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Topic: Resurrection (Physical)

Showing 151 to 200 of 340.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-11-10 Tell No One About This: Why did Jesus tell people not to tell other about Him? [Mark 7:36, Matthew 8:4, Matthew 17:9, I Corinthians 2].
2020-11-05 Upon Death-Immediate Destination: When you die, do you go straight to heaven or hell, depending on whether you are saved or not? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8, 2 Timothy 4:6].
2020-10-21 Glorified Bodies Need to Eat: Is it necessary for resurrected bodies to eat to live in the glorified state? [Revelation 22:2].
Sheep, Goats, & Brethren: Are the sheep, the goats, the brethren, etc. all referring to the same people in Matthew 7 & 25? [Matthew 7:23, Matthew 25:41].
Serving God in the Glorified State: What does serving God in a glorified body look like? [Revelation 4, Revelation 5, Revelation 21, Revelation 22, Luke 19].
2020-10-19 Great Mystery and Change: Could you talk about the great mystery about when we shall all be changed? [I Corinthians 15:50, I Thessalonians 4:16-17].
Resurrection "All-in-All": Does the resurrection passages have anything to do with the scripture, "all in all"? [I Corinthians 15:28].
2020-10-19 Great Mystery and Change: Could you talk about the great mystery about when we shall all be changed? [I Corinthians 15:50, I Thessalonians 4:16-17].
Resurrection "All-in-All": Does the resurrection passages have anything to do with the scripture, "all in all"? [I Corinthians 15:28].
2020-10-09 Predestination: Did you say that the word "predestination" only appears in two places the New Testament? [Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:5, 2 Corinthians 3:18, I John 3:2].
2020-10-06 Zeitqeist: Caller compliments Steve on his response to the Zeitgeist question on YouTube.
Sadducees & Pharisees & the Resurrection: Did the Sadducees and Pharisees turn parts of Zechariah into a fable about the resurrection? [Daniel 12:2, Acts 23:6, Matthew 22:32].
2020-09-23 Krishna: Where is Krishna when you need him?
Other Religious Deity Resurrections: Were there many deity resurrections in various religions before Christianity?
2020-08-12 Resurrection Not Enough to Convince Some: Does the story of "Lazarus & the Rich Man" indicate that the resurrection would not be enough to convince anyone? [Luke 16:19-31, John 12:10-11, John 5:45-47]
2020-08-05 Paul to Britain: Did Paul go to Britian? [Acts 29, 2 Timothy, Titus].
Identifying the antichrist in Daniel 9: Why is the "he" in Daniel often identified as the antichrist, rather than Christ and who first came up with that view? [Daniel 9:27].
Future Millennium: Who was the first to believe in a future 1000 year millennium? [Revelation 20, Isaiah 65-66, John 5:28-29, Matthew 25:31].
2020-07-06 Three Definitions of Heaven and Hell: Do you have three definitions of heaven, as you do of heaven? [Genesis 1:1].
Heaven When We Die: Why do people think we go to heaven when we die? [Psalm 37:29, Acts 2:29, John 3:13, Revelation 21:2].
2020-06-16 Heaven or Hell Upon Death: What happens in the intermediate state? Do we go directly to heaven or hell when we die? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Luke 16:19-31, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:14-15, John 3:16, Ecclesiastes 9:5].
2020-06-12 First Resurrection in Revelation: How do the Futurists explain the "present tense active" in the Greek in the Revelation about the Resurrection? [Revelation 20:6].
Soul Sleep: Does this verse support "soul sleep" for the lost? [Revelation 20:5].
2020-06-11 Return to Earth: In the book "The Last Hour" by Amir Tsarfati, the author says we will return to earth, could you talk about that? [Genesis 3, Revelation 5:10, 2 Timothy 2, Psalm 2:8].
2020-06-05 First Resurrection & Regeneration: What is meant by the "first" resurrection? [John 5:25-29, Revelation 20].
2020-06-03 Two Resurrections & Premillennialism: How many resurrections are there and do the Premillennialists use this to support their position? [Revelation 20, John 5:24-29, Acts 24:15, Ephesians 2:1].
