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Topic: Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved)

Showing 101 to 150 of 284.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-06-22 Perseverance of the Saints (Eternal Security): I disagree with you in that I can't imagine ever walking away from the Lord, if one is ever really saved? [Revelation 2:10, I Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 4:10, Hebrews 6:4].
Apostates Cannot Return to God: Can you return to Jesus if you have fallen away based on Hebrews 6? [Hebrews 6:4, Luke 19:27, Matthew 19:26, James 5:19, Romans 11:22, John 15:6, Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:4-15, I Peter 1:5, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 3:12].
2021-06-17 Justification, Salvation & Sanctification: Do not justification, salvation and sanctification happen at different times, therefore disproving "eternal security"? [I Corinthians 6:11, Romans 4:19-22, Romans 5:5, Genesis 15:6, I John 3:27].
2021-06-10 Eternal Security & Dispensationalism: Caller calls in support of more traditional views over Eternal Security and Dispensationalism. [Hebrews 4:2, Hebrews 4:6-11, Job 14:12, Hebrews 5:9, Proverbs 25:26, John 17:3].
2021-06-09 "Once Saved, Always Saved" or "Eternal Security": If once saved, are we always saved, or can one fall into sin and eventually apostatize? [I Timothy 4:1, James 3:2].
2021-05-21 Saved to the "Uttermost" & Eternal Security: Could you comment on this phrase; saving us "to the uttermost", and any relationship to "Once Saved, Always Saved"? [Hebrew 7:25, Matthew 1:21].
Evil Spirits or Demons: Could you expand on the concept of "demons"? [Matthew 9:33].
2021-04-14 Abortion, Repentance & Eternal Security: If I had two abortions in my past, and even today, I think I would do the same thing, so does that indicate that I can lose my salvation? [Luke 8].
2021-04-13 Abortion, Eternal Security & Repentance: Though I repented of my past, If I would have another abortion, under the same circumstances, I was in before, would lose my salvation?
2021-04-05 Eternal Security: Once saved, am I eternally secure, or am always saved, if once saved? Caller compares through his analogy of following Christ to remaining tied to one's anchor in a storm when boating. [I John 5:11, I Timothy 4:1].
2021-03-30 Once Saved, Always Saved: Is the doctrine, "Once Saved, Always Saved" a true doctrine? [2 Peter 2:20-22, Hebrews 2:1-4, Hebrews 3:7-4:10, Hebrew 6:4-6, Hebrew 10:26-31, I Corinthians 9:24-27, Colossians 1:23, John 15:1-6].
2021-03-16 Sealing and Eternal Security: Could you talk about the "sealing" in regard to "eternal security" and how one could possibly leave Christ? [Ephesians 4:30, Ephesians 1:13, Revelation 7:3-4, Hebrews 3:12, Galatians 5:4-6, John 18:9].
2021-02-10 Can Christians Lose Their Salvation?: Did you say that true Christians can lose their salvation?
Salvation & Sanctification: What role does God have in salvation and sanctification? If we have a part in it, doesn't it take away the glory that is His alone?
God's Sovereignty & Control Over One's Salvation: Could you help me understand God "works all things" relative to one's salvation? [Ephesians 4:1, Philippians 1:6, I John 2:19, John 17:12, I Timothy 4:1, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 3:12].
2021-02-01 Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): Is the phrase, "Once saved, always saved", actually in the Bible?
2021-01-18 Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): If someone was once a believer, but does gets caught up in sin and does terrible things, can he be regenerated again, or does he lose his salvation? [John 15, I John 5:11-12, Romans 11:22, I Corinthians 9:27].
2021-01-08 Taken Out of the "Book of Life": How can one be taken out of "The Book of Life"? [Revelation 22:19, I John 3:1-5].
2021-01-08 Once Saved, Always Saved: Could you support with scripture that idea that one can lose their salvation? [Revelation 22:19, Revelation 3:5, John 15:6, Romans 11:22].
2020-11-20 Eternal Security or Once Saved, Always Saved: What is your take on Romans 8 in regard to our ability to walk away from our own salvation? [Romans 8:18-39, Jude 21, I Timothy 4:1-5, I John 2:19].
