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Topic: Resurrection (Physical)

Showing 201 to 250 of 340.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-03-08 Second Coming-Rapture: Are these both these passages talking about the rapture and the resurrection [Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2:1f]?
2019-03-01 Resurrection: What about the resurrection and Enoch? Will there be marriage in the resurrection? Does Jesus' agreement with Enoch validate the inspiration of the book of Enoch? What is the difference of opinions of the Sadducees and Pharisees about the resurrection [Luke 16, Matthew 22:29-33]?
2019-02-18 70th Week: Why would the Messiah make a covenant for only 1 week? [Daniel 9:27]
The Millennium: Could the book of Revelation be revealing a millennium? [Revelation 20]
2019-02-01 Book of Enoch: Why don't you think the Book of Enoch is authentic since the Dead Sea scrolls included it & didn't Jesus refer to it?
2019-01-28 Satan raising people from the dead: Is there somewhere in the Bible that says Satan can raise the dead?
Creation Literal: A day in the account of Creation does not mean that it has to be a literal 24 period of time, does it?
2019-01-23 Rapture: Is it true that there is no rapture, but it only happens at the second coming?
2018-12-04 Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord: "TODAY you will be w/ Me in paradise", "absent from the body, present w/ the Lord" but then it says our resurrected bodies are raised to meet Him in the air. [Luke 23:43, Philippians 1:21-23, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18]
2018-11-08 Marriage in Heaven: The story of the marriage question asked of Jesus, where did He pull that from? (never do resolve exactly what he's asking)
2018-11-05 Rapture: What is your view of the rapture? not tasting the sting of death
Not Tasting the Sting of Death Wouldn't it be nice to be alive when Jesus comes back?
2018-10-16 Resurrection of the Dead: The Resurrection of the dead in Revelation 20, does that correspond w/ the first resurrection in 1thess 4:16? [Revelation 20:5, 1 Thessalonians 4:16]
2018-09-07 One Resurrection or two: It says to me there are 2 resurrections in Revelation 20, but you say there is only one. How do you come to that conclusion?
2018-09-07 Resurrection: The dead in Christ shall rise first, & so the wicked must be resurrected later, a second resurrection, just like the Revelation 20 says, isn't that what both passages are saying? [Thessalonians 4:15-18]
2018-08-23 Resurrection: At the resurrection, is everyone raised incorruptible like that says? [1 Corinthians 15:52]
2018-08-20 Trinity followup & Resurrection: Was Jesus somehow living IN the resurrection when He was here? [John 11]
Faith & Belief: We didn't have enough time last time I called about clarifying the difference between belief & faith.
2018-08-08 Annihilation of the Wicked: Caller thinks the belief of annihilation of the wicked is the best way to go. [Matthew 13:24-30, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, 2 Peter 3]
2018-08-08 Dead in Christ Resurrection: Why do the people who are in Heaven have to be resurrected? [1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4]
2018-08-07 First Fruits: What is the meaning of "first fruits"? I thought that meant this first resurrection before the millennium, before the rest of them? What about the 144,000? [Revelation 14:5]
More tolerable for Gomorrah than Tyre: What does it mean more tolerable for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah than the city of Tyre in the judgement? [Matthew 11:22]
2018-07-23 End of Life Ministry: I'm working with people who are in their last days, but i'm wondering some firm Scripture I can give people are on their deathbed.
2018-07-16 Sufferings of Christ: I'm wondering about having the sufferings of Christ that Paul was talking about in Philippians. Can you explain it? [Philippians 3:10-11]
2018-07-09 Cremation: Is cremation okay or do we need our bodies for God to raise us?
2018-07-02 Burial as opposed to Cremation: Is there something wrong with cremation as opposed to burial?
2018-06-22 Mind after the Fall & Mind After the Resurrection: What happened to Adam & Eve w/ their mind after the Fall, & what kind of mind will we have at the resurrection?
2018-06-20 Events Surrounding the Jesus' Crucifixion: Caller thinks the righteous people being raised out of the grave, the sun darkening, the earthquake happening, the curtain of the temple being torn in 2, all these events are the "great tribulation" that Jesus was talking about. [Matthew 27]
2018-06-20 The Resurrection during Jesus Resurrection: Why aren't the people who were resurrected, when Jesus was, spoken of elsewhere or more? What happened to them? Did they die again? [Matthew 27:52-53]
2018-05-30 Preterism timeline: What is the timeline of a preterist? You still believe in the Second Coming of Jesus & the resurrection?
