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Topic: Temple

Showing 151 to 200 of 208.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-02-15 Battle of major Bloodshed prophecy: When did that bloodshed take place? [Revelation 9:16, Revelation 14:20]
Building a 3rd Temple: Could a 3rd temple be built & animal sacrificial system start again?
Microchip: And even if we have to end up getting a chip in our hand or forehead, that's not really the Mark of the Beast, is it?
2017-02-02 Ark of the Covenant: Will the ark of the covenant be there? Is it the same ark that is seen in heaven?
3rd Temple Built: Will there be a 3rd temple built in Israel?
2017-01-25 Steve's Speaking Engagements: Does or would Steve ever come to Spokane, Washington?
Nothing Inhibiting Jesus' Coming: Are all the prophecies fulfilled to not prevent Jesus from coming back right now, or does the 3rd Temple still have to be built?
Planned Parenthood: What about planned parenthood (abortion)?
2016-07-07 Tribulation in 70 AD: Does you think the tribulation happened in 70 AD? [Matthew 24:21, Luke 21:20-24]
2016-06-21 Same or Different Temple: Is this the same temple in Revelation that is being built in Ezekiel? [Revelation 11, Ezekiel 40]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: So you don't think the book of Revelation was written during Domitian's reign (95 AD)?
2016-06-20 Holy Spirit occuping a Defiled Temple: If the Holy Spirit of God is in us, how is it that He can live in sinful man?
2016-05-12 Evangelicals & Dispensationalists & the Nation of Israel: Caller doesn't like this idea of being distracted by the ethnic nation of Israel & a 3rd Temple being built. We need to focus on Christ.
2016-05-05 Commentary on Ezekiel 43: Can you explain what is being said here in Ezekiel? [Ezekiel 43:10-11]
2016-05-04 Book of Enoch: So since Jude quoted from the Book of Enoch, does that mean it was an inspired book? [June 1:14]
Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD: Is Matthew 24, Luke 21 & Mark 13 talking about the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD? [Matthew 24, Luke 21, Luke 17, Mark 13]
2016-05-03 Physical Temple of Ezekiel to a Spiritual Temple of Revelation: How to do tie a real physical temple of Ezekiel 43 with a "spiritual" one? You seem to make it a physical one in Ezekiel to a spiritual one in the same chapter. [Revelation 22, Ezekiel 43:10-12]
2016-03-08 New Covenant Law: Is there such thing as "new covenant" law?
Ezekiel's Temple: Has Ezekiel's Temple yet come to be?
2016-01-15 Dwarfs, Hunchbacks & Defects in the Eye: So people who are dwarfs, have hunchbacks or defects in their eye, they were less of a person than everyone else & couldn't go into the Temple? Can you please explain this because my daughter is a dwarf, & I've hesitated to mention this passage of Scripture to her. [Leviticus 21:16-23]
2015-12-28 Jews building a Tabernacle: How come the Jews, since they don't believe in Jesus, can't just build a tabernacle so they can start the sacrificial system again?
2015-12-01 Dispensationalism & Temples: Dispensationalists believe a 3rd temple will be built again before Christ comes back, but do they think that will be the same one that will be in the millennium?
Ezekiel's Temple: Is the temple that is talked about in Ezekiel 43-48 referring to the church?
2015-10-16 Temple Institute - Rebuilding the Temple: Would it be a sin or offense against Christ to financially support the building of the 3rd Temple in Israel?
2015-08-31 The Book of Ezekiel: Why is there so much repetition in the book of Ezekiel, especially in the last 9 chapters about the Temple & the Land?
2015-08-13 Mark of the Beast: Caller thinks the end of the world is actually happening now because there's so much talk about the 3rd Temple, but also wants to know what Steve think the Mark of the Beast is going to be? A microchip?
Man of Sin Dwelling in the Temple: What about Man of Sin that is going to be dwelling in the Temple? [2 Thessalonians 2]
2015-07-15 Tithing: Isn't the Church like the temple of the Old Testament, so what's wrong w/ Tithing?
2015-05-28 Blessing & Cursing Israel: Does not the Bible says that those who "bless Israel will be blessed & those who curse Israel will be cursed"! [Genesis 12:3]
We Are the Temple of God: Regarding "Temple of the Holy Spirit", why didn't Steve also go to 1 Corinthians 6:19? [1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19]
2015-05-22 SAINT Jesus?: Someone referred to Jesus as Saint Jesus, & caller was wondering Steve's thoughts about that.
