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Topic: Mark (Book)

Showing 351 to 379 of 379.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-06-13 Missing Part of the Book of Mark: Why are there alternative endings to the book of Mark, as some Bible versions do not include a few verses?
2013-06-06 Bible Reliability: Caller said that his pastor said that not all things that are in the Bible are true. Can Steve comment on this
Getting to Jesus Through the Roof: Is the story about people coming down through the roof to get to Jesus allegorical? [Mark 2:4, Luke 5:19].
Understanding Paul: How does one learn to understand the writings of Paul better? [2 Peter 3:15-16]
2013-05-31 Caller comments on the "Heart": Caller agrees that the concern of Jesus is always the heart.
"Federal Headship": Could you comment on "Federal Headship" and what that really means? [I Colossians 1:13].
The "Two Swords:" Could you comment on the directive to the disciples about the "two swords' in Luke? [Luke 22:35-38, Matthew 26:52, James 5:6, Ephesians 6:17, Revelation 19:15, Isaiah 53:12, Mark 15:28].
2013-05-27 Babylon Spiritual: Isn't scripture in Isaiah all about spiritual things? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
Blindman & "Trees Walking": Could you explain the symbolism of the "trees" in Isaiah and in the phrase "like trees walking" in the story of the healed blindman? [Mark 8:24, Isaiah 55:12, Isaiah 61:3, Matthew 7:19].
2013-05-15 Gifts of the Spirit-Tongues: Though I am going to an Assembly of God church, I am not sure that the gift of "tongues" is legitimate today, because I have not seen it in a convincing way? [Matthew 7:15-20].
Snake-handling: What about the scripture about "snake-handling"? [Mark 16:17-18].
2013-05-14 "Fig Tree Nation": Could you explain "fig tree nation"? [Matthew 23:32, Mark 13:28, Luke 21:29-30, Jeremiah 24].
2013-05-09 Socialism: Disagreeing caller comments on the value of Socialism.[Mark 10:25, Matthew 19:24, I Timothy 6:8].
2013-05-08 The Unclean Widow: What made the widow unclean in Luke 4 paralleled to I Kings 17? [Luke 4:26-38, I Kings 17:7-16, Acts 10:9-16].
Binding Satan (the Strong Man): Can you help me sort our the binding of Satan, the taking of the strong man's house, and Satan being loosed? [Luke 11:21, Mark 3:28, Matthew 12:29, Revelation 20:7, I Peter 5:8].
2013-05-02 Bible Insights: Caller shares her appreciation for Steve and "The Narrow Path" and how much she has learned.
Anger Control: How can I get victory over my anger, as I continue to fail and it hurts my testimony? Recommended; "Refuse to be Offended" under topical lectures. [Ephesians 4:26-27, Mark 3:5, 1 Samuel 11:6, Ephesians 4:31, Jonah 4:4, Psalm 103:8, 2 Timothy 1:7, Galatians 5:22-23].
2013-04-26 70 A.D. & Second Coming in Luke 21: Could you help me sort out how we know which parts to apply to the "Second Coming" vs "A.D.70" (Destruction of Jerusalem & the temple)? [Luke 21:5-7, Luke 21:20, Luke 21:25, Mark 13, Matthew 24:2-5, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 19:1, 2 Peter 3, I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4].
2013-04-25 Calling No Man "Father": Comment about previous caller and discussion about no calling brothers, "Father".
Forgiving Others: Do we need to forgive those that are not repentent? What if they do not repent? [Matthew 18:15-22, Luke 17:4, Mark 11:25, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15, I Corinthians 5:5].
2013-04-22 Church History, Order & Structure: What would you expect from an ideal church structure? [I Timothy 3:1, TItus 1, Matthew 20:26, Mark 10:43, Mtthew 23:8-9, I Thessalonians 5:12, I Corinthians 11:3, 2 Corinthians 1:24].
2013-04-17 "Salt" & Avoiding "Gehenna" (Hell): Could you comment on the last verses in Mark about "salt" and avoiding "Gehenna"? [Mark 9:49-50, Matthew 5:13, Leviticus 2:13, I Peter 1:7, Job 23:10].
2013-04-16 The Remorseful at the Crucifixion: Who were those at the cross that "beat their breasts" following Jesus' death on the cross? [Luke 23:47-48, Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39].
