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Topic: Demons (Demonic)

Showing 201 to 250 of 307.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-11-06 Demons Repenting: Can demons repent?
2018-11-01 Distinguishing Evil Spirits & Demons: Is there a difference between evil spirits & demons?
Supernatural Reports: What do you think of the books "Heaven is for Real" or "23 min in Hell"?
2018-10-30 Nephilim: Are the Sons of God angels or humans?
Guardian Angels: Are there really guardian angels?
Fallen Angels: Are fallen angels demons?
2018-10-30 Casting out Demons: Where do the demons go once they are cast out or where do we send them?
Lester Sumrall: Lester Sumrall cast out the demons to Jesus' feet. What do you think about that?
2018-10-30 Casting out Demons: Where do the demons go once they are cast out or where do we send them?
Lester Sumrall: Lester Sumrall cast out the demons to Jesus' feet. What do you think about that?
2018-10-22 Demon-Possessed People: Are demon-possessed people inherently lost? In other words, can Christians be demon-possessed, because I thought they were supposed to have the Holy Spirit?
Giving Someone a Glass of Water: What does this verse mean about giving someone a glass of water? [Matthew 10:42]
2018-08-20 Bible Contradiction about the Number of Demon-Possessed People: There seems to be a contradiction involving a demon-possessed man. Mark 5 says there are 2 Demon-possessed people, but Luke 8 says there was only one. Is this a Bible Contradiction? [Mark 5, Luke 8]
2018-08-06 Sleep Paralysis, Demon attacks & Spiritual warfare: Caller tells about a personal experience with a demons, & calling on the name of Jesus. He would like to know what Ephesians 6 has to do with this? [Ephesians 6:12]
2018-07-30 Miracles in Jesus Name: If you can do miracles in Jesus name it seems you are pretty close to doing God's will, so wouldn't He be the One doing that?
2018-07-26 Demon Phenomenon: A story about Demon Phenomenon, Is it normal to go through what he went through?
2018-07-19 John MacCaarthur's View of the Nephilim: The Nephilim, are they demons or angles that had sex with women? John MacCarthur thinks so. [Genesis 6:4, Number 13:33]
2018-07-18 A Divided House: Binding the strong man, Satan bound, demons leaving but 7 more come and take over, I can't figure out what's happening here. [Luke 11]
2018-07-18 Sleep Paralysis: I, too, like felt a Sleep Paralysis, felt a force leave me.
Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost The term God the Father , The Son & the Holy Spirit, to use for Baptism, is not even in the Septuagint.
2018-07-17 Demonic Pact & Its Ramifications: I made a demonic pact made when a youth, so what are the ramifications, does there need to be a special deliverance? [2 Corinthians 5:17]
Addiction: Struggle with Addiction a lot.
2018-07-17 Sleep Paralysis: Have you ever heard of sleep paralysis? What about anointing a room for protection? an ex-mormom wants to know
2018-05-22 Aliens being Demons: Are aliens & UFO's by any chance demons?
2018-05-21 The Ability of Demons: Can the demons block your prayers?
2018-05-08 Demon-Possession: Where did demons actually come from?
2018-04-18 Shamanism: What do you think about getting into Shamanism?
2018-03-08 The Devil's Powers: Does satan have powers to control us?
Our Carnal Nature: Are we being tempted of ourselves, our flesh, our carnal nature, just as much as we are being tempted by Satan?
2018-01-29 Fallen Angels: Fallen angels like to deceive, & in the end times they are going to say that demons are aliens.
2017-11-21 Exorcisms: Are exorcisms only performed by the Catholic Church or in all Protestant denominations as well?
2017-11-15 Dealing with Hauntings or Evil Spirits: I'm wondering what you think of hauntings or evil spirits? Caller shares a story.
2017-11-15 Ghost Hovering: A caller's daughter dating someone who appears to have a ghost hovering near them, do you think daughter is still in danger?
2017-10-26 Demonic Activity: Demonic activity has really been running rampant lately in this country, what can/should we do about it?
2017-09-12 Halloween: What is your view of Halloween?
2017-09-01 Eternal Security: Once saved always saved pretty much diminishes the whole point of following Jesus, being a Christian. You can just say a Sinner's Prayer & remain in sin because of supposed grace.
Demons or Extra-Terrestrial: Caller thought he was a Christian, but wants to know if he's being afflicted from demons or aliens.
2017-08-31 Johann Blumhardt: Blumhardt's Battle, a true demon-possession story, was that you I heard that from, & what was his name again?
2017-08-31 Extra-Terrestrial Activity or Demons: caller knows there's extra-terrestrial beings &/or demons
2017-08-18 Demon-Possessed Christians: Can a Christian be demon-possessed?
2017-08-03 Matthew 24 Being Fulfilled: Is reading a book by john l bray called, Matthew 24 fulfilled beneficial? Isn't he a full preterist?
Johann Blumhardt: Discussion about Johann Blumhardt & the exorcism he performed of a girl who was demon-possessed.
2017-07-21 Christians being Demon-Possessed: Can a Christian be demon-possessed?
2017-05-17 John Chi & Exorcisms: John Chi, an African Preacher, an apostle casting out demons, have you ever heard of him?
2017-05-15 Demon Possession Story: A deemon possession story is shared.
2017-05-08 No Plan: God does not have a plan for us, God just allows stuff to happen, & healing is just medical, the caller heard someone say.
Mental Illness vs Demon Possession: How do we know if it's Mental Illness or Demon Possession?
2017-04-27 Demons being Changed: If the demons are chained up how can they be doing their work? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6]
2017-04-13 Reality of Demons: I just became a Christian, but my wife is Catholic & doesn't really believe in demons, & I'm trying to show her they are real.
2017-04-13 Causes of Illnesses: What is the difference between a natural/organic illness & a demon initiated illness?
2017-04-13 Spirits & Demons: (followup) to the catholic caller about spirits/demons
2017-04-05 Demons not being Fallen Angels: I heard that demons are not the fallen angels & I'd love your opinion on that. [1 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6]
2017-04-04 Paying Tithe: Going to Hell if you don't pay tithe, is that true?
Territorial Demons: The Prince of Persia preventing prayer, does that mean territorial demons? [Daniel 10]
2017-03-16 The Demons who were in the Swine: When the legion of demons went out of the man into the swine of pigs & then came out of them, do you know where they went? [Matthew 8:28-34]
2016-11-11 Demons: In the Bible, who or what are Demons? Where do they come from & are there still Demons today?
2016-11-11 Witchcraft, Wiccan: Why does this seem so prevalent nowadays?
Noises in House: Caller hears noises inside & outside her house? Are they demons?
2016-10-18 Dreams: Caller doesn't get any sleep because he's having these weird dreams, & it's been happening for quite sometime
2016-10-05 Angels Cast out of Heaven: What is your view about a 1/3 of the angels being cast out of heaven?
2016-09-27 Aliens being Demonic: Have you ever heard of aliens being demonic beings?
2016-09-15 Demonic activity, Spiritual Warfare & Power of Suggestion: Demonic activity/Spiritual warfare: Can Steve please critique the caller's about how the power of suggestion? [Hebrew 4:12, 2 Timothy 2:6]
2016-09-14 Demonic Presence: Could Steve please share the specific cases of demonic activity in houses he lived in, asked because of an answer he gave the day before.
2016-09-13 Spiritual Warfare, Demonic Territories & Inanimate Objects: Do demons only possess human or real estate & inanimate objects as well?
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