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Topic: Lake of Fire

Showing 151 to 200 of 217.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-11-11 Hell & the Early Church: What was the view of the early church about Hell?
Roman Catholicism: Is the Catholic Church Christian?
2015-10-27 Annihilationism & Universal Reconciliationism: I was told there is no way i'm honoring the word of God if you even entertain the idea of universal reconciliation & don't believe in the traditional view of hell. What do you think about that? How does he know i'm being unfaithful to the Word of God just because I might disagree w/ the traditional view of hell?
2015-09-28 In Danger of Hell fire: We'll actually get in trouble, or be in danger of hell-fire, for calling people a fool? It also says that the fool will be in danger because he doesn't believe though!
2015-08-31 Hell: Only temporary torment for the view of conditional immortality & so what are the verses that support this, that the punishment will be proportionate? Gnashing & Weeping of teeth seem to be supporting the traditional view. [Luke 12:47-48, Matthew 11:22]
2015-07-20 Outer Darkness: What is the "Outer Darkness" referred to after Jesus get done talking about Talents & the Wedding Feast Parables as opposed to Hell? [Matthew 25]
2015-07-16 Divorce for Financial Benefit: Is it reasonable and acceptable to divorce because it's more expedient financially!
Two Witnesses: Have the 2 Witnesses already happened or not? [Revelation 11]
Hell-Eternal Torment: Is it not against God's character to burn people forever & ever?
2015-07-01 Steve's Books: Caller announces how inexpensively is selling Steve's Books.
Hell: Steve talks about Hell.
2015-07-01 Judas & Hell: Because Jesus said Judas would've been better if he had never been born, doesn't that make a good case for Eternal Torment in Hell?
2015-04-21 Friends & Relatives Who Died Lost: How do we deal with thoughts of those who have died lost - not followers of Christ?
2015-03-25 Traditional View of Hell: Separation from God is the actual punishment? If we are separated from God, how could we survive? [2 Thessalonians 1:9]
2015-03-25 Hell: We don't really know how hell is going to play out. There's no concrete teaching on anything in Revelation for that matter.
Blood Moons: What does Steve think about all these "Blood Moons" coming up one right after another?
2015-03-25 Traditional View of Hell Caller: Caller who had called a few calls ago calls back & remembered his 3rd Q: God made hell for the devil & his demons & not humans, is that true?
2015-03-25 Literalism about Hell: We don't have any life w/ out God, so how could we exist in hell? [Acts 17:27]
2015-03-25 Hell: Caller has a simple theory about why it isn't eternity in hell.
2015-02-24 Earth Never Passing Away & No Hell: A co-worker who was talking to a Jehovah's Witness says the earth will never pass away & that they don't believe in Hell.
2015-02-23 Alcohol & Drugs: Caller comments on previous call about drugs & alcohol.
Annihilationism: Comments about the first call regarding hell, but not universalism, but annihilationism.
Evolution for Creation: Can you combine both Creation & Evolution, God using Evolution for Creation?
2015-02-11 Hell - Eternal Separation: How can Steve not know the answer to, "How can we be in Heaven worshipping God if our loved ones are being tortured by Him?"
2015-02-05 Lake of Fire & the Devil & Angels: If God just made the Devil as a "tester" as Steve surmises, why would God then punish him for doing what he was created for?
2015-02-03 Body, Soul & Spirit & the Devil: Is it possible, since the Devil is a spirit, that God can't "destroy" him, so that's why he, the beast & the false prophet will be tormented all day & night for eternity? [Matthew 10:28 Revelation 20:10]
2015-01-09 The 3 Views of Hell-Universal Reconciliation: Regarding the Universal Reconciliation view, does God want to just restore us with His consuming fire?
2015-01-09 "Everlasting Contempt": How could the Universal Reconciliation view be possible in the light of these verses? [Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:46]
2015-01-09 Hell: All these verses talk about hell, so don't they all mean the same thing? [Revelation 20:14, Mark 3:29, Matthew 18:9]
2015-01-06 Discussion about a previous call about Hell: Caller wanted to chime in & talk about the discussion he heard a previous caller talking about hell, & give his take.
Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH, JHVH: How do we get "Yahweh" or even "Jehovah" out of YHWH?
2015-01-05 Disagreement - Eternal Hell: Caller concerned Steve is wrong about not believing in the traditional view of hell of eternal torment.
2015-01-05 Followup about Hell: Steve does a followup regarding the call he just had about hell.
2014-04-22 The Beast & the False Prophet & the Millennium: How can the Millennium be part of the church age if the Beast & the False Prophet & Satan are all cast into the lake of fire BEFORE the Millennium?
2013-12-30 Pastors being Limited to Think CLearly: It's unfortunate there's a limit sometimes on what a pastor can believe or teach within the belief system of their denomination.
Predestination: Was R.C. Sproul saying that we actually DO have a choice on whether we go to hell or not? Trying to make Calvinism & Arminianism harmonize.
Loved ones burning in Hell: John MacArthur & R. C. Sproul seem inconsistent about that they say about buring in eternity in hell.
2013-12-17 Watering Down Hell: You seem to be watering down the importance of hell, & if it wasn't to be avoided, why did Jesus have to die on the cross? The listener thinks it sounds pretty serious to him.
2013-11-13 3 Views of Hell & God's Character in Question: Caller wants to know which view of hell might be right in light of God's character.
People going to Hell: Who's going to hell?
2013-11-13 The 3 Views of Hell: No matter what the view of hell is, there is only one correct view, right?
Steve Debating about Hell: Would Steve ever consider debating somebody about the views of hell?
