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Topic: God's Will (Plan)

Showing 151 to 200 of 262.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-03-14 God Speaking through Dreams: Can God really speak to us in dreams? My daughter thinks she had a dream of a particular person God wants her to marry.
2018-02-19 Vocational Guidance: How do I know what career God is calling me to?
2018-02-01 Prayer: Does prayer have to be according to God's will? [1 John]
2018-01-31 Destined for Hell: Why would God create people destined for hell?
Reliability of the Bible: My son is concerned about the possible corruption in scriptures.
2018-01-11 God Speaking to us through Vision: A pastor I was recently listening to was telling me that everyone needed to have a vision from God of what He's speaking to us. I was wondering if I should go back to school or not. [Proverbs 29:18]
2017-12-15 Calvinism: Does it mean God made us believers or we do? [Acts 13:48]
2017-11-21 God's Will at Big Choices: Finding God's direction when life is taking some big turns
2017-11-16 Calvinism & the Elect: Calvinism & arminianism discussion involving election, being in Christ, predestination, free will, the whole gamut
2017-10-20 Hearing from God: People tell me all the time God spoke to them, but I never hear from Him. Why not?
2017-10-13 Steve on the History Channel: Heard you on the history channel & saw a video of you playing on the guitar.
Luck: what is reality? Is there luck? Are there antithesis?
2017-10-09 God Creating Us: Why did God create us? why are we here?
Lucifer Becoming Satan: Jesus said He saw Satan fall down from heaven like lightening. [Luke 10:18]
2017-10-04 Judas Iscariot: Was Judas Iscariot born the purpose of betraying Jesus? Did he repent? [Matthew 27:3]
2017-09-26 Mormonism: Mormonism, LDS discussion, the only way to convert a Mormon is on the spiritual level, but also trying to create doubt, & a true prophet would always be right, otherwise they are false prophets.
Figuring out God's Will every Decision: How do we determine what decisions to make as a Christian when it's not clear from the Bible?
2017-09-01 Blind Man or His Parents Guilty of Sin: Who sinned, the blind man or his parents? [John 9]
Jesus Breaking the Sabbath: Why was Jesus breaking the Sabbath just for healing on the Sabbath?
2017-08-22 Calvinism & Free Will: Is there free will in Calvinism? Does God
2017-08-14 God Allowing Suffering: Why does God allow suffering for His children?
2017-07-12 Jesus' Ministry only 3 Years: Why did God only have jesus' ministry last 3 1/2 years?
2017-07-11 Suffering for God's Glory: Continuing from the last call of previous show, God causes bad things for the purpose of His glory?
2017-07-05 God Bringing Good & Bad: Does God create good & bad, create terrible things & cause them to happen? [Jeremiah 29:11-12]
Knowing God's Ways: We can't know God ways, is that true?
2017-07-03 God Creating Humans: Why did God create us?
Satan's Origins: Why & when was Satan created?
2017-05-22 Receiving a Word from God: How are we supposed to know that we have a "Word from the Lord"?
2017-05-08 No Plan: God does not have a plan for us, God just allows stuff to happen, & healing is just medical, the caller heard someone say.
Mental Illness vs Demon Possession: How do we know if it's Mental Illness or Demon Possession?
2017-04-13 Expectations in Prayer: What should we expect when we pray? What should we expect when we follow the pattern Jesus said in the Lord's prayer?
2017-03-03 Calvinism Faith & God's Will: Calvinism discussion, God being the one who grants faith, does He give more faith than others, God's will vs our will
2017-02-23 Asking & God's Will: Just wondering if I ask for God's will, will He open & close doors for me because I'm in a desperate situation [Matthew 7:7, John 14:13]
2017-01-12 Providence of God: Coincidence or providence of God? Does God orchestrate our lives?
2017-01-10 Power in Christ: Our "authority" in Christ, being saved, prayer, word of faith
2016-12-22 God's Agenda: What's God's Agenda (for taking so long)?
2016-12-13 Jesse Duplantis: Does Steve know anything about him, God has power to take human life, but doesn't have the authority to take them.
2016-12-07 Glorifying God: How do you glorify God? How do you bear fruit? [John 15:8]
2016-10-14 The Will of God: Is everything that happens God's will? Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus, was that His will? Jesus dying, was THAT His will? [1 Peter 4:19]
2016-09-21 Holy Spirit: How do we know if the Holy Spirit is really telling someone to do or not do something?
Miracles: Caller thinks eople are too loose with the word "miracle" in contrast to "providence".
2016-08-31 Holy Spirit & Satan Preventing Trips of Paul: How did Paul know when it was the Holy Spirit & then satan were stopping Paul from making trips? [Acts 16, 1 Thessalonians 2]
2016-08-15 Matt Chandler Have ever heard of Matt Chandler? Would you agree that God is for His own glory & ours life is to glorify Him?
2016-08-05 Antinatalism (No Procreation): Should parents have children if they can't guarantee that they won't suffer?
Children Going to Hell: What if you run the risk of children burning for eternity in hell?
God Irresponsible: Does it possibly make God irresponsible by letting children being born who are going to burn in hell for eternity?
2016-06-29 Hearing God's Voice: I just got saved, & I always hear people saying, "God told me", how am i supposed to know if He is the one speaking to me?
2016-06-02 God changing His Mind: God changed His mind, & what do Calvinists say about that? [Amos 7]
2016-04-25 God Obligated to Answer our Prayers: Is God obligated to do what we pray in His name? 1john 5:13-15,
Christian Essentials: Do you have anything on Christian Essentials or non-negotiables?
2016-04-18 God Removing His Protection from Eduador: What do you think when someone up front in the church says that God has removed His Hand of protection from Ecuador because of a massive earthquake they recently had?
Trusting God when Bad or Good things happen: Why about people who thinks God is in control of everything that happens to you?
2016-04-11 Praying in Sports: Are we allowed to pray for anything & every that concerns us, including things like sports?
2016-04-07 Hardening One's Heart: How does God deal with people hardening hearts? Why did Pharaoh's heart get hardened?
End Times Timeline Chart: Do you have a chart of a timeline of End Time events?
2016-02-26 Perfection: What does Jesus mean to be "perfect"? [Matthew 5:38]
People Chastised for Good Works: Why are the people who say, "Lord, Lord" being chastised for doing good works? [Luke 6:46, Matthew 7:21-22]
2016-01-13 Israel Becoming a Nation in 1948: What does God think about establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948?
2016-01-11 God's Sovereignty: Is God intervening when He let's some people survive tragic events & others not?
2015-11-30 Prayer: How can we have confidence in prayer when nothing seems to change as a result of prayer? How does God work in prayer that just involves us doing a task?
2015-11-11 Answers to Prayer: In Philippians 4:6, is that basically a verse that he's going to say no, that He'll be saying no? Is there a verse in the Bible to let you know that the answer will be no? [Philippian 4:6]
2015-11-05 Neighbors threatening violence: What should caller do regarding her neighbors which seems to escalating into violence?
2015-10-19 God Being for Us: If God is for us, who can be against us? What does that mean? We seem to be up against a lot of foes. [Romans 8:31-36]
2015-09-08 Knowing the Will of God: How do we know God's will for us? Even micro-managing in day to day decisions can He reveal to us?
2015-08-27 Doing the Will of God: How do we know what God we are doing God's will so we aren't guilty of not doing it when He says that people who say Lord Lord were ever doing His will? [Matthew 7:21]
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