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Topic: Love

Showing 251 to 300 of 323.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-12-12 "In Essentials, Unity, in Non-Essentials, Liberty, in all things, Charity": Who coined that phrase? What are the essentials? Can they boiled down to the fact that they are the Word of God & the Truth?
2014-11-25 Knowing God: How do you really get to know God?
2014-11-24 Feeling God's Presence: What does the Bible say about "feeling good" at a church service, like a tingling, goosebumps type feeling?
Anointing of God: What does the Bible say about the Anointing, that you have to pay price to receive an anointing?
2014-11-20 God's Love & Power: It's hard to see God's love when you see all this evil around you.
2014-11-12 Affection for Others: If there's love in the Christian Church, why is there so much division? [1 Corinthian 3:1-3]
2014-10-10 Organized Religion: How do you talk to somebody who doesn't believe in God anymore because of bad experiences from Organized Religions?
2014-10-09 Martin Luther: Caller thinks Martin Luther lost his first love.
Liberty & Child-bearing: It's your prerogative if you want to have children or not when you are having sex.
2014-10-06 "God is not Loving, God is Love": There is a quote in a church's statement of faith that reads, "God is not loving, God IS love". That sort've rubs me the wrong way. What do YOU think of it? [1 John 4:8,16]
2014-09-30 Love One Another & the Good Samaritan: What is the balance of giving to the poor & having enough for yourself, & doing it w/ the motivation of love? [Galatians 6:10, Luke 3:11]
2014-09-22 Love is Inclusive: Love is inclusive, you'd think, so why all this criticalness of one group bashing another group because of their beliefs?
2014-09-22 God's Love for us: Why does God love us?
2014-07-31 Love God, Love Neighbor & Love Yourself: How do we know that are not loving ourselves?
2014-07-18 Lack of Emotion/Love: Listener is not sure if it's a result of a brain defect or personal trauma, but he has no emotion for people, no love for people. [1 Corinthians 13]
2014-07-17 Song of Solomon: What exactly is book of Song of Songs or Song of Solomon? Love letters, a love poem, just what exactly is it? [Songs of Solomon]
The Book of Hebrews: Who wrote the Book of Hebrews?
2014-07-14 Perfect Love & Spiritual Gifts: Doesn't a "perfect love" for your brethren in Christ trump any spiritual gift you might receive, or, is it saying in order to be able to perform a spiritual gift you have to have a perfect love? [1 Corinthians 12-14]
2014-07-14 Spiritual Gifts & love followup: So the gifts will just be perfected in love then, & so it's not the gifts that will disappear, but the immaturity of not having love in them? [1 Corinthians 12-14]
Jesus Broke the Sabbath: So you think Jesus actually broke the Sabbath? [John 5:17, Matthew 5:17-19, Colossians 2:14-18]
2014-07-01 Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses: I've engaged in conversation w/ JW's....they seem to have a lot of knowledge even though misguided.
Being a Disciple of Christ: You are only a Disciple of Christ if you have LOVE for one another, isn't that right? What are you if you are NOT truly a disciple of Christ?
2014-06-26 Hell: Caller comments his version of why it has to be eternal hell fire, because of the Light of God radiating.
Forgiving Others: We aren't supposed to forgive people who don't forgive others, isn't that right? [Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 18:23-35]
2014-06-25 Breaking one point of the law, guilty of all: What if we fail to love? is that a greater sin? [James 2:10]
2014-06-23 Dating: What do you do instead of Dating since you are against dating?
2014-06-03 God Punishing or Disciplining: Is God Punishing or Disciplining sinners? [Hebrews 12, Ephesians 6:1-4, Proverbs 22:6, 13:24]
2014-05-21 Legalism: Does the word "Legalism" always denote a negative connotation?
Peter & Dietary laws: My friend thinks we have to keep the dietary laws, the Sabbath, the feast days, that it's not just about love, it's about law-keeping. [Mark 7:19, Matthew 15:16-20, Acts 10-11]
2014-05-16 Lust or Natural Attraction: Caller thinks the church is too simplistic regarding lust or natural attraction of the opposite sex, and thinks that they are wrong for thinking it's a sin that one of the reasons you are dating someone is because you are looking forward to having sex with them once you are married. [Matthew 5:28]
2014-05-15 God meeting us where we are: Does it actually say anywhere in the Bible that God will meet us where we are? [Luke 15:11-32, Matthew 18:12-14]
2014-05-13 Head Knowledge in relation to Personal Relationship: It is possible to have a relationship w/ the Creator of the Universe, a personal God? Head knowledge seems pretty important, too!
2014-05-13 Word of Encouragement: Caller wanted to encourage the 2nd to last caller about having anxiety over being saved w/ a story about her sister & the late Bill Bright.
2014-05-01 Getting hung-up on inconsequential matters: Caller thinks people, including his pastor, get hung up on stuff that doesn't matter.