Carnality & Following Jesus: Do you think that there are more teachers promoting the idea that one can't be a carnal Christian, but must take up their cross and follow Him? [Luke 9:23, I Corinthians 3:1].
2020-09-04 God's Sovereignty Defined: What does it mean to you to say that God is sovereign?
Fallen Away-Once Partaken of Heavenly Gift: Does God's sovereignty relate to the verse in Hebrews about one who has received the heavenly gift, but has fallen away not being able to return? [Hebrew 6:4].
2020-08-27 From God's Child to Broken Branch: How does a person go from being a child of God to one that is a branch broken off? [Romans 11:17-24, John 15:1-6].
Led By the Spirit & Attached to the Olive Tree: Do we have to be led by the spirit in order to not be broken off from God?
2020-08-27 From God's Child to Broken Branch: How does a person go from being a child of God to one that is a branch broken off? [Romans 11:17-24, John 15:1-6].
Led By the Spirit & Attached to the Olive Tree: Do we have to be led by the spirit in order to not be broken off from God?
2020-08-19 Eternal Security or Lost Faith: How do you reconcile the promise of eternal life in scripture to your view that one can lose that faith? [John 5:24, Genesis 3:23, Revelation 22:3, John 3:36, John 6:38, Galatians 5:6].
2020-07-10 Sinners Will or Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God: Did you mean that no one can inherit the Kingdom of God if they fall into sin? [I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
2020-07-08 Eternal Security: Do you have lectures available on the topic of "Once Saved, Always Saved"?
Judgment Because of Abortion: Do you think that we are suffering judgment because of our sinfulness and supporting abortion? [2 Kings 21].
2020-06-22 Evidence of God for the Unbeliever: How can we convince others of God's existence, if we can't do it intellectually, and if the Holy Spirit isn't in them? [I Corinthians 12:3, Romans 11:22, Hebrews 3:2-12, I Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 13:5].
2020-06-19 Hyper-Grace: Would you describe Hyper-Grace? [Romans 10:9, Titus 1:16, John 1:12].
Calminian: What is a Calminian?
Steve Gregg - an Arminian Are you, Steve Gregg, an Arminian? And would you define Arminianism:
2020-06-05 Eternal Security: Regarding losing ones' salvation, I can't understand how one can lose their salvation (life) if they have experienced spiritual resurrection? [John 15, I John 5:11-12, Romans 11:22].
2020-06-05 Grace Alone (Eternal Security): A caller (Bullingerite), claims that almost everyone in ministry is teaching a perverted gospel and that we are saved by grace alone. [I Corinthians 15:3, Galatians 1:7-8].
2020-05-29 Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): Would you talk about "once saved, always saved" (eternal security)? There are several arguments about being sealed, born and unborn, and bride of Christ or betrothed? [Ephesians 1:13, Revelation 7:3, Luke 15:11-32, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Romans 7, Revelation 19:6-9, John 15:6].
2020-05-22 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): How do you counter these common proof texts for eternal security: 1. It is a free gift, 2. You are sealed with the Holy Spirit, 3. You are adopted. [Romans 11:29, Romans 8:9, Ephesians 1:13, I John 4:13, I John 5:11, John 15:6, Luke 15:11-32].
2020-04-10 Separated from the Love of Christ: Could it be that Paul is really referring to us being separated from the love of Christ in us, rather than for us from without (His love for us}? [Romans 8:35-39, 11:22].
2020-04-03 Blot Name Out of the Book of Life: What does it mean regarding the overcomers and the threat - "blot his name out of the book of life"? [Revelation 12:11,13:8, 17:8, John 16:33].
Sowing Seed on the Various Soil Parable: Would you explain the parable about the seed on the different soils?
Cut-off of the Olive Tree: When one is cut-off, after being grafted into the olive tree, does that mean one is longer longer a child? [Romans 11:24].
2020-03-27 Eternal Security: Do you believe in "eternal security" if someone was really saved at one time? [Matthew 7:23].