We are the Temple of God: We are the Temple of God, can't kill ourselves, have to be careful what we put in it, & asks Steve about that. [1 Corinthians 3:16-17]
2015-05-13 Rebuilding of the Temple: Is it true that they are in the process of rebuilding the Temple like everyone is predicting?
2015-04-15 Son of Man: Why is Ezekiel referred to as "the son of man" 90 times in the book of Ezekiel?
Vision of the Bronze Man: Going away from the sacrificial system but coming back to it, is that what that vision is saying? [Ezekiel 40-48]
2015-04-07 Gospel of Mark Date of Writing: When is it believed that the Gospel of Mark was written & distributed?
Abomination of Desolation: What is the Abomination of Desolation, when did it occur & how did it occur? Were the Disciples still alive when it happened, & IF they were, how come they didn't say anything about it? [Mark 13:14, Daniel 9, 10, 11]
2015-03-20 God's Glory in the Temple: Did God's glory remain in the Temple throughout the entire time until Jesus declared God had left it? [Ezekiel 11:23, Ezekiel 43:4, Matthew 23:8]
Wailing Wall (Western Wall): (aka as the Kotel) What about the Wailing Wall, how come it wasn't destroyed since Jesus said not one stone upon another will remain? [Matthew 24:2]
2015-03-20 God's Glory in the Temple: Did God's glory remain in the Temple throughout the entire time until Jesus declared God had left it? [Ezekiel 11:23, Ezekiel 43:4, Matthew 23:8]
Wailing Wall (Western Wall): (aka as the Kotel) What about the Wailing Wall, how come it wasn't destroyed since Jesus said not one stone upon another will remain? [Matthew 24:2]
2014-11-13 Revelation 11 & Daniel 12: Trampling of the courts, the outside court, & caller thinks there's going to be a restoration of the temple. [Revelation 11, Daniel 12, Isaiah 1] [Editor's note: I have NO idea what the caller is saying.]
2014-10-13 Downplaying a Centralized Place to Worship: When Jesus was talking to the Samaritan Woman, He was telling her that there soon wouldn't be a central temple to worship God, so why would Dispensationalists think there needs to be a 3rd temple in the Millennium? [John 4:20-24]
2014-10-10 "Not One Stone Left Upon Another": Jesus said that not one stone would be left upon another, but what about the Wailing Wall? Was He just talking in hyperbole, exaggerating, not being literal? Why do people cry in front of it?
2014-09-22 No Dispensationalism, no 1948 Israel: Didn't some of the church fathers believe in a restoration of the land of Israel?
A future war of surrounding Israel: Caller has his Scripture ideas as to why there is going to be a future onslaught of Israel: "Redemption draweth nigh", there's no redemption in 70 AD; "There shall be a tribulation such as has never been before", & he feels 70 AD pales in comparison to the Holocaust. And then Satan makes war w/ the woman, caller correctly point out that the woman is remnant Israel. [Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:15, Revelation 12:17]
2014-09-12 Two Witnesses & Dating of Revelation: Would you say the 2 Witnesses are literal or figurative? They seem to be more literal than figurative when you read it, & i'm going back & forth on the date of when the book of Revelation was written. [Revelation 11:3-19]
List of Cities in Revelation: If the book of Revelation is indeed about the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, why is the prophecy of Revelation sent to cities in Asia, so far away from Jerusalem?
Temple of God: Why are we going back to the Temple of 70 AD when Paul says that we are now the Temple, & that the Holy Spirit dwells in us? [Revelation 11:1-2, 1 Corinthians 3:16]
2014-08-12 Hyper-Dispensationalists & Rebuilding of the Temple: Isn't it blasphemous to think Dispensationalists need to build another temple?
2014-07-16 (1) Jesus Crucifying Animals in the Millennium: There won't be future animal sacrifices like Dispensationalists purport, right? [Ezekiel 25:22, Ezekiel 40-48]
(2) Jesus as Lord & God (His dual nature): So what do you think about Paul & Thomas calling Jesus Lord & God?
(3) Replacement Theology & (4) The Body of Christ (Church): (3) We are to have nothing to do w/ the Old Covenant, isn't that right? (4) Do you think of the Body of Christ - His Church - going to ultimately prosper?
2014-07-11 Calvinism & Dispensationalism: What is the difference between Calvinism & Dispensationalism? You used to be a Calvinist or a Dispensationalist but not anymore? [Editor's Note: I think she obviously meant Calvinism & Arminianism.]
Cyrus rebuilding the temple: 400 year gap, so the temple was still standing during King Herod's time?
2014-07-09 Dispensationalism: Is this a fair definition of Dispensationalism: Is their belief that when the Lord of glory returns, He's going to rule for 1000 years out of Jerusalem, & there's going to be a rebuilt temple & animal sacrifices?