Heaven & no Sea: Is there anywhere in the Bible, especially Revelation, that gives insight about Heaven? What about no sea or oceans in the New Earth? Is that symbolic too? [Revelation 21:1]
Loving our Brethren & protecting a believer more than an unbeliever: Do we need to have unity besides just loving one another? [john 15:12, 1 John 4:8, Galatians 6:10]
2014-04-24 Last Minute Christianity: How can someone who has been a Christian all their life be happy about someone who made it in the last 5 minutes of their life, getting to have eternal life? [Matthew 20:1-16, Luke 15:25-31]
2014-04-16 Non-Negotiables: "In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity." So what is your list of non-negotiables to be a Christian?
2014-04-02 Trinity: What if a group disagrees about the Trinity of another group they want to rent a church building from?
2014-03-11 Loving our Neighbors: We need to love our neighbor more than ourselves, so the woman who's going to dialogue w/ Muslims, that's great!
2014-02-26 Judging Brother & the Law: What does it mean not to Judge your Brother otherwise you are speaking evil of the law & judging it? [James 4:11-12, 2:8, 1 John 4:20-21]
2014-02-21 Patience: You seem to have a gift in Patience. Can you give me some advice on how to be patient?
2014-01-27 Feeding & Clothing the Poor: We need to have Christ-like behavior towards our fellow man according to this passage of Scripture, feeding & clothing the poor & so on? [Matthew 7 & 25]
High Priest Annas & Caiaphas: Comments about the High Priests of Annas & Caiaphas.
2014-01-14 Keeping His Commandments: If you don't LOVE doing Jesus' commandments, you might not really love Him, but are in fact a legalist. [1 John 5:3]
2013-12-30 Pastors being Limited to Think CLearly: It's unfortunate there's a limit sometimes on what a pastor can believe or teach within the belief system of their denomination.
Predestination: Was R.C. Sproul saying that we actually DO have a choice on whether we go to hell or not? Trying to make Calvinism & Arminianism harmonize.
Loved ones burning in Hell: John MacArthur & R. C. Sproul seem inconsistent about that they say about buring in eternity in hell.
2013-12-17 Division & Unity in the Body of Christ: How do we avoid dividing of doctrinal differences & having unity, but standing up for the true gospel?
2013-12-09 Learning to Love Jesus: Caller really wants to know what it means to love Jesus, & it makes her question her faith because she isn't sure if she does love Jesus.
"The Cloud of Unknowing": Has Steve ever read "The Cloud of Unknowing" that really teaches a person to love Jesus?
2013-12-09 Love of Christ: Caller wanted to comment about a previous call & the love of Christ. [2 Corinthians 5:14]
The Amplified Bible: What does STeve think of "The Amplified BIble"?
2013-12-09 Homosexuals: We are supposed to love one another, even homosexuals, aren't we?
2013-11-27 NIV Translation: Can Steve please explain why he doesn't like a "dynamic equivelant" translation of the Bible such as the NIV?
People Discerning that you are Christian: Have you ever had people just walk up to you not knowing for sure you are a Christian & ask if you are a Christian?
2013-11-11 Having a Kind Heart: Michael the Buddhist thinks that having a good heart is the important thing.
Dharma: Steve turned the tables around & asked Michael if the Dharma was a person who could respond back to him.
2013-11-08 Not All God's Children: Caller was wondering if we are ALL God's children or not even if we are not believers? Does God love everyone, even non-believers? [John 8, 1 John , John 3:16]
God Loving Everybody: But does God love everybody, even sinners? [John 3:16]
2013-11-07 Job's Suffering verses Peace: We need to tell Michael the Buddhist about suffering, not peace. Or what about the things the people in Hebrews 11 suffered instead about obtaining peace at the moment? [Job, Hebrews 11]
2013-10-28 Oneness Pentecostal: Are Oneness Pentecostals Christians because they don't believe in the Trinity?
2013-09-11 Fruit of the Spirit & Filled with the Holy Spirit: How does one know when they are filled the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? What about Christians who have the Holy Spirit, but aren't baptized with it, don't they also have the fruits of the Spirit?
Ministers Being Filled with the Spirit: What about ministers who were raised Christians but might not be filled with the Holy Spirit? (Steve recommends the Lectures, Charisma & Character)
2013-08-30 Hell-Universal Reconciliation: The problem with the idea of universal reconciliation is that people would just want to escape hell & not be sincere, so how would it be possible?
God's Love for Us: Why does God love us so much? [1 john 4:7-8, Deuteronomy 7:7-8]
Hell-Eternal Torment & Annihilationism: Can you please talk about the other 2 views of hell then other than universal reconciliation? (Traditional view of Eternal torment & annihilationism.)
2013-08-23 God Failed: Caller thinks God has failed her.
2013-08-12 Revelation Fascination & not Love for Jesus: It seems that loving Jesus & loving poeple is more important than what's going to happen in the end times, the caller thinks.
2013-08-12 God's Love: Can you explain God's Love & how to love others?
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