2020-03-20 Coronavirus: What do you think about the Coronavirus and its ramifications?
Can One Lose Their Salvation: Do you think someone can lose their salvation? [2 Thessalonians 2, Hebrews 3:1, 12, I John 5:11, Luke 15].
2019-12-23 Faith - a Gift of God: Is faith a gift of God? Can you clarify the concept "once saved, always saved"? [Ephesians 2:8, Matthew 13:3, Romans 5:2].
2019-11-14 Kept in Christ (Eternal Security): When Peter denied Jesus, Jesus prayed that Peter's faith would not fail, so does that not mean that he would be kept in the faith? [Luke 22:32, I Corinthians 10:13, Isaiah 65, Matthew 23:37].
Health up to God: Doesn't God actually determine how healthy he wants us to be?
2019-11-01 Eternal Security & False Teachers: If you take this verse to the logical conclusion, does this not substantiate "eternal security"? [I John 2:19, Matthew 7:21-23]
2019-11-01 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): How can you justify being a Bible teacher, if you are not sure if you might fall away (apostacize)?
2019-10-17 Eternal Security & Faith: Concerning "eternal security" - do these verses in I Peter 1:3-5 indicate that it is God who keeps us in Him, rather than us and our faith doing it? Is the inheritance now or in the future? [I Peter 1:3-5, 2 Peter 1:10, Romans 5:2, 11:16,22, Ephesians 2:8-9, I Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Matthew 25:31, Luke 8].
2019-10-02 Conditional Eternal Security: Would you comment on "conditional eternal security"-particularly in light of John 10? [John 10:1-42, Romans 5:2, Hebrews 3:12, I Timothy 4:1].
2019-09-30 Bob George & Eternal Security: What do you think about what Bob George teachings regarding eternal security and repentance? [I John 1:7,9, 2:12 John 3:19, Matthew 7:24-27, I Corinthians 6:20, 7:23, Luke 13:3,5, Romans 6:10].
2019-09-16 Impossible to Renew to Repentance: Would you talk about Christians falling away and whether than can be restored to faith? [Hebrews 6:1-6, 3:12, Matthew 19:24, James 5:20].
2019-09-11 Sins Forgiven-Past, Present & Future: Does the fact that Jesus died for all our sins past, present, and future, mean we are automatically eternally secure? [I John 1:7,9].
2019-08-28 Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth: What is the meaning and application of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" in the story of the Centurian, and its relevance to one's eternal security in salvation? [Matthew 8:5-13, Exodus 19:5-6, Luke 17:20-21, Matthew 12:28].
2019-08-26 Nothing Can Separate us From Christ: What does Romans 8:38 mean? Does it mean that you can sin, and still be in Christ? [Romans 8:38, 11:22].
2019-08-22 Eternal Security: Why do you not bring up these verses when you are talking about "eternal security"? [John 10:27-30, John 15:6, I John 4:4, I John 5:12, John 17:12, Matthew 7:21-23, I John 2:19, I Timothy 4:1, Hebrews 3:12].
2019-08-21 Eternal security: Do you believe in eternal security? [Luke 8, John 15:6, Romans 11:22, Colossians 1:22-23, Revelation 3:5, I Timothy 4].
2019-07-30 Once Saved, Always Saved: Can you give me a little background to when the idea of "Once Saved, Always Saved" first came into mainstream Christianity?
2019-07-01 Arminian View of Unrepentant Sin: Is it actually an Arminian view that if a person fails to repent for a sin before they die, they lose their salvation and are consigned to hell?
2019-05-03 Sheep & Goats Parable: Regarding the parable of the sheep and the goats-were the goats Christians? [Matthew 25:44, Matthew 7].
Eternal Security: Can someone lose their salvation?
2019-04-11 Once Saved, Always Saved: What do you mean when you say that one can lose their salvation? [I Timothy 4:1, John 15:6, 1 Corinthians 15-2, Hebrews 3:12].
2019-04-02 Once Saved, Always Saved: How does one lose one's salvation? How are you able to leave Jesus Christ?
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