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Topic: Mark (Book)

Showing 301 to 350 of 379.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-07-24 Church Persecution: Could you share some thoughts about the persecution of the church today, and if the early church relied on the government to assist them? [Mark 12:30-31].
2020-07-17 So Many Religions and Denominations: Why are there so many religions and denominations, and how do I know which is correct? [Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Romans 10:9, Matthew 25:34].
2020-07-15 Be Angry or Don't Be Angry: Could you explain why the scripture says to be angry, but also not be angry? [Matthew 5:22, Ephesians 4:26, Mark 3:5].
2020-07-09 Kingdom of God-Now or Later: Would you reconcile the two verses about "The Kingdom of God" and whether it is now or later? [Acts 1:6, Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Mark 4:26-29, Matthew 3:2, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 13:31-33, Luke 17:20 ].
2020-07-08 Healing of a Blind Man: Why did Jesus have to touch the blind man's eyes again, for complete healing, and why did He take him out of the village? [Mark 8:34, John 21:25, Mark 8:23, John 9].
2020-06-17 God Limited by Lack of Faith: Is God's ability and power limited by lack of faith? [Mark 6:5-6, James 4:2-3].
2020-06-17 Messianic Prophecy to Come: What messianic prophecies are still to come? [Matthew 25:31-36, I Corinthians 15, Acts 1:11, I Thessalonians 4, 2 Timothy 4, Zechariah 12, Zechariah 14].
2020-06-16 Premarital Sex and Marriage: Could you talk about premarital sex and is there alternate ways to be married that would be acceptable? [Genesis 2:24, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Mark 7, Galatians 5:19-21, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, I Corinthians 3:16, I John 4:7-8].
2020-06-12 Roman Empire & Julius Caesar: Wasn't Julius Caesar the last King?
Trinity and the Church: Can you help me sort through the theology of trinity and if the church is actually part of the trinity? [John 10:30, John 17:21-23, John 3:18, John 10:30, I John 5:5, Ephesians 1:23, Ephesians 5:30, I Corinthians 12].
Forgiving Those That Don't Repent: Can you help me sort out if we are required to forgive someone even if they don't repent? [Ephesians 4:32, Ephesians 5:1, Luke 17:3, Mark 11:25].
2020-06-04 Grounds for Divorce: Since Mark and Luke did not mention the exception that will allow for divorce that is mentioned in Matthew, does it follow that there are other unmentioned exceptions? [I Corinthians 7:10-11].
2020-05-13 Hyper-Dispensationalist Bullingerite Calls Steve a Heretic: Caller (Hyper-Dispensationalist Bullingerite), insists that Steve is a heretic and not following Jesus. [I Corinthians 11, Acts 9, Acts 28:30-31, 2 Timothy 2:7-8, I Timothy 1:16, I Timothy 6:3-4, Mark 16, Galatians 2, Matthew 10, Matthew 15, Romans 2:16, Matthew 24].
2020-05-13 Trinity Doctrine Defines Christianity: I thought that believing in the Trinitarian doctrine is what made someone a Christian? [Acts 11:26, John 14:8, John 16:12-13, Matthew 8:27, Mark 4:41, 2 Peter 3:18].
2020-05-08 Jesus and His Sense of Humor: Do you think that Jesus was funny, since God created humor? [Matthew 7:3-5, Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25].
2020-05-08 Gift of Healing Today: If the gift of healing is still applicable today, as promoted by many Pentecostals, why do we not see it happening today? [Romans 2:16, I Timothy 1:16, Mark 10, Mark 16:17-18, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts].
2020-05-06 Steve Gregg & His Leaving Baptist Denomination: What caused you to switch from being a Baptist? And what denomination did you shift to afterward?
Path of Maturing in the Lord: As you grow and mature in your walk with God and knowledge of the Bible, does the path naturally take you to different denominations and fellowships? [Matthew 11:29-30].
Fig Tree Illustration & Meaning in Scripture: What does the story mean about the fig tree that is cursed to never produce fruit again? [Luke 13, Mark 11:12-14].
2020-05-05 The Lord's Prayer & The Kingdom: Could you talk about praying that "thy kingdom come" in the Lord's prayer, in the light of the concept that the kingdom has already come? [Mark 4:26-29].
2020-05-04 Baptism Required: The book of Mark seems to suggest that believers must be baptized, so is it required for salvation? [Mark 46:9-20].
2020-04-22 Writing of the Book of Mark: When do you think that the book of Mark was written? [Mark 13].
Angels Taking Us to Heaven: Does this verse actually say that angels take us to heaven? [Mark 13:24-34, Matthew 24, Luke 21].
Jesus Coming on a Cloud: Is this passage talking about Jesus literally coming on a cloud in the rapture? [Mark 13:26].
2020-03-20 The Gospel in Mark: What does Mark mean when he refers to the gospel in his writings? [Mark 1:15, Isaiah 52:7].
2020-03-09 "Markan Sandwich Technique" & the Fig Tree: Have you ever heard about a literary technique the "Markan Sandwich Technique", as in the cursing of the Fig tree? [Mark 11:13-21, Matthew 21:18-22].
Cursed Fig Tree in Jeremiah: Is the cursed Fig Tree in Jeremiah about the Temple in 70 AD ? [Jeremiah 8:13].
2020-01-16 Book of Mark: Is the book of Mark, actually recollections of Peter, or was it really written by John Mark?
"Q" (Quelle) Source: What do you think of the hypothetical "Q" source?
Early Church-Pre-Millennial: Why do you think that many of the early church fathers were pre-millennial?
2020-01-07 John's Water Baptism: What is the difference between John's baptism and religious Jewish washing rites? [Mark 1:4, Luke 16:16].
