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Topic: Demons (Demonic)

Showing 251 to 300 of 307.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-08-08 Putting on the Full Armor of God, combating Demonic Activity: Caller is concerned about having the full armor of God, fighting emonic or supernatural influences in her home, feeling very afraid. [Ephesians 6:14-17] (same caller as 2nd of same show.)
2016-07-07 Casting out of Demons by the Spirit: How are False Christians/Prophets able to make demons depart from Jesus, because didn't He also say that "a house divided against itself cannot stand"? [Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 12:25]
The 10 Bridesmaids: Caller is wondering that since the bridesmaids are virgins & are supposedly betrothed to the bridegroom, does that mean that they were all Christians? [Matthew 25:1-13]
2016-06-10 Demons Being Fallen Angels: Are the demons of the present day the fallen angels? [Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4]
2016-05-27 Pornography, Drugs & Demonic Oppression: I'm struggling with drugs, pornography, demonic oppression, so what do I do?
The Nephilim: Did Angels have sex with women? The nephilim. [Genesis 6]
2016-05-09 Demonology: I heard you've had experiences with casting out Demons/exorcisms & wondering if you could talk about a few of those cases.
Cults & the Occult: Can you tell me the difference between Cults & the Occult?
2016-03-17 Origins of Satan: Where did Satan officially come from? He was up in Heaven during the book of Job. [John 12:31, Revelation 12:9-10]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: What is Ephesians talking about spiritual warfare & spiritual wickedness being up in heaven in the spiritual realm? [Ephesians 6:12]
Timing of Satan's Creation: Was the Serpent Satan? Was he created after Adam & Eve were created? When were the angels created?
2016-03-03 Demonology & Auras: A fortune teller told me that I had a darkness, a lot of demons surrounding me. Is there anything to this?
2016-03-01 Demons Attaching to Inanimate Objects: Does the Bible say anything about demons that are attached to objects?
Anointing Houses: How we are supposed to anoint/bless objects such as houses?
2016-01-15 Reincarnation, Hypnosis & Eastern Religions: What can you tell me about Reincarnation, Hypnosis, Evil Spirits & the like?
2015-12-22 Rap Music: Caller doesn't like Rap Music at all, that there's nothing good about it whatsoever! That it's demons. That rap Christian music is an oxymoron.
2015-12-17 Being Tortured in Hell: Where do we get that idea that demons torture people in Hell?
The Unforgiving Servant Parable: What about the parable about the unforgiving servant sort've being tortured? [Matthew 18:21-35]
2015-11-30 Unclean Spirit, 7 worse: Can you talk about the unclean spirit leaving but could have 7 come back in its place? [Luke 11:24-26]
2015-10-09 Manifested Sons of God: What do you think about the Manifestation of the Sons of God because there used to be someone who taught on that & he passed away, & I've never heard anyone teach on that since then. [Romans 8:19]
Bob Larson - Demon Deliverance Ministry: Where does Steve stand on demon deliverances?
2015-10-05 Demon-possession: Can Christians become demon-possessed since they are supposed to have the Holy Spirit in them? How can they have both? [Matthew 12:43-45]
Occult Practices: Is it possible that people who supposedly experience Alien phenomenon are really just experiencing demon phenomenon?
2015-10-05 Demon-possession: Can Christians become demon-possessed since they are supposed to have the Holy Spirit in them? How can they have both? [Matthew 12:43-45]
Occult Practices: Is it possible that people who supposedly experience Alien phenomenon are really just experiencing demon phenomenon?
2015-10-02 Neil Anderson Ministry: What do you just generally think of Neil Anderson's Ministry, & his going about the country casting out demons?
2015-08-13 Demonic Signs & Wonders: Are the Lying Signs & Wonders of Satan in every case & where is that in the Bible? [2 Thessalonians 2:9]
Seducing Spirits: What about Seducing Spirits? Whenever the caller thinks of the term "seduction", she thinks of sex, so sexual sins. [1 Timothy 4:1]
Y2K: People thought y2k was the end of the world & it wasn't. All this time wasted worrying about stuff that had nothing to do w/ anything! It's like crying wolf one too many times!
2015-07-06 Aliens & Angels: Are Aliens that we hear about possibly Angels? Or, are Angels Aliens?
2015-07-01 Demon-Possession: How do people get Demon-Possessed in the first place?
2015-06-11 Demonology: Caller is interested if some lectures that Steve did on Demon - Possession is available on his website?
2015-04-16 Demon-Possession: Caller thinks she has a relative that is demon-possession, so could Steve please talk about it? Could she have the power through Christ?
Books on Possession - John Nevius: What was the book you were mentioning about demon possession? (Answer is: "Demon Possession" by John Nevius.) (Also, Demon Possession By John Warwick Montgomery)
2015-04-06 Daniel & a Demon Resisting Him: How was it that a demon was able to resist Daniel's taken over 20 days. How could that be possible?
2015-03-25 Demons being in Hell: Where does it say anywhere in the Bible about the demons being cast in hell? How can they be being judged right now because they sure seem to be wandering around the world right now? [2 Peter 2:4]
2015-03-25 Traditional View of Hell Caller: Caller who had called a few calls ago calls back & remembered his 3rd Q: God made hell for the devil & his demons & not humans, is that true?
