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Topic: Second Coming (Return of Christ)

Showing 201 to 250 of 359.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-02-01 Christ's Mission - 2 Phases: Christ's mission was divided into 2 missions, but why couldn't He have just done it all in the first Advent?
2019-01-31 Hasting the Day of the Lord: "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God", what does that mean? How can we "hasten" Jesus' coming? [2 Peter 3:12]
2019-01-30 Angles taking us up: When it says angels will take people to heaven, is that what occurs during the rapture, angles taking us up? [Mark 13:27]
2019-01-23 Rapture: Is it true that there is no rapture, but it only happens at the second coming?
2019-01-21 God Crushing or Bruising Satan: How do we understand "crushing Satan shortly"? [Romans 16:17-20, I Corinthians 1, Acts 1:7].
2019-01-17 Jesus' Return & Maturation of the Church: If Jesus is waiting for the church to mature before He returns, what signs will we see to know when that is happening? [Mark 4:29, John 12:24, Ephesians 4:12-16, I John 3:14, Matthew 24:3-31, 48, Luke 12:48].
2019-01-04 Jesus' Departure & Return: Why did Jesus have to leave if He is going to come back again anyway?
Old Testament & the Holy Spirit: Didn't the people of the Old Testament have the Holy Spirit too?
Those That Never Hear the Gospel: How will God deal with people in remote places where they may never contacted to hear the gospel?
2018-12-05 Kingdom of God: A heated discussion about whether the Kingdom of God is NOW or after He comes back the second time. [Luke 12:49-53]
Millennium a 1000 Literal Years: Caller also thinks the Millennium HAS to be a literal 1000 years. [Revelation 20]
2018-11-21 Never Die: "He who believes in Me will NEVER DIE", what does "never die" mean because everyone has died? John 11:26
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
2018-11-21 Never Die: "He who believes in Me will NEVER DIE", what does "never die" mean because everyone has died? John 11:26
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
2018-11-06 Finding Faith on Earth: Was Jesus being rhetorical when He asked, "Will there be faith on earth"? [Luke 18:8b]
Malchus' Ear being Healed: When Malchus' ear was cut off & healed, shouldn't that have impressed them enough to not want to arrest Jesus?
2018-11-05 Rapture: What is your view of the rapture? not tasting the sting of death
Not Tasting the Sting of Death Wouldn't it be nice to be alive when Jesus comes back?
2018-10-18 Salvation in the Old Testament & Samson: How were people saved in OT times? was samson saved? Is Jesus on the white horse or do we meet Him in the air?
Jesus Second Coming: Is Jesus on the white horse or do we meet Him in the air?
2018-08-01 Death but Rapture: What happens upon death? How does 1 Thessalonians 4:13 work with meeting Him in the air? If we die, do we come back down with Him from Heaven?
2018-07-09 Prophecy Hampering Second Coming: Are there any prophecies that need to be fulfilled before Jesus comes back?
2018-06-29 Jesus coming back: Do you believe that Jesus could come back at any second? [Colossians 1:6, Colossians 1:23, Matthew 24:14]
2018-06-29 Full Preterist Call: There are parallel verses & end times verses, it says that His coming, the end of the world, would come in His generation, doesn't it? [Matthew 16:27-28, Revelation 22:12]
2018-06-19 The Rapture (Second Coming): What happens when Jesus comes back, we just go up in the air?
2018-05-30 Preterism timeline: What is the timeline of a preterist? You still believe in the Second Coming of Jesus & the resurrection?
2018-05-11 The Kingdom of Heaven Within: Jesus' Second coming is not going to be literal, physical coming, just an inward experience, just in us individually when we accept Him. I left that church. [Luke 17:21]
2018-05-01 False Prophets: What about so-called prophets that are wrong, do we need to give credence to them anymore? Even Chuck Smith said that Jesus was going to come back at a specific time. [Deuteronomy 18:22]
2018-04-11 Day of the Coming of the Lord: Is 2 Thessalonians about 70 AD, instead of the Second Coming, like Ken Gentry & Gary DeMar believe? A Great Apostacy & Jewish revolt against Rome? [2 Thessalonians 2]
2018-04-04 "All the Saints with Thee": Is about 70 A.D. or about the end of the world, [Matthew 25:31, Zechariah 14:5]
2018-03-19 Destroying the Earth with Fire: God will destroy the earth w/ fire at Jesus' Second Coming, is that literal or symbolic?
Adam's Rib: Did God actually take Adam's rib to create Eve, or did He just use the DNA?
