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Topic: Temple

Showing 101 to 150 of 208.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-12-04 3rd Temple Donations: If I were to donate to the cause of rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem, would that be a sin?
2019-11-08 Eastern Gate in Prophecy: Is the sealed eastern gate of the city of Jerusalem fulfillment of prophecy? [Ezekiel 44, 46].
2019-10-29 Revelation-Temple Rebuilding: How will the prophecy of the temple and "man of sin" be fulfilled? And how does it apply to us? [2 Thessalonians 2, I Thessalonians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:16].
2019-10-03 Rebuilding of the Temple: Does the temple need to be rebuilt? [Revelation 11].
Regathering of the Jews: Do the Jews need to regather in the future in the land of Israel?
2019-08-07 Shroud of Turin: I think the Shroud of Turin is authentic, and I know it intuitively.
Third Temple: I believe there is going to be a 3rd temple.
Adamic Curse: I think we are still under the Adamic curse, and there will be another holocaust.
2019-08-05 Shroud of Turin: Is the Shroud of Turin the authentic shroud of Jesus?
Third Temple: Will there be a third temple in Jerusalem? [Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 14, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation].
Second Coming: What will trigger the lasts days and the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:14, Ephesians 4:13, Mark 4:29].
2019-08-01 Which Temple: Would you help me sort out how many times Israel was in and out of their land, in exile, and which temple is being talked about in these Old Testament passages?
Other Reliable Bible Teachers: Can you recommend other teachers that exegete as much as you do concerning why some people don't think the same things did or did not happen in Ezekiel.
2019-07-22 Temple Vision in Daniel: What about the temple vision in Daniel, and the claim that the temple still needs to be rebuilt. Why would it be important to still happen? [Ezekiel 40-48, 43:10-11].
2019-07-19 Unequally Yoked: Does it mean that we can't be a friend to unbelievers when scriptures says that we are not to be unequally yoked together? [2 Corinthians 6:14].
Defiling the Temple: How does a person defile the temple of God: [I Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:18-20, 2 Cor].
Belial: Who was Belial and how does that relate? [2 Corinthians 6:15].
2019-06-27 Moses & Divorce: Didn't Moses indicate that one should give a written bill of divorce when putting away his wife? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Defiling the Body (The Temple): What does it mean to defile the body (the temple)? [I Corinthians 6:19, 3:17].
2019-06-26 Chronology of the book of Ezekiel: Is the book of Ezekiel out of chronological order? And does this make the promise of the temple conditional? [Ezekiel 29:1,26, 1:2-3].
2019-06-26 Measuring Temple (Revelation): Who is the John in Revelation, who is to rise and measure the temple? [Revelation 11:1].
2019-06-04 Torn Veil of the Temple: Can you help me resolve the significance of when the veil of the temple was torn and its symbolic meaning relative to a verse in Hebrews? [Matthew 27:51, Hebrews 10:19].
2019-05-24 Jephthah sacrificing his daughter: Jephthah said he'd give God the first thing that came out of the tent & had to sacrifice his daughter {Judges 11:31-39}
Rebuilding a 3rd Temple: Man of Sin being revealed, claiming he is God, won't he need a temple? [2 Thessalonians 2:4]
Secret Rapture: If all the Christians are raptured, who will be here to witness to the wicked? {Luke 17:31-37} 24, 6, 2, 1775
2019-04-25 Temple: What is the significance of the temple and the measurements [Luke 21:24, Revelation 11:2, I Thessalonians]
Debates: When debating, it seems that many may not be being totally honest by often leaving out things that would not serve their points, isn't this like being a false teacher?
2019-04-23 Rebuilt Temple: How are we to understand the rebuilding of the temple described here [Ezekiel 45:22]? When was it fulfilled, or when will it be? [Ezekiel 43:10-11] Contingencies regarding the rebuilding of the temple.
2019-04-01 Temple Sacrifices: Were temple animal sacrifices condemned by God? [Jeremiah 7:21-24]
2019-03-29 Location of the Crucifixion: Where was the temple and where did the events surrounding Jesus's crucifixion take place? What did Mount Moriah, and both David and Solomon's temples represent? [2 Chronicles 3].
2019-03-29 Revelation: Does John measure the temple in his own body or is his spirit - or in somebody else's body? Did John actually get off of Patmos? Who do you think the two witnesses will be? [Revelation 11:1-14].
2019-03-25 Dwelling Places-John 14: Are we to relate the "dwelling places" to the houses "not made with hands"? Should we relate "heavenly house" with "living stones"? [John 14:2-4, 2 Corinthians 5:1]
Tabernacle: Was the tabernacle on the earth a copy of the one in heaven? [Hebrews 5:8] 25 2 2 311
2019-03-13 Timeline-Decrees: Can you clarify the timeline regarding the rebuilding of the temple, Artaxerxes and Zerubbabel. and the decrees? [Ezra 4, Nehemiah 2].
2019-01-22 Jews Returning to Israel: Is there something in scripture that indicates that Jews must still return to the land of Israel? [Zechariah 8].
2019-01-16 Suicide: Is the verse about our bodies being a temple and the defiling of the temple resulting in destruction, actually about suicide not being forgiven? [I Corinthians 3: 16-17].
2019-01-03 The Temple: Where did the original temple stand? Where does the idea about a 3rd temple being rebuilt come from?
2018-12-17 Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD: Why didn't any Christian writer mention the fulfillment in prophecy about the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD after the fact?
2018-12-14 Ezekiel Is the Temple that is described in Ezekiel which hasn't been built still going to be built? [Ezekiel 40:5-24]
Professing Christianity but not: What do you tell someone who claims Christianity but is anything but?