Separation of Church & State: I agree with you about the "separation of church & state" because our citizenship is in heaven. What do you think?
2013-04-15 "Seasoned with Salt": What does "seasoned with salt" mean in Colossians 4? [Colossians 4:6, Mark 9:49].
Dispensationalism: Have you heard of the connection between Sir Isaac Newton's and "Dispensationalism"?
2013-04-11 Jewish Festivals Kept by Christians: Could you address Christian churches who practise Jewish rituals? [John 8:31, Colossians 2:16, Galatians 4:10, Mark 7:9].
2013-03-25 Lose Your Faith-No Chance to Return: Can one lose their faith, or backslide, and still come back to the faith? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Hebrews 2:9, James 5:20, Luke 1:37, Hebrews 5:13, Matthew 19:25-26, Luke 18:27, Mark 10:25, James 5:19-20].
2013-03-21 "Made in the Image of God": Could you talk about the creation and humans being "made in the image of God"? [Genesis 1:27, Genesis 3:5].
Calvinism-Dead in Sin: Are there other points that support the idea that when scripture indicates that we are "dead in sin" is not about physical death, but spiritual-as in Prodigal Son? [Luke 15:24, Mark 2:17].
2013-03-18 Children Go to Heaven: Do all children go to heaven? Is there an "age of accountability"? [Isaiah 7:16, Romans 7:9, Mark 10:14].
Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel: What about those who have never heard the gospel? [Romans 1, Acts 17:30].
Marriage & Age Difference: What is your counsel about a woman 20 years older than the man she is dating and considering marrying?
2013-03-11 Upon Death-Heaven or Sleep: Do we go directly to heaven upon death, or do we sleep until the resurrection? [Mark 5:41, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2013-03-11 "Evil Eye" (Greed) in Scripture: What is Jesus saying in the passage about the eye being good or bad? [Matthew 6:22-32, Proverbs 23:6, Proverbs 28:22, Mark 7:22, Matthew 20:15, Proverbs 22:9, Matthew 6:24].
The "Poor" & "Poor in Spirit": Could you clarify the different references to the "poor" and the "poor in spirit"? [Luke 6:20, Matthew 5-7].
2013-03-08 Jesus Not Omniscient & the Trinity: Does Jesus not knowing some things prove that the "Trinity" may not be true? [Matthew 16:27-28, I Timothy 2:5, Ephesians 4:4-5, Romans 8:29, I Corinthians 11:7, Colossians 1:18, Matthew 24:36, Luke 2:52].
"Lord" (Curios): Does the use of the word "Lord" (curios) indicate one must accept the trinity view to be saved? [Romans 10:9-10].
"Son of Man Coming in His Kingdom" & the Millennium: Do you believe that the "Son of Man coming in His Kingdom" refers to the coming millennial reign? [Romans 16:27-28, Colossians 1:13, Mark 4:28, Matthew 24:33-34].
2013-03-08 Eating Horse Meat: Is it a sin to eat horse meat? [Genesis 9:3, I Timothy 4:1-5, Mark 7:18-20, Matthew 15:11].
2013-03-07 Leviticus: Salt of the Covenant What is the "salt of the covenant" in Leviticus? [Mark 9:49-50, Leviticus 2:13].
2013-02-28 What is Sinful (Good & Bad)?:: What is it in my own being that is good or sinful? [Romans 3:23, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30].
2013-02-25 Universal Reconcilation View of Hell: Are you open to the Universalist (Universal Reconciliation) idea of hell-that people may still be able to be saved after death? [Matthew 25, Luke 16, Revelation 14:11, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9:48, Revelation 19:3].
2013-02-21 To Whom Was the "Great Commission" Given?: Could the directives of the "Great Commission" really have been specifically given to the apostles, rather than to all of us? [Matthew 28, Mark 16, Acts 1:8, I Corinthians 12:16].
2013-01-18 "Give unto Caesar": Jesus wasn't necessarily saying to pay taxes when He said "Render unto Caesar" but was being evasive , like He did elsewhere, right? [Mark 12:17, Mark 11:33]
2012-01-13 Satan's Power Over Earthly Events: How much influence does Satan have over the weather? Can he cause car accidents? [Mark 4:39, Luke 4:39].
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