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Topic: Second Coming (Return of Christ)

Showing 101 to 150 of 359.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-06-10 Zechariah's View: Could you clarify what Zechariah is talking about when he says that "His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives"? [Zechariah 14:4, Ezekiel 11].
2021-05-25 'Four Blood Moons" & Jewish Traditions: What verses could I share with those that are really excited about the coming "four blood moons" and "Shemitah"? [Ephesians 4:14].
2021-05-19 Visible, Unmissable, Return of Christ: If Jesus was going to visibly come back, then why did Paul describe signs to look for, so that they would not miss it, trying to reassure any who though they missed it? [2 Thessalonians 2, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 4, I Thessalonians 1:8].
Secret Rapture: What do you say to those that think "the rapture" taking place in secret, and why did Paul describe so many signs for it?
Barnabas Suggestion; 6,000 years till Christ's Return: What do you think about Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas) suggesting that the return of Christ would happen after 6,000 years?
2021-05-19 Visible, Unmissable, Return of Christ: If Jesus was going to visibly come back, then why did Paul describe signs to look for, so that they would not miss it, trying to reassure any who though they missed it? [2 Thessalonians 2, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 4, I Thessalonians 1:8].
Secret Rapture: What do you say to those that think "the rapture" taking place in secret, and why did Paul describe so many signs for it?
Barnabas Suggestion; 6,000 years till Christ's Return: What do you think about Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas) suggesting that the return of Christ would happen after 6,000 years?
2021-05-19 Visible, Unmissable, Return of Christ: If Jesus was going to visibly come back, then why did Paul describe signs to look for, so that they would not miss it, trying to reassure any who though they missed it? [2 Thessalonians 2, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 4, I Thessalonians 1:8].
Secret Rapture: What do you say to those that think "the rapture" taking place in secret, and why did Paul describe so many signs for it?
Barnabas Suggestion; 6,000 years till Christ's Return: What do you think about Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas) suggesting that the return of Christ would happen after 6,000 years?
2021-05-18 Partial Preterist's Looking for Signs of His Coming: Do Partial Preterists have specific signs they think are indicating the coming of the Lord, as the Dispensationalist do? [Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Satan Loosed: What does it look like when "Satan is loosed" in end times? [Revelation 20, Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-05-05 Imminent Second Coming: Do you think that "The Second Coming" is near? [Acts 1:7, Luke 19:13].
2021-04-26 Salvation after the Rapture: If someone is not taken up in the rapture, can they still be saved? Recommended lecture: When Shall These Things Be? at [I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, John 6:40, John 6:44, John 6:54, 2 Peter 3].
2021-04-05 Order of the Events of the Day of the Lord: Regarding the "Day of the Lord", could you help me grasp the order of events? [John 6, John 12, 2 Peter 3, Matthew 24, I Corinthians 1:7].
2021-03-24 Order of Events of End Times Views: Could you clarify the order of events for both the Premillennial View and the Amillennial View of Jesus' return and the rapture? [John 6:39, John 6:44, John 6:54. 2 Peter 3:13].
Binding of Satan: What about the binding of Satan for 1000 years and how it fits into the Premillennial and Amillennial views of end times? [Revelation 20:2-3, Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27, Colossians 2:15, 2 Thessalonians 1:8]
2021-03-23 Confusing the Advents of Christ by Amillennialists: Why do Amillennialists confuse the first advent with His second advent in Matthew? [Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:34, Matthew 23:30, Isaiah 19:1, Matthew 24:2-3, Matthew 16:28, Acts 1:7].
2021-03-17 Signs for the Coming of the Lord: What are the signs for the return of Christ, if we think a large part of Revelation was already fulfilled in 70 A.D. [Matthew 24:34-37, Matthew 24:44, Acts 1:6, I Thessalonians 5:1-3].
2021-02-09 Praying for Jesus' Return: Are we really to be praying for Jesus to come back, because aren't we then praying for things to get really bad (as in the tribulation)? [Matthew 6:10].
2021-02-08 Seventh Day Adventists-Great Disappointment: Isn't it hypocritical of you to criticize the Seventh Day Adventists making a mistake about Jesus' return in 1844, since you also have made mistakes in the past about Dispensationalism?
2021-02-02 Full Preterism & Don Preston: Is it possible that Don Preston is correct about Full-Preterism?
