woman as to whether it becomes lust or not, & did he mention that in a previous call?
2014-04-22 Pestilences, Famines & the Law of God: What would the Israelites motivation be for keeping the law if God just sent them bad stuff all the time, such as pestilences & famines, because doesn't the law put you in bondage to sin?
All thing through Christ: It says that we can do ALL things through Christ. Does that mean we can stop sinning? [Philippians 4:13-17, Galatians 5:16]
2014-03-13 Preparing for Disasters - Tribulation: What are your thoughts on preparing for troubled times ahead? [Matthew 6:25-34]
2014-02-20 Hard knocks of Life: Lengthy discussion (half of the show) about the hard knocks of life, & it seems to be happening even when he's seeking righteousness. [Matthew 6:33, Hebrews 11:1]
2014-02-19 The Tribulation & Dispensationalism: With all these completely opposing views about eschatology, doesn't this prove that no one REALLY knows what's going to take place? is it for certainty that a tribulation period will happen & that a rapture will happen?
2014-02-11 Paying for our sins NOW by Suffering: Even though Jesus paid the penalty on the cross for our sins, is it possible that sometimes we have to pay our own debt w/ suffering in the present time before the other side of glory? [1 Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 1:8-9]
2014-01-16 Tribulation: So you seem to think that we are going to go through a tribulation, but it says we are not supposed to go through the wrath of God, so doesn't this necessitate that there's going to be a pre-trib rapture? [1 Thessalonians 5:9, Luke 17:22-37]
2013-12-17 Persecution of Old Testament Characters or Christians: Is Hebrews 11 talking about persecution of Chrstians or is it talking about Old Testament characters? [Hebrews 11]
Charimastic Baptist Church: Is there such a thing as a Charismatic Baptist Church?
2013-12-11 Pre-Wrath (pre-tribulation) Rapture: Can you talk about the pre-wrath (Pre-tribulation), rapture of the saints? [John 6]
2013-11-07 Job's Suffering verses Peace: We need to tell Michael the Buddhist about suffering, not peace. Or what about the things the people in Hebrews 11 suffered instead about obtaining peace at the moment? [Job, Hebrews 11]
2013-10-21 God Providing Everything but So much Suffering: I know it says somewhere in the Bible that God will provide, but why all this suffering & people with lack of stuff? [Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:33]
2013-10-03 Biblical What are the verses for Biblical grounds for divorce? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32]
Steve Gregg Refusing to Divorce: Even though you had grounds for divorce, how come you chose not to iniate the divorce?
Joy & Peace in Suffering: How did you maintain having joy & peace in suffering? [Romans 18:8, 2 Corinthians 4:18]
2013-10-02 Being Caught Up: Caller really thinks the Pre-tribulation rapture is correct, especially in light of 1 Thessalonians. If the great theologians of that day are wrong, how can they be so wrong after studying the same Scripture? [1 Thessalonians 4:15-18]
2013-09-30 Calvinism, Bad Things Happening & Micromanaging: God doesn't micromanage, but what about when God tests us & allows very bad things to happen, isn't that micromanaging?
2013-09-30 "Forever" by Paul David Tripp: Caller wanted to recommend a book by Paul David Tripp called, "Forever" that really talks about bad things happening to us & the fact that we only see things from our perspectives, but God sees things from the whole scheme of things.
2013-09-19 Job's Children: Why did God let Job lose his children? Listener thinks that sounds very mean of God.
2013-08-23 God allowing Evil: God allows evil because we are in a very evil world.
2013-07-11 Christians Excluded from Wrath: Caller believes Christians are exempt from experiencing wrath, and that the "secret" rapture will remove believers from the tribulation. [1 Thessalonians 5:9]
2013-07-11 Daniel's 70 Weeks: Caller thinks there's an interval, a 2,000 year gap, between the 69th & 70th Week described in Daniel. [Daniel 9].
2013-07-11 Current Persecution : Dispesationaliists don't think we will be going through the wrath of God, but what about the fact that there are people suffering horribly right now?
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