2013-11-07 Annihilation of the Wicked in Hell: What does Steve think about the idea of "Conditional Immortality" (Annihilationism), about hell where the wicked are just burned up & not tortured forever & ever as the traditional view says?
2013-11-05 3 Views of Hell: Steve Gregg makes the announcement that his book, "3 Views of Hell" came out that day of the show.
2013-10-29 Outer Darkness: What is Outer Darkness? [Matthew 8:11]
2013-09-26 Devil Tormented Forever: Is the Devil tormented forever or will he eventually be burned into non-existence? I've been reading Edward William Fudge's book, "The Fire that Consumes" that says that he'll be burned. [Revelation 20:10]
Church Membership: Having to believe a church's distinctive doctrines in order to be a member of that church, what do you think about that? Just on the doctrine of eternal torment which they believe in, but I don't, I'd have a problem signing the membership card.
2013-09-26 Free Will & Being Saved: So you think people will be saved because of Free will, so they won't be saved from what? What does being saved mean? Saved from what?
Hell - Lake of Fire: Caller thinks Steve needs to specify what he means by what people are saved from. Are they saved from eternal damnation? With the fact that Steve believes in the possibility of Universal Reconciliation.
2013-09-26 Free Will & Being Saved: So you think people will be saved because of Free will, so they won't be saved from what? What does being saved mean? Saved from what?
Hell - Lake of Fire: Caller thinks Steve needs to specify what he means by what people are saved from. Are they saved from eternal damnation? With the fact that Steve believes in the possibility of Universal Reconciliation.
2013-09-18 Christianity a Cult: Caller thinks Christianity could even be considered a cult. (Caller was second caller in program, calling back after getting cutoff.)
Eternal Torment: Where does it say in the Old Testament that people are going to be tortured in Hell?
2013-09-12 "The Flaming Toilet of Death": Did Steve ever watch the video called, "The Flaming Toilet of Death", & what did he think of it?
Hell not in the OT: Hell wasn't even mentioned in the Old Testament. [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66:24]
2013-08-30 Hell-Universal Reconciliation: The problem with the idea of universal reconciliation is that people would just want to escape hell & not be sincere, so how would it be possible?
God's Love for Us: Why does God love us so much? [1 john 4:7-8, Deuteronomy 7:7-8]
Hell-Eternal Torment & Annihilationism: Can you please talk about the other 2 views of hell then other than universal reconciliation? (Traditional view of Eternal torment & annihilationism.)
2013-08-27 Michael the Buddhist answering the Question: Michael answers the question about whether Buddhism has division &/or unity like you might find the Christian faith.
Suffering for Eternity: How can there be any real peace for the people in Heaven who know their loved ones or friends are being tortured in hell for eternity?
Purgatory: What does the purgatory doctrine say again?
2013-08-27 View About Satan being a Fallen Angel: The caller thinks Steve might be right about Satan being evil originally rather a Fallen Angel. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12]
Traditional View of Hell: Caller still sort've leans towards the traditional view, but maybe not, that maybe there wouldn't be so many atheists/agnostics if there wasn't such a horrible view.
Chuck Smith & Calgary Chapel & the radio: Caller really liked Chuck Smith's teachings on the radio, & it made him more open to other views.
2013-08-27 Hell & Not knowing the Heart: Caller wanted to talk about the eternal torment view of Hell, citing the Rich Man & Lazarus parable. [Jeremiah 17:9-10, Luke 16:19-31]
2013-07-18 Everything Not Black & White: Is everything black & white to God or are there gray areas?
Doctrine of Hell: Isn't the doctrine of hell a good example that not everything is so black & white?
2013-07-17 Church Membership: Is Church Membership Biblical?
Consciousness in Hell: If the traditional view of hell, eternal torment, is true, is it possible that you'd drift in & out of consciousness to be able to alleviate some of the pain?
2013-07-16 Three Views of Hell: What the right view of Hell, of the three options you often survey?
Fear of Hell & Evangelism: Don't we need to use the fear of hell as an evangelistic tool? [2 Corinthians 5:9-11]
2013-07-08 "Perish": In some Bible dictionaries, the word "perish" can mean "ruin" & "loss". What do you think? [John 3:16]
"Eternal" Since the word for "eternal" doesn't necessarily mean "forever", thereby implying that torment in hell might not be actually forever, couldn't that change how we then see "eternal" life as not "forever"? [Matthew 25:46]
Eternal Punishment in Hell: Doesn't the idea of eternal torment in hell cause many not to believe in God?
2013-06-11 Steve's Denomination: Does Steve belong to a certain denomination?
King James Version only: Caller promotes the King James Version of the Bible, expressing that you can't have the rebirth experience without the KJV bible.
Hell-Steve's View: What is Steve's current view of Hell?
2013-06-06 Hell-Jehovah's Witness & their View of Annihilationism: Can you talk about "eternal torment" in hell & the Jehovah's Witness view of Annihilationism? [Matthew 7:25-26, Revelation 14:10-11, Revelation 21:8].
2013-05-24 Financial Debt: Should I allow someone take advantange of me regarding a bill she claims I owe, as a witness to Christ? [Proverbs 18:1,I Corinthians 6, Colossians 3:17, Romans 12:18].
Destination of Satan: Comment about the origins of Satan; If Satan was created as he is, then it seems unfair for him to be cast into eternal fire. [Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:19].
2013-05-21 Traditional View of Hell: If people remain alive in hell, then is not God the one keeping them alive and thereby perpetuating the existence of sin? [Romans 5:12-15, I Timothy 6:16]
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