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Topic: Love

Showing 151 to 200 of 323.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-11-01 Moral law over Ceremonial Law: I'm confused about God summarizing loving God with your whole heart mind & soul, & love your neighbor as yourself & the moral law seems to be divided to those 2 commandments. We still need to keep the moral law, don't we? (Very convoluted question.)
2017-10-13 Christians helping the Poor: Aren't Christians supposed to help the needy?
2017-09-11 Witnessing to a Unitarian: Caller has been trying to share the gospel to a Unitarian, & he said it's all about love, but should I use the 9/11 tragedy as good example of non-loving event?
2017-09-01 Illegal Immigration: Should we have compassion on Illegal Immigrants?
2017-08-21 Commenting on Atheist Listeners: The caller appreciated the information about the atheists.
Jesus Rebuking but Being for Christians: "I have this against you," Jesus said to several churches in Revelation, but then Jesus says He's for us. [Revelation 2, Romans 8:31]
2017-08-16 Understand How Christ Loves: A new commandment, to love one another & love God, & Christ showed me how.
2017-08-14 Rose of Saron: Jesus is the Rose of Sharon, is that in the Bible somewhere? Song of Solomon 2:1, Isaiah 35:1, 1 Chronicles 27:29]
2017-08-02 Loving Ourselves: Where does it say in the Bible besides Matthew that we should love ourselves? [Matthew 22:37-39]
2017-07-21 Christians Insulting People: Does Christianity allow for insulting one another?
2017-07-11 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Wfhat is the proof of being baptized by the Holy Spirit?
Addictions: Can someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit still have trouble trying to overcome addictions?
2017-06-26 Striving, but then Easy: These 2 verses seem contradictory to each other, one saying we have to Strive to enter the Kingdom of God, but then it says that His yoke is easy. Which is it? [Luke 13:34, Matthew 11:30]
2017-05-22 Dead Sea Scrolls: I heard that the Dead Sea scrolls were missing Esther, is that true? when it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love?
Loving Your Wife: When it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love? [Ephesians 5:25-33, Colossians 3:19]
2017-05-03 Woman Pastor: My daughter says she wants to be a pastor when she grows up, but people have told her that she can't, so what do you say? [1 Timothy 2:12-15]
Hating Oneself: My other daughter wonders if she has to hate herself in order to love others? [Matthew 22:39]
2017-04-12 King James Version of the Bible: The King James Version (KJV) translation the best version?
Agape, Agape, Phileo Me: When Jesus was asking Peter if He loved Him, it was different the 3rd time?
2017-03-15 "Love your Enemies": Who are the enemies that Jesus is talking about when He says to "love your enemies"? [Matthew 5:44]
The Divorced: Are divorced people living in sin?
2017-03-07 Jesus Coming up with a New Commandment: Why did Jesus come up w/ this "new" commandment about loving your neighbour as yourself? [Matthew 22:39, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:1]
2017-02-27 Loving God & your Fellow man, & loving Self: loving God w/ your whole heart, mind & soul & loving others, self-love?
2017-02-27 Golden Rule: Self-love, & love for your neighbor (agape), & in john 13, & is this only to be given to believers or everyone? (follow up to a call he heard earlier.)
2017-02-07 God's Love: Is God's love unconditional? [John 3:16]
2017-02-03 True Christianity: What is the true way to be a Christian, because Buddhists seemed more Christ-like than Christians?
2017-01-31 God's love for Mankind: Does He really love EVERYBODY or only Israel? [John 3:16]
2017-01-23 A Form of Godliness: Having a FORM of godliness but denying the power thereof, what is the power he is talking about? [2 Timothy 3:5]
2017-01-19 Loving your Enemies: It says to love your enemies, but who is this referring to?
2017-01-18 Buddhist Falling for Jesus: Even though a buddhist, he feels like he's beginning to fall in love with Jesus
2016-12-21 Love without trust: Does this include loving w/ out trust? They can love, but don't have to trust them, even if they are gossiping, for example. [1 Corinthians 13]
2016-12-14 Love covering a multitude of sins: What does it mean love will cover a multitude, what sins is he referring to? [1 peter 4:8]
2016-12-08 Love: What is love? [1 Corinthians 13]
2016-11-29 Love & war: Caller is having trouble harmonizing loving your enemy but then war being acceptable?