Hour May Not Mean an Hour: Does the word used for "hour", always have to mean an hour, exactly or can it not mean "time"? [John 5:25].
2020-05-19 Glorified Bodies in the Resurrection: Why will we need glorified bodies in the resurrection, and will be continuity between our present body and those new bodies? [Matthew 5:28-29].
2020-05-18 Cremation or Burial: Should we be cremated or buried in a box?
2020-05-18 Best Evidences of Jesus' Resurrection: What are the best evidences for the resurrection of Jesus? [1 Peter 3:15, I Corinthians 15:6].
2020-04-30 Amillennial View of Intermediate State Before the Resurrection: In the amillennial view, do believers live with Christ, while the unbelievers are not conscious until the resurrection, as in soul sleep? [Revelation 20].
2020-04-29 Sadducees & Pharisees: Were the Sadducees like our modern liberals and the Pharisees, the conservatives?
Sadduccees & Pharisees on the Resurrection: Were the Sadducees or the Pharisees more closely aligned to the teachings of scripture regarding the resurrection? [Acts 23:6, 24:16].
2020-04-15 Between the Resurrection & the Ascension: After the resurrection and before the ascension, did Jesus go back and forth between heaven and earth sometimes?
Mary-Don't Cling: What about when Jesus told Mary not to cling to Him? [John 20:17]
Fruit Fruit of Jesus: What about the verses about Jesus as the first fruit, does it indicate that Jesus went back and forth between earth and heaven? [I Corinthians 15:20].
2020-04-14 Judgment Different for Jews & Gentile: Is there a different level of judgment for Jews and gentiles? [Matthew 10:15, 11:24, Romans 2:6].
Questioning the Description of Hell in Daniel: You indicated that this verse in Daniel 11 & 12, doesn't apply to hell, can you clarify your position? [Daniel 2, 9, 12:2, Ezekiel 37, John 5:28, Luke 2:34, Matthew 5:24, I Peter 1:10-12].
2020-04-14 Folded Napkin in the Tomb: Can you talk about the significance of the folded napkin in the tomb? [John 20:7].
2020-04-10 After Death Before Resurrection: What do you see as the peace between our death and our resurrection? What happens right after death when we are disembodied? [2 Corinthians 5:8].
2020-04-06 Born Again Misunderstood: Could the verse about being "born again" really mean that we will be born again later in the resurrection of the dead? [I Peter 1:3].
2020-03-31 Full-Preterist View of "No More Pain": Can you help clarify the belief that the Full-Preterist view that all has been fulfilled already, suggesting that we are in the age where there is no more pain, etc.? [Revelation 21:4].
Signs Yet to be Fulfilled: What passages of scripture give prophetic signs that you think are yet to be fulfilled? [Matthew 24:34, Hebrews 6:1-6].
2020-03-30 Best Evidence for Christianity: What is the best reason to be a Christian and follow Jesus?
2020-03-24 Catholic Church Influenced King James Version: Did Catholic influence on the KJV obscure the fact that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday? {Mark 6:9, Matthew 28:1].
2020-02-28 Proof of God's Existence: How do I know that God exists?
Homosexuality: How do your resolve God's love for the Homosexual and His view of the sin of practicing homosexual acts as an abomination?
Life on Other Planets: Don't you think it impossible that there is life on other planets, because their redemption would require that Jesus die again, and scripture says He died once for all?
2020-02-27 Bible-Prove to be True: If you were to pick one point to prove that the Bible is the inspired word of God? [Isaiah 44:7].
2020-02-20 Bodies in Hell: Do we know what kind of bodies the wicked will have at the resurrection, and would that have any effect on one's view of hell?
Warning of Destruction in AD70: Did the warning in Revelation for the believers to flee, have any effect on the churches in Smyrna & Philadelphia? [Revelation 2:9, 3:9, John 8:44].
2020-02-19 Old Testament Ritual Laws: Why did the Old Testament law list laws about mixing different fabrics, together?
Saints in Glorified State: Regarding the saints in heaven in Revelation, are they in their glorified state? [Revelation 6, 7, 19].
