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Topic: Lake of Fire

Showing 101 to 150 of 217.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-10-30 The 3 Views of Hell: How would you try to explain that there are 3 viable views of what hell is & not just the one traditional torment view?gheg
2017-10-26 Predestination Exists: Caller thinks predestination exists because God knows everything.
Doctrine of Hell: Where does the doctrine of hell come from?
2017-09-28 Devil doing bad things in Hell: Can the Devil rape women in hell? What about the Chaldeans & Job?
2017-09-27 A literal Hell: Do you believe in a literal hell?
The Nephilim: Sex w/ women, gen 6, nephilim, sons of God angels?
2017-09-19 Being Cast into Hell: When people are cast into hell are they burning forever & ever & ever?
2017-09-13 Wicked Person goes directly to Hell after Death: People who die go to hell because of Lazarus & the Rich Man, according to this caller. [Luke 16:19-31]
2017-09-08 God Creating the Devil: Why would God create a devil to tempt us, torment us, create havoc, when he's going to be held accountable in the end?
2017-09-06 Salvation after Death: Is reconciliation after death possible? Salvation after death? [John 11:26]
2017-08-22 Degrees of Punishment in Hell: is there different degrees of punishment in hell? isn't just going to hell for not believing Jesus enough? Is justice an attribute of God?
2017-08-22 Hell into the Lake of Fire: Caller wants to point out that Hell was cast into the lake of fire. [Revelation 20:11-15]
2017-08-22 Universal Reconciliationism: Can God be grieved when He loses His children, or is that a weak human trait?
2017-08-08 The Rich Man & Lazarus: Is Lazarus & the rich man a real story or parable? At the time of your lectures you said you didn't know if there was related rabbincal stories. Is there a literal lake of fire?
2017-08-04 Disagreement or Unity Among Brethren: Can there be disagreement among believers & still be saved? What is the purpose of life, is it just to escape hell?
Purpose of Life: What is the purpose of life? Is it just to escape hell?
2017-07-24 Heaven & Hell not Addressed: In the Old Testament NOR the New Testament there's not much mention about what happens to you after you die, heaven or hell, need to love Him just because
2017-07-18 People who have never heard of Gospel Burning Forever: I can't reconcile that people who have NEVER heard the gospel are going to burn for eternity in hell (ministry of the month).
2017-05-25 Effectiveness of Prayer: Have you ever reviewed the effectiveness in prayer in medical publications?
Hell: Can you tell me about hell? I'm just getting to the point that I just want everyone saved!
2017-05-17 Hell & Perish: I question Greg Laurie meaning & definition "perish" in John 3:16 & what he says about hell. [John 3:16]
2017-05-16 Hell Ultimately Destroyed: My dad told me he was listening to somebody who said that eventually hell will be destroyed, do you have any evidence for this?
No More Sea: Is says in the Bible that there will be no more sea. What does that mean? [Revelation 21:1]
2017-05-09 Steve's Viewpoints of Hell: What are your view points of hell?
2017-04-03 Differing Views of Hell Have you heard about George w. Sarris who wrote an interesting book about hell?
2017-03-29 Hell, Hades & the Lake of Fire: What is the difference between hell, hades & the lake of fire?
Jesus' Death: Where did Jesus go when He died? Hades?
2017-02-13 An Eternal Hell: If there is eternal life doesn't it stand to reason that there'd be an eternal hell?
2017-01-10 Fear of Torment in Hell: How biblical is the doctrine about torment of hell fire? Fearing God because you are afraid of hell fire is not a good way to get saved!
2016-12-27 Calvinism: Can you be a Calvinist & still have a non-traditional view of hell?
Water & Blood from Jesus' body: What is the significance of the blood & the water coming out of the body of Jesus? [John 19:34]
2016-12-19 Best method of converting people: Is the Fire & Brimstone approach or talking about the gospel of love better? [1 John 4:18]
2016-11-16 Jehovah's Witnesses: The meek inheriting the earth, & their belief in a lack of hell.
2016-10-21 Gehenna, Hell, Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth: Can Steve explain what's being said these verses about hell? [Matthew 10:28, 22:13]
2016-10-05 Hell-Universalism: Doesn't Matthew 7:13 dispel Universalism? [Matthew 7:13]
2016-09-21 Baptism: A friend of the caller has become a Christian after having been baptized as an infant, but doesn't believe baptism is necessary for salvation.
Glorifying God: You didn't become a Christian to save yourself but to glorify God.
Streets preachers: Aren't Street Preachers shouting to repent or receive hell fire hurting their own cause in sharing the gospel?