2019-12-18 Naked Man in Mark: What do you think about the bed sheet being a metaphor for one's faith being stripped away? [Mark 14:51].
2019-12-10 Naked Man in Mark: What does the story about the man running away naked man in scripture? [Mark 14:51-52, Acts 12].
2019-09-09 Mark-Chapter 16: Would you enlighten me about the controversy regarding the original manuscripts of Mark 16? [Mark 16:8f].
2018-11-02 Not Far from the Kingdom: Can you comment on Mark 12:34, "not far from the kingdom?"
2018-08-20 Bible Contradiction about the Number of Demon-Possessed People: There seems to be a contradiction involving a demon-possessed man. Mark 5 says there are 2 Demon-possessed people, but Luke 8 says there was only one. Is this a Bible Contradiction? [Mark 5, Luke 8]
2018-04-04 Driving out Demons: Are these promises/signs only for the people of the early church or us too? [mark 16:17-18]
2018-04-03 "Confirming the words with signs": There's a whole section at the end of Mark that are in the oldest manuscripts, but not in others. Why not? [Mark 16:9-20]
Moving Mountains with Faith of a Mustard Seed: What did Jesus mean to move mountains by having the faith of only a mustard seed? [Matthew 17:20]
2018-02-22 Mark Long or Short Ending: Does Mark 16 end at verse 8? [Mark 16]
2018-02-02 Mysterious Man in Mark: Who was the naked man in Mark 14:51 [Mark 14:51]?
2018-01-02 Jesus Secretive about His Ministry: In the book of Mark, why does Jesus want his miracles to be so secretive?
Mark's Use of Immediately: Why does Mark use the word “immediately” so frequently?
2017-08-11 Decapolis Region: Are Decapolis Jewish or Greek cities? [Mark 5]
Hebrew Roots Movement Lectures: When are you going to put the Hebrew Roots Lectures on your website?
2017-07-07 Denying Yourself: "Deny yourself, take up your cross & follow Me", does that mean we have to be ashamed of ourselves? John MacArthur says we have to be! [Mark 8:34]
2017-07-03 Man Running Naked Down the Street: Were Peter's clothes torn off & he ran around the street naked? [Mark 14:51-52]
2016-10-04 Bartholomew & Nathanael: Are Bartholomew & Nathanael the same person? [John 1:45-49, Acts 1:13, Luke 6:14, Mark 3:18, Matthew 10:3]
2016-07-26 2 Peter Authoroship Caller heard that 2 Peter wasn't written by Peter. Is that true?
Mark first Gospel & Plagiarized from: Was Mark the first gospel written, & everyone else "plagiarized" from his gospel?
2016-04-04 Olivet Discourse with Book of Revelation: Can we compare Matthew 24 with Revelation 6? What about Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 also?
Studying the Bible: Does the Bible tell you how to study the Bible?
Memorizing or Meditating on the Scripture: Are we supposed to meditate &/or memorize the Bible?
2016-03-30 Crucifixion Time Contradictions: It says in Mark that Jesus was crucified in 3rd hour (9 am by our reckoning), John says He was crucified the 6th hour (12 pm noon by our reckoning), but both can't be true, How do we deal with this contradiction? [Mark 15:25, John 19:14-15]
2016-03-10 Olivet Discourse: How is this verse in Mark talking about 70 AD when it seems to be talking about a gathering of God’s people at the end of the world rather than the Jewish people? [Mark 13:27]
2016-01-04 Plucking out the Eye: So we shouldn't really do what that verse says, pluck out our eye? [Mark 9:47]
2015-12-09 The Gospel of Mark: Have you ever heard the theory that Peter just dictated to Mark what to write, & do you think there's any credibility to that?
2015-07-16 "Who do you say that I Am?": Why did Jesus so say not to tell anyone about Him or His works? What were the disciples preaching since Jesus hadn't been resurrected yet? [Mark 8:27-30, Matthew 11:1]
2015-04-07 Gospel of Mark Date of Writing: When is it believed that the Gospel of Mark was written & distributed?
Abomination of Desolation: What is the Abomination of Desolation, when did it occur & how did it occur? Were the Disciples still alive when it happened, & IF they were, how come they didn't say anything about it? [Mark 13:14, Daniel 9, 10, 11]
2015-04-01 The Vinegar at the Cross: What was the vinegar? Why did Jesus refuse it at first & then accept it? Did He drink wine? [John 19, Mark 15:35]
Fermented Wine: Did Jesus actually drink fermented wine or not?
2013-10-14 Parallels Regarding the Olivet Discourse: The parallel passages about the Olivet Discourse seem to not match when they are talking about 70 AD destruction of the Jerusalem & His actual Second Coming. Can you help me out? [Matthew 24, Mark 17, Luke 21]
2013-07-15 Hebrew Roots: Does the Hebrew Roots Movement fall under the pale of orthodoxy?
Debunking Hebrew Roots: Is the anything that Jesus specifically said that would refute the Hebrew Roots mentality? [Mark 7:19]
2013-07-15 "Blessed is the name of the Lord": When declared, "Blessed is the name of the Lord", was it also talking about Jesus' Second Coming? [Mark 11:9, Matthew 21:9, Matthew 23:39]
2013-07-03 "Mountain, Be Thou Removed": What does this verse mean about being able to move mountains? [Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:22-24]
2013-06-20 Commentaries: Do you have any commentaries you recommend?
Anointing Jesus' Feet: Was Jesus telling people to preach what Mary did to Jesus' feet or that she would just be remembered for doing it? [John 12:1-8, Matthew 26:13, Mark 14:9]
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