Jesus Really Coming Back: Do you really believe that Jesus is going to come back and establish a new heavens and earth?
2021-01-20 State Over the Savior: What do you think about a global church who worships the state over the Savior?
Amillennial & Post-Millennial: Could you clarify the different reasons for adhering to Amillennialism and Post-Millennialism, and who are the best advocates for both? [2 Thessalonians 1, Revelation 20].
2021-01-08 The Rapture: Will we be raptured? [I Thessalonians 4:16-18, I Thessalonians 1:10, John 6:39-40, John 6:44, John 12:48].
2021-01-08 The Parable of the Unwise Virgins (Bridesmaids): Could you clarify the meaning of the parable of the unwise virgins (bridesmaids)? [Matthew 25:1-13, I Thessalonians 4:17, Acts 28:15].
2021-01-04 Distinction Between 70 A.D. and the Second Coming: Could you help me sort out what verses refer to when the destruction of the temple and what refers to the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:25, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33-36].
2021-01-04 Ezekiel's Temple: What is Ezekiel's Temple?
Jesus' Return on a Jewish Fall Feast Day: What do you think about the idea of Jesus' return must be fall on a Jewish fall feast days?
2020-12-31 Jesus Departs for The Holy Spirit to Come: Why did Jesus have to leave for the Holy Spirit have to come?
Holy Spirit Depart after Jesus' Return: When Jesus comes back, will we lose the Holy Spirit?
2020-12-31 Full Preterists Don't Believe in Jesus Return: Do some preterists believe that Jesus will not be coming back?
2020-12-08 Rapture or Second Coming: Is this verse in Revelation 11 about the rapture or second coming of Christ? [Revelation 11:15, John 12:48].
2020-12-03 Imminent Coming of Jesus Christ: What do you think about the imminent coming of Christ? [2 Thessalonians 2].
2020-12-02 Olivet Discourse and Second Coming of Christ: Isn't the first portion of the Olivet Discourse (Matt 24) more about AD 70, and then shifts to the Second Coming? [Matthew 24-25, Luke 17, Luke 21, Mark 13].
2020-12-01 Christians Surprised by the 2nd Coming of the Lord: Will Christians be surprised at the 2nd coming of the Lord? [I Thessalonians 5:4-8, Matthew 24:43-51, 2 Peter 3:10, Matthew 25:1-13].
Watching & Losing Sleep: When "watching" is referred to in scripture, is it saying that we literally should be losing sleep as we look for the coming of the Lord? [Matthew 25:1, Ephesians 6:18].
Body, Soul, Spirit in the Lake of Fire: Will the body, soul, and spirit be thrown in the lake of fire?
2020-12-01 Christians Surprised by the 2nd Coming of the Lord: Will Christians be surprised at the 2nd coming of the Lord? [I Thessalonians 5:4-8, Matthew 24:43-51, 2 Peter 3:10, Matthew 25:1-13].
Watching & Losing Sleep: When "watching" is referred to in scripture, is it saying that we literally should be losing sleep as we look for the coming of the Lord? [Matthew 25:1, Ephesians 6:18].
Body, Soul, Spirit in the Lake of Fire: Will the body, soul, and spirit be thrown in the lake of fire?
2020-11-09 Guest, Sam Frost, former Full-Preterist discusses the Second Coming and the Enthronement of Christ: Guest, Sam Frost, former Full-Preterist, and author of "The Parousia of the Son of Man", talks with Steve about eschatology, the timing and kingship of the return of Christ. [Daniel 2, Daniel 7:13, Matthew 24, Acts 4:25, Psalm 2:6].
2020-10-21 Premillennial View of Christ's Return: Could you explain why you reject the premillennial view of Christ's return?
F. F. Bruce & Amillennialism: Was F. F. Bruce an Amillennialist?
2020-10-20 Today's 21st Century View: In light of the Amillennial view, where exactly in scripture do we put today's (21st Century) events? [Revelation 20:9].
2020-10-15 What is Yet to Come in the Book of Revelation: What do you think is still left to happen in the book of Revelation? [1Thessalonians 4, Acts 1:11, Revelation 11:15, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Matthew 24:2, Revelation 1:1, Luke 21:7].
2020-09-16 Feast of Tabernacles for the Return: Why do the Dispensationalists and others think that the feast of trumpets relate to the return of Christ? [Acts 2:1, Leviticus 20, Numbers 29:1, John 1:14, Acts 1:7, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:44].