2020-01-10 Afterlife, Resurrection, Heaven or Hell (Old Testament): Does the Old Testament ever mention heaven, hell, the afterlife, or resurrection? [Isaiah 14:9, 26:19, Daniel 12:2].
2019-11-22 Death, Resurrected Bodies & Soul Sleep: Scripture never supports the idea of re-energized resurrected bodies after we die, so why to you suggest that? [I Corinthians 15:20-24, Job 14, 19, Psalm 173:4, 146:4, Daniel, Ecclesiastes 9:5, II Kings, Revelation 6, 20,John 11:17-44, 5:24, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23].
2019-10-28 Cremation: Does the Bible say anything about cremation?
New Body in Heaven: Does the body get reformed when we go to heaven?
2019-09-17 Jairus's daughter-dead or asleep: The gospels seem to say that the girl (Jairus's daughter) thought to be dead was not dead [John 11, Luke 8:40-56].
2019-08-28 Resurrection of the Saints & Sinners: How does the resurrection of the saints and the lost fit with the return of Jesus? [Revelation 11, 20:5-6, Matthew 5:28-29, I Corinthians 15:51-53, I Thessalonians 4:16, John 5:24, 28, 6:39, 40, 44, 54, 12:48, Acts 24:15].
2019-07-19 Resurrection Body: Do I have this right, that Jesus received a perfect human resurrected body, but He is also God ... and we will also receive a like body? [I Corinthians 15, Philippians 3:21, Revelation 21:4].
2019-07-17 Rewards in Heaven: Is there impact on the doctrine of soul sleep if we don't get rewarded until we get to heaven, following our resurrection? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2019-06-05 Symbolism in Scripture: In the passage about other saints rising from the dead, at the time of the crucifixion, could it be symbolic? [Matthew 27: 52-53; Revelation 5:6].
2019-05-31 Virgin Birth: Why does the book of Mark not mention the virgin birth? [John 1:14].
Many Came Out of Their Graves: In Matthew, it is mentioned that many came out of the graves, is this possibly an interpolation (adding of text)? [Matthew 27:52-53].
2019-05-24 People resurrected during Jesus' Resurrection: What actually happened in this passage of Scripture? Why were they resurrected? What happened to them? [Matthew 27:51-53]
2019-05-17 Martha's Awareness of Resurrection: What scripture would have informed Martha about the idea of resurrection in John 11:24? [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 26, John 6, John 11:24].
2019-05-16 Gospel during the Millennium: Will the gospel be preached in the millennium (the 1000 year reign)? [I Cor 15:51-55, 38].
Who Comes Back with Jesus: Who is being resurrected when He comes back with the saints and the angels?
Will We Have Bodies in Heaven: Will we have glorified bodies in heaven? [I Corinthians 15:20, I Thessalonians 4:16-17, Matthew 27:52-53].
2019-04-19 Curiosity inquiry: Is that you wearing the jean jacket with 'One Way' on it (on Steve Gregg-The Narrow Path Facebook page)?
Being Human & Jesus' Arrogance: What does it mean to be human? Wouldn't Jesus have known that some of the things He said about Himself, would make others see Him as arrogant?
Resurrection: What will determine a person's status or rewards in the resurrection and new earth?
2019-04-17 Knowing Christ (God): What does it mean, "That I may know Him in the fellowship of His suffering" & "Resurrection of the righteous"? [Philippians 3:10-11, I Corinthians 9:26-27, Colossian 1:24]
2019-04-08 The Rapture: Will there be two raptures? What about "The Last Day" & the resurrection of the dead? [I Thessalonians 4:16-17, John 6:49]
2019-04-05 Resurrection of Unbelievers: Is there a physical resurrection of unbelievers? [John 5:28-29, Revelation 20, Acts 24:12-15]
Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Why do some use the term as a pejorative? What do they mean by it? So how does it fit in with the New Covenant vs Old Covenant [Hebrews 8:13]?
Baptism: Who has the authority to baptize? What about when a church does not recognize another denomination's baptism?
2019-03-11 Two Ages in the Bible? What is Don Preston's (a full-preterist) view of the resurrection? Are there only two ages? [Acts 2:7-9] neither marry or given in marriage/ Luke 20:34
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