2016-08-15 Hell-Universal restoration: Caller believes in the 2nd chance doctrine once they are in hell, & so what is hell & who goes there & how long is it going to last? (Steve's answer cuts out a lot, like not a good internet connection.)
2016-08-09 Purpose of God's Wrath: What is the purpose of God's wrath? Is it to satisfy His righteous requirements or is it just leaving man to his own devices? [Romans 1, 2 Thessalonians 1:6, Ezekiel 33:11]
Punishment Despite God Letting People Go: Is there still a judgement & punishment for the people God had already let go with reprobate minds? [Romans 1]
Hell, Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth & Annihilationism: Don't annihilationists believe that they are just going to be burned up & no more punishment?
2016-08-05 Antinatalism (No Procreation): Should parents have children if they can't guarantee that they won't suffer?
Children Going to Hell: What if you run the risk of children burning for eternity in hell?
God Irresponsible: Does it possibly make God irresponsible by letting children being born who are going to burn in hell for eternity?
2016-07-26 God's Creatures Suffering in Hell: Caller talking to an atheist/agnostic, but the only problem that his atheist has is, why would God create a hell (to torture His creatures)?
Evidence of Historic Jesus Aside from Bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible what there actually was a historic Jesus?
2016-07-26 Suicide an Automatic Hell Sentence: would like to know about suicide because an acquaintance recently just did it, & does that mean automatic hell?
2016-07-15 Questioning the Traditional View of Hell: I've read your book on "all you want to know about hell, 3 Christian views" & am an annhilationist myself, but what is your official viewf? Revelation 20:14]
2016-06-13 Parellels Between the Sun & Light of God: light of the sun & the light of God, sun & mooning going dark, & God leaving Jerusalem, His light leaving them.
Tree of Life for Immortality: So if the only way to have immortality is to eat from the tree of life, doesn't that automatically do away with the notion of Eternal Torment in Hell?
2016-06-10 Immortality of the Soul: How does each view of hell view mmortality of the soul? The annihilatist view, the unversal restoration view & the traditional view of Eternal Torment. [Romans 2:7, John 3:16]
2016-06-08 Steve's View of Hell: Caller just got done reading Steve's book, "All You Want to Know about Hell" & wants to know if he has come any closer to what he beleives?
2016-06-08 Bart Ehrman's Reason for Doubting Scripture: Caller gives insight as to why Bart Ehrman might've stopped believing in the inerrancy of Word of God.
Case for Traditional View of Hell: Sheep & Goats, Wheat & Tares, how can you identify these 2 different classes if the traditional view of hell wasn't right?
2016-05-24 Predestinating People to Hell: Why would a merciful God create a hell? Why make people who would go there if He knew it ahead of time?
2016-05-13 Motivated by Love for Christ: We shouldn't be motivated to be saved just to be either wanting euphoria in heaven for eternity or fear of burning in hell, but for the love of the Master Himself, right?
2016-05-11 Motivated by Fear of Hell: A friend of the caller thinks if there's no such thing as hell (the traditional view), what's the point in being in a Christian?
2016-05-06 Satan being Punished: If satan was as Satan from the beginning, why does he have to punished, why was hell created for him & his minions?
2016-04-06 Three Views of Hell Simultaneously: I was listening to your teaching on your hell & my wife & i were wondering if it is was possible that all 3 views are possible at once?
2016-04-01 Judgment has already come: Caller thinks there's going to be no future hell, that there was already a judgment, a consuming fire that took place when Jesus came. [Romans 2:5, 2 Peter 3]
2016-03-21 Hell-Annihilationism: Caller has been studying about the 3 views of Hell, & is coming to the conclusion of Annihilationism, would like Steve's take on that view of Hell.
2016-03-09 Hell-Universal Reconciliation: If Universal Reconciliation were true, where do those that are finally reconciled end up? Who is being reigned over?
2016-02-26 Steve's Position on Hell: What is your position on hell?
Speaking in Tongues: Was wondering what you could tell me about Speaking in Tongues? It didn't really jive with what Scripture is talking about it.
2015-12-17 Being Tortured in Hell: Where do we get that idea that demons torture people in Hell?
The Unforgiving Servant Parable: What about the parable about the unforgiving servant sort've being tortured? [Matthew 18:21-35]
2015-11-11 Remission of sins: i'd really like to know the meaning of this verse, the "remitting or retaining the sins of people". What does that mean? [John 20:23]
"All you want to know about Hell": Caller likes both books of Steve Gregg, "3 views of Hell", as well as "4 views Revelation". Steve comments.
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