2020-08-14 The Movie, "The Coming Convergence": Have you heard of the movie, "The Coming Convergence" and could you give me some feedback about the predictions from it? [Ezekiel 38-39, Matthew 24].
2020-08-11 Calvary Chapel, 1970s: Caller reminisces with Steve about their mutual time at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa in the 1970s.
Parable of the Ten Virgins: Could you comment on the parable of the ten virgins? [Matthew 25:1-13].
2020-07-27 Satan Loosed Before Jesus Comes: Do you think that we are in the season where Satan has been loosed before His return (Amillennial View)? [Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-07-07 Personal Effects & Contacts Lost: Jim is sad that he's lost a lot of his personal papers because of Coronavirus, & would like people to please contact him who he used to have as contacts because he lost all those contacts & would like to have them again.
Amillennialism & End Times: How does the Amillennial view and timeline fit into today's view of end times and Revelation? [Revelation 20, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-07-01 Many Mansions & Heaven: Is the verse about the many mansions talking about heaven? [John 14:2].
Heaven, Many Mansions & the Holy City: Is the verse about "many mansions" referring to the same thing as the "holy city" in Revelation 21:2 [John 14:2, Revelation 21:2, I Corinthians 3:16, I Peter 2:5, Ephesians 2:19-21].].
2020-06-25 Jesus Return: Do we have another 900 generations to go before Jesus' return? [Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 50:10, Psalm 90:4, Psalm 84:10, Revelation 20:2-7].
2020-06-24 Time of Trouble Right before Jesus Comes Back: As a Partial Preterist Amillennialist, how do you interpret Daniel 12:1 ? [Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:36-39, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Revelation 20:7-8].
Jesus Return & Current Events: With all the frightening current events, do you think Jesus could come back right now? [1 Thessalonians 5:3].
2020-06-18 Hosea and Prophesy of End Times: Does Hosea talk about end times and the second coming of Christ? [Hosea 5:14-15]
2020-06-15 Jesus Return to & for His Church: I have heard that Jesus is going to come to His church before He comes for His church. What do you think of this?
2020-06-11 Return to Earth: In the book "The Last Hour" by Amir Tsarfati, the author says we will return to earth, could you talk about that? [Genesis 3, Revelation 5:10, 2 Timothy 2, Psalm 2:8].
2020-06-09 The Rapture & The Second Coming: Would you help me understand the options relative to the return of Christ and the rapture?
2020-06-05 Literal Temple in the Future: Will there be a literal temple rebuilt by the Jews in the future?
Revelation Entirely Symbolic: Is the book of Revelation entirely symbolic? [Revelation 11:1-2, Matthew 23:39].
2020-05-26 Jesus Return & the Millennium (1,000 years): Did Jesus already came back for 1,000 years, or is He coming back in the future for 1,000 years?
Dispensationalism vs Amillennialism: Would you help me to sort out Dispensational & Amillennial views about end times? [Revelation 20].
2020-05-20 Left Behind & Took Away: Where is the one taken, and what is going on with the one left behind? [Matthew 24:38-40, Psalm 91:7-8, Luke 17, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-05-19 Seeing the Second Coming Through Telescopes: Do you think that it would be possible that people could see Jesus returning via telescopes before most of us would see it? [I Thessalonians 5:2, 1 Corinthians 15:52].
Someone Who Won't listen to Steve Gregg: How would you respond to someone that won't listen to you, Steve Gregg, because of his conviction that you are not obedient to scripture according to Isaiah? [Isaiah 8:20].
2020-05-15 Second Coming or 70 AD: Could you help me sort out when the biblical language seems to be more about the destruction of the temple in 70AD, or the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24, Luke, Mark, I & 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 & 2 Corinthians].
2020-05-14 Dispensationalism & Dual Covenants: Do Dispensationalists believe that Jews will be saved outside of Christ? [Hebrews 8:13, Zechariah 12:10].].
Full-Preterism: Who could I read that would present the case for Full Preterism? [Revelation 11].
2020-05-06 Revelation-Trumpets & Bowls of Wrath: Could you help me sort out the 7th Trumpet and the bowls of wrath and how it relates to the Second Coming? [Revelation 11, Revelation 16].
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