2018-02-23 Jesus Physical Appearance: Jesus humble looking at His first appearance and attractive at His second coming.
Billy Graham: Any thoughts about Billy Graham?
2018-01-24 Day of the Lord being the Great Tribulation: Is the Day of the Lord the Great Tribulation?
The Rapture: What about the Rapture?
2018-01-04 The (Secret) Rapture: Do you believe in the Secret Rapture? What are the ramifications for being wrong about it?
2017-12-20 10 Virgins Parable: Parable of the bridesmaids & oil in lamps, we don't have a license to sin after we are saved like some seem to think. [Matthew 25]
2017-11-13 Jesus Body at His Return: When Jesus rose from the dead, did He have the same body He had before He came down here or a newly glorified body? Will Jesus have the same body He had at His resurrection when He returns? [Acts 1:9-11]
2017-11-10 Imminent Return of Christ: Is Jesus really coming soon? Do you have any verses that says He's coming soon?
2017-11-06 Till the Son of Man be come: When will Jesus come again, when is this talking about His coming? [Matthew 10:23]
2017-11-06 Spiritualizing Spiritualizing time of light & darkness [Zechariah 14]
2017-11-06 The Second Coming: Caller is trying to distinguish between the "second Coming" and a "final coming" because aren't they different?
2017-11-06 Jesus Physical Coming when He stand on Mt. of Olives: "His feet standing on the mount of Olives", dispensationalist challenges Steve as why Zechariah is talking about Jesus' physical return. [Zechariah 14:4-5]
2017-10-17 Jesus Second Coming already: What is the strongest support that Jesus did NOT come back yet?
Full Preterism: What makes Full Preterism even a possibility?
2017-10-11 Day of the Lord is at Hand: The day of the Lord is at hand, is present, how soon does that mean? [2 Thessalonians 2[
2017-10-11 70 AD or Second Coming: When the disciples were asking Jesus when the signs of His coming & the end of the age be, were they asking about 2nd coming or what's about to happen in 70 AD? [Matthew 24, Acts 1:9-11]
2017-09-08 7 Year Tribulation: What are your views about what happens in the last days? a 7 year lead up to the 2nd coming?
2017-09-01 The Eagles & the Carcasses: Where are the eagles? What is the meaning of this verse, this saying? [Matthew 24:28]
2017-08-29 Parable of the Wheat & Tares Is the Parable of the Wheat & the Tares talking about the 2nd coming or 70 AD? Jesus might've been crucified on Thurs, a special sabbath? [Matthew 13:24-43]
2017-08-22 The Word being Idea: The Word, can it just be an "idea"? [John 1:1]
The Rapture: Will the rapture come before or after the tribulation? [Matthew 24]
The Book of Revelation of Jesus not John: Isn't the book of Revelation a revelation of Jesus Christ & not John? And what is your view of the book of Revelation?
2017-08-15 Coming of the Lord: Is the "coming" of the Lord literal? [1 Corinthians 15:23]
2017-08-10 Preaching Gospel Never Ending Process: Every generation that is born & Jesus doesn't come back we have to preach the gospel all over again so what's taking Him so long?
2017-08-07 Sun Shall Be Darkened, Stars Falling: IMMEDIATELY after the tribulation the sun shall be darkened, moon not give her light, stars falling, what does it mean? What does the verses in Revelation about Jesus second coming mean? [Matthew 24:29-30, Revelation 1:7]
2017-08-03 No One knows the Day nor Hour: It's true that no one knows the "day or the hour" of when Jesus is coming, but could we know the month & the year? [Matthew 24:36]
2017-06-06 This Generation Shall Not Pass: Was Jesus mistaken when He said, "this generation shall not pass until all these things shall come to pass"? [Matthew 24:34-36]
2017-06-02 First Begotten into the World: "First begotten into the world", angels worshipping Him, is it talking about the first coming or second coming or just Jesus being superior to angels? [Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:9]
Anointing with Gladness: Anointing Thee with gladness, what does this mean? [Hebrews 1:9]
Even Thy God, What does that mean? God calling Jesus God?
2017-05-24 Jesus finding Faith on Earth When He Returns: "Will the Son of Man find faith on earth?", what did He mean by asking that? [Luke 18:8]
2017-05-05 The Second Coming & the Rapture: Are both the 2nd coming & the rapture imminent, & what conditions must be met?
2017-04-27 Imminent Return of Christ: the imminent return of Christ, the rapture, basically just want your 101 on end times
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