2016-11-11 Circumcision: Faith which worketh by love. [Galatians 5:6] (Follow up from day before)
Legalism & Liberty: Boating about NOT being circumcised, knowing that we HAVE liberty, can be just as bad as believing in legalism. [Galatians 5:1]
Drinking Alchohol: Preachers boasting about having the liberty to drink is wrong, but doing it privately, not stumbling others, is fine.
2016-11-10 Faith which worketh by love": It says in Galatians "faith works by love", what does this mean? [Galatians 5:6]
2016-10-21 God "hating" people: So God loved Israel more than the pagan countries? And, how does this coincide w/ what Jesus said about not hating our enemies. [Psalm 5, Matthew 5, 1 John]
2016-10-05 Institutional Church: There seems to a lack of unity & love in the traditional, institutional church.
2016-09-19 God Repented Making Man, Grieved Him: Someone gave me a book called, "The Story", & I read what God was saying right before the flood & how does that compare with how He loved us while we were yet sinners. [Genesis 6:6, Romans 5:8]
2016-08-18 Abortion is not Love: Doesn't that passage of scripture trump any persons Christianity who has an abortion? [1 John 4:7-8]
2016-08-15 Marriage a Lifelong committment: A lifelong committment is what marriage is about, & divorces are just like fast-food express, getitng one anytime they want nowadays, Michael the Buddhist want to chime in regarding the first call.
2016-08-11 Role of the Holy Spirit: What is the role of the Holy Spirit if only the catholic priests can interpret scripture correctly? [1 John 2:27]
2016-08-10 Speaking in Tongues or Love: Speaking in tongues is the only real evidence that you are filled w/ the Holy Spirit, according to the listener's friend. What does Steve think about this? [1 Corinthians 13:1]
2016-08-09 Agape Love: Loving each other with christian brother/agape love [1 John 3:10-12]
Love to Believers & Unbelievers: Are we supposed to love unblievers just as much as we are supposed to love the believer? [John 13:34, Galatians 6:10]
2016-08-08 Curse for Trying to Obey the Law: So are people under a curse if they try to obey the law instead of trust in Christ? [Galatians 3:10, Galatians 5:2]
Royal Law of Love: What about the "royal law of Love", is that superior or the same as the law of the of the old law? [1 John 3]
2016-07-22 Sincerity is What Matters: Ssome say it doesn't matter if you are Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Muslim, or anything, as long as you are sincere. What say you?
2016-07-22 Jacob have I loved, Esau have I Hated: "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated", I've always been troubled with that passage of scripture [Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:13, Genesis 29:30-31]
2016-07-13 Good Manners being Taught in the Bible: We teach our children to say please, how come the Bible doesn't teach us to do itgoo or other good manners?
2016-07-08 Yeshua the name of Jesus in Hebrew: michael the Buddhist wants to know if Yeshua is the name of Jesus in Hebrew?
Feeling the Christian Love but remains Buddhist: Mike says he could almost become a Christian because he feels the love.
2016-06-27 Jesus asking Peter 3 Times if he Loved Him: Why was Jesus making such a big deal of asking Peter 3 times if he loved Him?
Day-Age Theory: Is the day-age theory biblical?
2016-06-14 Spiritual Warfare & Armour: Can you please talk about spiritual warfare & spiritual armour? [Ephesians 6]
2016-06-02 God Hating People: How can a God of Love actually hate people?
2016-05-26 Maturbation, Self-gratification: Is self-gratification, masturbation, considered a sin? Is it considered fornication?
Unworthy to be Saved: Sometimes I feel like I'm unworthy to have salvation because I've never had a balanced Christian life even though i've known better. [Romans 5:1-11]
2016-05-24 Predestinating People to Hell: Why would a merciful God create a hell? Why make people who would go there if He knew it ahead of time?
2016-05-03 ku Klux Klan: Is the KKK/Ku Klux Klan a Christian organization & if not, why not?
Sleep Euphemism for Death: Can you explain the euphemism of sleep for death?
2016-04-26 Self-Defense: 2nd Amendment, self-defense, defense of others, non-resistance?
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