2015-03-19 Unrighteous people casting out Demons: How could the unrighteous people successfully cast out demons? [Matthew 7:22-23]
2015-03-09 Demons Crying Out: How did they have the authority to beg Jesus not to torment them? [Mark 5:7]
2015-03-09 Demon Possessed People: In today's day & age, people who are crazy you might think are demon possessed but aren't, but in the Bible it seemed to be the norm that they were.
2015-02-25 Demons: Some people don't believe in demons, that there are just evil people. Does Steve have any information on outside sources of them?
2015-01-05 Inanimate objects having demons: Can curses or spirits be attached to inanimate objects?
2014-09-24 Devil & his Minions: What is the Biblical reason that God allows the Devil & Minions to scourge us in addition to what we already have to deal with in our own evil desires & carnal nature? So many things stacked against us, in addition to him & his associates! Why? {James 4:7]
2014-03-11 Legion (Demons in a possessed man): Why did the demons ask Jesus to permit them to go to into pigs & why did He comply? Couldn't He have just sent to them to hell? Do demons find it necessary for their survival to possess living creatures or can they roam alone? What do you think happened to the demons after they jumped off the cliff? Did they die a second time & go to hell? Couldn't Jesus have just sent them directly to hell?
2014-01-15 Experiences w/ Angels - Part II: Interesting stories about alleged angel experiences.
Spirits & Mediums: What do you think about people dabbling w/ spirits & mediums?
2014-01-14 Differing Accounts of the Gospels: The man who had the demons, who lived amongst the tombs, there seems to be 2 differing accounts, one version that Mark & Luke mention in contrast to what Matthew depicts. What's going on here? [Matthew 8:27-34]
2013-12-04 Christians being Demon Possessed: Is it possible for Christians to be demon-possessed?
2013-12-04 Casting Out Demons & Being in a Worse State: Isn't the main point when Jesus casts out demons not to sin anymore otherwise you'll end up in a worst state? [Matthew 12, Luke 11, John 5:14, 2 Peter 2:21]
2013-10-22 Demons gloating About Jesus on the Cross: Where does it say in the Bible that the demons were rejoicing over Jesus' death? [Psalms 22:13, 1 Peter 5;8]
Caleb & Othniel - Brothers or Uncle & Nephew: Were Caleb & Othniel brothers or uncle & nephew? [Judges 3:9-11]
Jael & Sisera: Did Jael ever kiss Sisera or only kill him? [Judges 4:17-22]
2013-09-17 Lord of Hosts: We are the vessels of Christ. [Matthew 12:45] (quite frankly, i couldn't figure out what the caller was saying!)
Eschatology & the Supernatural: Caller is interested in the supernatural, casting out demons, & other stuff in the supernatural realm.
2013-07-23 Demon Possession: Is there anything in your lectures that can help a guy who might be demon possessed? (Recommended: "Spiritual Warfare, Lectures 9-11 in that series.)
2013-07-01 Demonic Pagan gods: Are the pagan gods just idols or is there real demonic power behind them? [1 Corinthians 10:20, Deuteronomy 32:17]
Hindu Gods: Do the Hindu gods have demonic forces behind them?
2013-07-01 Demonic Pagan gods: Are the pagan gods just idols or is there real demonic power behind them? [1 Corinthians 10:20, Deuteronomy 32:17]
Hindu Gods: Do the Hindu gods have demonic forces behind them?
2013-07-01 Bursts of Anger: Is it possible that a lady who just erupts in bursts of anger swearing at Jesus could be demon-possessed?
Exorcizing Demons: Is there an effective way to get rid of demons if someone is possessed?
2013-07-01 Bursts of Anger: Is it possible that a lady who just erupts in bursts of anger swearing at Jesus could be demon-possessed?
Exorcizing Demons: Is there an effective way to get rid of demons if someone is possessed?
2013-04-26 The Power of the Occult: Why does God empower the occult? [2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, Luke 17:1].
2013-04-24 "Weapons Against You Will Not Prosper": Could you talk about the Isaiah passage and the promise that weapons formed against us "will not prosper" and if it applies to us today? [Isaiah 53, Isaiah 54:17, Galatians 4:7, Revelation 12:10-11].
2013-04-15 Imagining Seeing Jesus: What do you think about a pastor that asks you to imagine things happening seeing and being with Jesus? Recommended book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil" by Johanna Michaelsen. [Matthew 5:27-28, Acts 16:6-10].
2013-04-12 Ghosts (Spirits): Why did Jesus never correct the disciples when they thought they were seeing a ghosts? [Matthew 14:26, Luke 24:37, I Samuel 11:28]
2013-04-01 Seeking the Spirits of the Dead: Where does it say in the Bible not to contact the dead? [Deuteronomy 18:9f].
Psychics: I are there real psychics? Could they be from God, just used wrongly? [I Corinthains 12:3].
2013-03-20 Speaking in Tongues: Is "speaking in tongues" evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
Slain in the Spirit: What do you think about someone being "slain in the Spirit" and her feet levitated-actually lifting her off the floor? That doesn't seem to be from God, right?
2013-03-19 Calvary Chapel & Demon Possession: Steve clarifies his statement about Calvary Chapel's handling of demon possession.
2013-03-18 Satan's Attacks & Mental Illness: Since Satan is not omnipresent, isn't it a mistake to claim you are being attacked by him, personally, especially in light of the fact mental illness can often be explained? [James 1:15, Matthew 12:26, I Timothy 4:1].
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