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Topic: Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved)

Showing 201 to 250 of 284.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-04-27 Eternal Security: eternal security, once saved always saved,
2017-04-05 Eternal Security: Why do you think people are so obsessed w/ eternal security, once saved always saved, & not feeling saved if going through trials
2017-03-23 Eternal Security: Eternal security, once saved always saved, & so a person who commits suicide who was saved will be in heaven?
2017-03-02 Eternal Security: Can you really lose your salvation? Isn't it once saved, always saved?
2017-02-13 Verses Against Once Saved ALWAYS Saved (Eternal Security): What are your favorite verses to use that there is no "once saved, always saved"? [John 3:16, Matthew 13:1-9, Luke 8:6-8, john 15:1-6, Romans 11:22, James 5:19-20]
2017-01-30 Once Saved, Always Saved: In the Parable about the tree & the branches & not bearing fruit, it says that someone can fall away & have to re-repent, but i'd like to think my mentally challenged son is saved. [Matthew 7:19]
2017-01-26 Eternal Security: Can you or can you not lose your salvation?
2017-01-16 Exegesis of Scripture & Proper Bible Study: Can you tell me about proper biblical exegesis of Scripture? How do you begin studying the Bible?
Eternal Security & the Prodigal Son: Do you believe in once saved, always saved? What about the Prodigal Son? [Luke 11:11-32]
2016-12-27 Eternal Security: Perseverance of the saints, once saved always saved. Thoughts?
2016-12-14 Pre-Tribulation Rapture vs Post-Tribulation: Caller heard Steve disagrees w/ a pre-trib rapture & would like to know why.
Eternal Security: Caller is trying to figure out if once saved, always saved is biblical?
2016-11-18 English Language Confusion: Caller having trouble figuring out what verses mean because even just the English language is so difficult, so many definitions.
Eternal Security: Underling motives of people who teach/follow eternal security.
2016-10-25 Eternal Security:e Is it true once you are saved, you are always saved? Doesn't adoption prevent you from being lost?
2016-10-03 Eternal Security: Can you lose your salvation after you are saved?
2016-08-31 Once Saved Always Saved: So once you are a Christian you are always saved?
Free from Sin: Can a Christian really live free from sin?
One too many Sins: How many sins can one commit before they lose their salvation? Discipleship?
2016-08-24 Sin is Sin: Caller's dad said that once saved you're always saved, & everybody sins, & it doesn't matter the degree of sin because they he thinks they are all the same. What does Steve think? [1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-21, Hebrews 6:9-12]
2016-07-28 Once Saved Always Saved: I believe in once saved always saved, but also believe in once saved we can also lose our salvation!
2016-07-14 Martin Luther & Once Saved Always Saved: Martin Luther didn't believe once saved always saved, though it would be hard to lose your salvation.
2016-07-13 Once Sealed, Always Sealed: When someone is saved, are they permanently sealed?
2016-06-01 Eternal Security: once saved always saved is not really true, you can turn away from Jesus, but is the covenant you made with God broken every time you sin?
2016-05-06 Eternal Security: What is your position on Eternal Security, once saved always saved again? I heard you talk about it, but i can't remember what you said. [John 15:6, Luke 14:34]
2016-04-27 Eternal Security (Once Saved/always saved): I believe in Eternal Security, but also know that a person can walk away from God, can become rebellious. What about people who refuse to share their faith? Isn't Confession kf faith necessary?
2015-11-18 Eternal Security: What must one believe to have certainty of eternal life that couldn't be lost for any reason?
2015-11-06 Eternal Security & Habitual Sin: Am I still saved if I continual fall in the same habitual sin?
2015-10-21 Buying & Selling: Not being able to buy or sell is proof that you haven't taken upon you the Mark of the Beast.
Eternal Security: Do you think someone can actually lose their salvation once they have genuinely saved?
2015-09-03 Eternal Security: Some people believe in conditional security & some believe in once saved, always saved. What does Steve believe & what scripture evidence does he use?
2015-08-13 Salvation Assurance: Extravagant (Hyper) Grace teaches that once we have Jesus we never have to repent again. What does Steve think about this?
2015-06-12 Falling Away: Can you Fall Away? Are [Hebrews 10:25, 6:4-6] referring to the caller?