2018-05-23 Celestial or Terrestrial Bodies: Celestial or Terrestrial bodies, what is Paul talking about? [1 Corinthians 15:40]
2018-05-21 Sown in Corruption, Raised in Incorruption: Sown in corruption, raised in incorruption, putting on immortality, what does Paul mean with all this sayings? [1 Corinthians 15:42, 1 Corinthians 15:53-55]
2018-05-11 Full Preterism & the Resurrection: A lengthy discussion about the Resurrection with a full preterist.
2018-05-04 Full Preterism: Caller thinks in 70 AD the resurrection happened also. (carries back after the break as well.)
2018-04-24 God drawing Everyone: Do you think God draws every man to His Son? [John 6:44]
2018-04-24 Tormented forever in Hell: Hell & Mr. Fudge, 4 views of hell
2018-03-26 Soul, Spirit & Body: I've been being taught that our soul/spirit & body are all one unit, all part of the same thing. What do you think?
Resurrected Bodies: What are our resurrected bodies going to be like? Are Jesus' scars from His hand & side going to be gone?
2018-03-15 Resurrection of Israel: Is Ezekiel 37:1-14 a real resurrection or metaphorical, where it talks about the bones being resurrected?
2018-03-08 Abraham's Bosom: Does abraham's bosom still exist? Did all the people who were resurrected during Jesus' resurrection come from Abraham's Bosom?
2018-03-08 Baptizing for the Dead: Why does paul saying being baptized for the dead like the Mormons do? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
2018-02-27 Married People in the Ressurection: What will be the status or condition of people in the ressurection with regard to married couples? Will married people remember each other?
2018-02-22 Jesus not being Ressurected: Was there any danger of Jesus not being resurrected?
2018-02-09 Consciousness when Absent from the Body: Is your understanding that when someone dies they are conscious? Discussion of body that decomposes getting resurrected.
2018-01-17 Dead coming out their Graves: Everyone comes out of their graves when Jesus returns? What about the people that are already in Heaven? They are just going to receive their rewards & then go back to Heaven?
2018-01-03 Attain Ressurection of the Dead: What does it mean to "attain to the ressurection of the dead"? [Philippians 3:10-11]
2018-01-03 Attain Resurrection of the Dead: (Continuation of 4th call this episode) It sounds like Paul doesn't know how to attain the resurrection of the dead.
2017-12-06 Fellowshipping with Believers: Are we sinning if we don't assemble ourselves together with fellow believers? [Hebrews 10:25]
Dead in Christ shall Rise First: The dead in Christ shall rise first, the pre-tribulation view. [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17]
2017-12-01 Judgment Private or Public: Will the judgment be private or public where everyone can see it? [Romans 2:16]
Adam as a Sacrifice: Jack hayford says that if Adam had not sinned, but Eve had, he could've been an acceptable sacrifice instead of Jesus. What do you think about that idea?
Greatest in the Kingdom of God: What can you tell about this verse? [Matthew 18:1]
2017-11-13 Jesus Body at His Return: When Jesus rose from the dead, did He have the same body He had before He came down here or a newly glorified body? Will Jesus have the same body He had at His resurrection when He returns? [Acts 1:9-11]
2017-11-10 No Marriage in Heaven: There is going to be no marriage anymore in heaven? [Matthew 22:30]
2017-11-10 Power of God: Caller wanted to chime in about marriage on the other side of glory. He shares a story about having so much power from God that he had enough energy that he didn't have to sleep more than 10 minutes a day, & there was no interest in sex.
Luke & Paul: When did Luke join up with Paul? How soon after Paul's conversion?
2017-10-04 Manifestation of the Sons of God: The manifestation of the Sons of God, is this going to happen, be revealed, before Jesus comes back? [Romans 8:22]
2017-09-18 Gates of Hell not Prevail against the Church What did Jesus mean by "the gates of hell" will not prevail against it? [Matthew 16:18]
2017-09-14 Cremation or Buried in Coffin: Is cremation acceptable or is it better to be buried?
Church Fathers & their Doctrine: Did the Church Fathers influence a lot of their doctrines & traditions in the church?
2017-08-16 Bible Figure Job: Did Job know of the Redeemer & Resurrection? [Job 19:26-27]
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