Gap Between the 69th & 70th Week: Gap between the 69th & 70th week [1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, Daniel 9:24-27]
2018-10-17 David's Tabernacle: God will rebuild again the tabernacle of David to its former glory, what does this mean? [Amos 9]
2018-08-07 Eastern Gate of Jerusalem: What is the verse that says the Prince will come through the Eastern Gate? Who is this Eastern Gate for? What prince? Is it Jesus? The Muslims so much believe this passage of Scripture that they have blocked it off. It says that in Zechariah that Jesus stood on the Mount of Olives? Couldn't this just be talking about what Jesus did right before HIs crucifixion? [Ezekiel 40-48, Ezekiel 44:2, Zechariah 14]
2018-07-05 Our Resurrected Bodies in Psalm 23: Is the temple possibly be talking about our resurrected body in Psalms? [Psalms 23:6b]
2018-04-17 A 3rd Temple being Rebuilt: Another temple being built doesn't make sense because there's no priest to cleanse a house infected w/ Leprosy, or Shiloh would remain desolate. [Leviticus 14, Jeremiah 26]
The Kingdom is taken from you: Where does the Dispensationalist go to show that the Kingdom would be taken from the Jews but given back to them at a later date? [Matthew 21:43]
2018-03-22 Boundary Lines for the Millennial Temple: My dad thinks that they are setting the boundaries for the Temple that is going to be built during the Millennium. Is that indeed talking about the same thing as this future temple that they think is going to be built? [Ezekiel 43:10=11]
Open Theism: What is God's foreknowledge? Does God know the entire future?
2018-03-02 Progress of the Narrow Path Ministry: Congratulations on the amount of radio stations you are broadcasting on. You have been doing this for 20 years. Can you tell us a little bit about the progress of your ministry from its start?
Bible Translations: Which translations do you like best that are word-for-word?
Physical Exercise: What do you thinks about the importance of Physical Exercise?
2018-01-19 Not by Might nor by Power: "'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty" & the Candlesticks & Olive Trees, what's all this referring to? [Zechariah 4:6]
2018-01-17 The Veil of the Temple Rent in Twain": Was the Abomination of Desolation when the Veil in the Temple was ripped in two at the Crucifixion, & didn't the Animal Sacrifices actually STOP after that instead of continue for 40 years? [Matthew 27:51]
Anti-Christ & the Temple of God: Isn't the Man of Sin, the Man of Lawlessness, isn't that a future prophecy still yet to be fulfilled? [2 Thessalonians 2]
2018-01-12 The Sign of Jonah: Jonah & the 40 days after he announced to Nineveh that it would be destroyed (but wasn't), is it parallel the 40 yrs after Christ's death the Temple perished?
2018-01-12 Ezekiel's Temple Does Ezekiel's Temple really need to be rebuilt in the future?
2017-12-01 Many Mansions: "In my Father's house are many mansions", what were you saying this means? [John 14:1-4]
The Gift of Prophesying: Is Paul saying that we should seek the gift of prophesy, or is he saying people are seeking that gift more than any other? Paul seems to say accept the spiritual gift that God gives, but then says to seek prophecy. [1 Corinthians 12:
2017-10-03 3rd Temple Being Built: Is Ezekiel predicting a 3rd temple being built?
2017-09-18 My Father's House are many Mansions What does Jesus mean by "where My Father's House is are many mansions"? [John 14:1-4]
2017-09-18 Church being Us: The Church or the Mansions are us!
Drinking Urine & Eating Dung: Where does it say that in Isaiah that if you add or subtract one word in the Bible, you'll drink your own urine & eat your dung? [Isaiah 36:12, Revelation 22:18-19]
2017-08-10 Sacrificial System: Is the sacrificial system going to be reinstated in the end time, the 3rd temple being rebuilt?
2017-08-04 This Generation Will Not Pass Away Until: This generation shall not pass away until all these things shall be fulfilled, what did that mean? [Luke 21:32]
2017-07-17 Jewish Calendar for Prophetic Reckoning: David Hawkins thinks the Jewish Calendar has to be used when calculating Prophecies in Daniel.
Anti-Christ being in the 3rd Temple: Rebuilding the 3rd temple, the anti-Christ is going to be IN the temple, so how can he be in the temple if it doesn't exist?
2017-07-14 Ezekiel's Temple: I need you to please reconsider your position about Ezekiel's temple. [Ezekiel 40-48]
2017-06-07 Gog & Magog in OT & NT: When it's describing Ezekiel's temple in Ezekiel, it talks about gog & magog, so doesn't that translate that another temple really is going to be built since it also talks about Gog & Magog? [Ezekiel 38-49, Revelation 20:7-8]
2017-06-07 Rituals in Old Testament down to the Minute Detail: All these small tiny rituals that had to be done that seem so petty, why were they necessary so exact? [Exodus & Leviticus]
2017-06-06 Tabernacle Decorum: Could the women come anywhere into the outer courtyard of the Temple/tabernacle?
2017-05-10 A 3rd Temple: There's talk of a new millennial temple that is going to be built, & they say it's from Ezekiel, but I can't find anything about a temple there. Will you help me out? [Ezekiel 40-48]
2017-04-27 Christianity in Addition to Judaism: Christianity just an extension of judiasm basically, Jesus being born on Christmas day & resurrected on easter.
A Rebuilt Temple: There's going to be a 3rd Temple built, right?
2017-03-30 Abomination Jerusalem: Could the Abomination of Desolation be in Jerusalem & what about the Man of Sin? [Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2]
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