2015-04-08 Joseph Prince - Grace Message: Caller wondering about the Radical Grace Message that Joseph Prince teaches, Grace, Faith & Works.
Losing One's Salvation: Caller would like Steve to talk about the possibility of losing one's salvation."
2015-02-02 Eternal Security: Caller wants to point out that passages about Eternal Security stand out by themselves, "proving" it, that you don't need other scripture to prove it.
2015-01-29 Eternal Security: People could become complacent with eternal security, but caller has been studying the Bible in that prism, & don't you get credit by not believing it?
2015-01-28 Eternal Security: What about verses in John that seem to endorse eternal security? [John 10:28, 6:37]
2015-01-23 Eternal Security: Once Saved, Always Saved, went to Calvinism for awhile, but has been learning in Revelation about overcoming, conquering, fighting the good fight.
2015-01-23 Turning away from Righteousness: Caller thinks these verses in Ezekiel seems to be saying that those who were once righteous & turn away, their righteousness will no longer be remembered. [Ezekiel 3:20, Ezekiel 18:24]
2015-01-21 Illumination of Light: Once you are illuminated by the Light, why would you want to go back to darkness?, Michael the Buddhist says Rusty seems to be saying (a caller who has been calling frequently about eternal security).
2015-01-20 Apostasy (vs Eternal Security): Caller has a friend who at one point really loved Jesus with her whole heart, mind & soul, but has completely turned against Christianity.
2015-01-20 Branches Bearing Fruit: Are there 3 different groups of Christians, Christians who bear fruit, Christians who don't, & Christians who break off, is that right? [john 15:1-5]
Falling Away (for Buddhism): If Steve were to fall for Buddhism, does that means that he fell from grace?
2015-01-20 Eternal Security: Jesus' sheep follow Him, He gives them eternal life, they shall never perish, is very clear to the caller. [John 10:27-28] (argument for once saved, always saved.)
2015-01-20 Once Saved Always Saved refuted: You can lose your contrast to a previous call in the show. [Proverbs 3:1-7]
2015-01-20 Loss of Salvation: Can a person come back to faith after they have apostatized? (Hebrews 6:4-6]
2015-01-19 Eternal Security: What is meant by Eternal Security? What about someone who appears saved but dies in grave sin? [John 10:28, 1 Corinthians 4:5]
2015-01-19 Eternal Security: Caller absolutely believes in Eternal Security. (Healthy Discussion)
2015-01-19 Eternal Security: Caller has been listening to Vernon McGee about "Falling Away" & would like Steve's thoughts. [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2015-01-16 Perseverance of the Saints: Caller disagrees w/ Steve's stance of not having Eternal Security, not being once saved always saved & they have a long discussion about it.
2015-01-12 Once Saved Always Saved: Caller trying to figure out what is right, once saved always saved or not, especially in light of a passage of scripture in Matthew. [Matthew 7:21-23].
2015-01-05 Free Will & Eternal Security: Aren't we sealed by the Holy Spirit, so how can we lose our salvation?
2014-12-19 Drawing back unto Perdition: It God's faith, but not our faith, so we can't lose our salvation, can't really full time fall back into perdition. What are your thoughts? [Hebrews 10:39, Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 10:17, Mark 9:24, 1 Corinthians 5:1-5]
2014-12-18 Eternal Security: I don't believe you can really lose your salvation because once you start drinking from the living water, you will "never thirst" again. Doesn't that mean you'd never be leaving Christ, never thirst again? [John 4:14]
2014-12-08 Rewards - Prizes: Most people think that the rewards you receive is your faithfulness while we were down here on earth. Do you agree with that? [1 Corinthians 9:4, Philippians 3:7-11]
Eternal Security: God won't leave you once you belong to Him, isn't that right?
2014-12-08 Salvation Transaction: To some people Salvation is like a Transaction, that once you cash in, you are set for life, for eternal life.
Salvation via other Religions: There's a lot of Religions that seem to have the same idea/experiences as what happens in Christianity, so is it possible that God just uses them to get people to come to Him?
2014-12-02 Once Saved, Always Saved: Once Saved, Always Saved just isn't right!
Faith & Works: We aren't saved by works, but it isn't all just faith either!
Judaism: Should I do any Jewish practices as a Christian since I was born/raised a Jew?
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