2014-07-03 Future Temple: Is there a Future Temple to be built? [Ezekiel 40-48]
2014-06-04 Rope tied around a High Priest: Where do we get the idea that a rope had to be tied around a High Priest's ankle when he entered the Most Holy Place in the Temple in case he had sin in his life & was struck dead? Is it anywhere in the Bible?
Curtain being torn in 2: Could it be that the tradition started between the time when the curtain of the Temple between the Holy Place & the Most Holy Place was rent in twain after Jesus' death & the temple being destroyed in 70 AD?
2014-03-13 Transition between Jesus' death & 70 AD: If we are saying the temple system became kaput & obsolete when Jesus died & rose again, & therefore there's no use for it in the future, premillennialists will say, "well, if that's true, there was no use for it between the time Jesus died & the time it was destroyed in 70 AD then either". [1 Corinthians 9:19-22]
Abomination of Desolation: So what was the Abomination of Desolation? [Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21:20]
2013-12-03 The Greater Glory of the Latter Temple: What is Haggai 2 saying, especially verse 9 where it talks about a greater temple? [Haggai 2:1-9, Acts 2:4]
2013-10-09 Ishmael & Isaac Perpetual Enemies: Ray Comfort thinks Ishmael & Isaac decendants are going to be perpetual enemies forever. What do you say?
Rebuilding the Temple: Isn't rebuilding the Temple a big spit in the face to Jesus?
2013-09-23 Glory of God (Shiloh): When did the glory of God Leave the temple? At the ripping of the Curtain?
2013-09-18 Shiloh's Glory Removed: When God removed the glory from Shiloh, it never returned, is that true? [jeremiah 26:6]
The Lord Building a 3rd Temple: Is the Lord going to build a 3rd Temple?
Churches Preaching a 3rd Temple: Why is there so many preachers preaching about the rebuilding of the Temple?
2013-09-18 3rd Temple being built: Steve said that there was no mention of a Temple being built, but it says it in several places, the caller thinks.
2013-08-27 Ark of the Covenant: Many groups claim to have the Ark of the Covenant, but the caller doesn't thinks that's nonsense because if they did, Israel would have a vested interest in it because they want to build the temple again.
Question for Michael the Buddhist: The caller has a question for Michael the Buddhist, wondering if there's division or unity in Buddhism like you find in Christianity.
2013-08-07 Ark of the Covenant for the Future Temple: Call thinks the 3rd Temple is going to be built again, but what happened to the Ark of the Covenant that has to be put in there?
David Jeremiah's View of Peace Treaty: So Steve doesn't agree with David Jeremiah's line of thinking about a peace treaty with Israel, they will be able to resume the animal sacrifical system & then halfway through the antiChrist is going to turn on them & other things that happen with Dispensationalism? [2 Thessalonians 2]
2013-07-30 Blotting Out Names-"Book of Life": Because scripture says only that names are blotted out of the "Book of Life", are our names in there before we are born? [Revelation 3:5].
Ezekiel's Temple Still Future: Caller's pastor thinks there's no way Ezekiel is not talking about a future temple.
2013-06-28 The Holy Spirit's Dwelling: Where else does the Holy Spirit dwell besides in our temples (our bodies)?
"Restrainer" Taken Out of the Way: What is the "restrainer" that is going to be taken out of the way? [2 Thessalonians 2:7]
2013-06-17 Pre-Tribulation & Rapture: When is the rapture supposed to happen?
Temple Mount in Jerusalem: What about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem? Isn't that happening according to prophecy?
2013-05-02 Jesus' Anger as Oppossed to Jesus': If Peter had turned the tables over in the temple, would he have been justified in doing so?
The Sanctity of the Church (building): What about the sanctity of the church building-like those meeting in schools or nightclubs?
The Qur'an (or Koran): Should I be reading the Qur'an if I am not very grounded in the Bible?
2013-04-29 Many Mansions in Heaven: Is the word for "dwelling place" or "mansions" in John 14 talking about us, as believers? [John 14:2, John14:23, Psalm 139:8, I Corinthians 3:16, 2 Chronicles 2:6, I Kings 8:27, Ephesians 2:20-22, I Peter 2:5, I Timothy 3:15, Hebrews 3:6].
2013-04-23 Idolatry & Pagan Sites: Are there some places we should not go to, like pagan ruins, a mosque, or temple and worship sites, etc.?
Tower of Babel: Some say that the space program is analagous to the "Tower of Babel" - what do you think?
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