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Topic: Discipline

Showing 1 to 50 of 88.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-13 Punishment for Disobedience: Is the statement about severe punishment for not doing what we ought to be doing for Christians, also? [Luke 12:41-49].
Jesus Not Bringing Peace but Division: What do the verses mean about Jesus not bringing peace, but division? [Luke 12:51, Matthew 10:34].
2024-01-03 Self-Control (Fruit of the Spirit): Where can I get a good study on the "Fruit of the Spirit," specifically, self-control? Rec: Books, "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 2," by Steve Gregg and "The Disciplined Life" by Richard Taylor. Also, two topical series: "Cultivating Christian Character" and "Charisma & Character."
2023-12-01 Differing Doctrines Causing Division: Could Titus 3 scripture support the idea that my friend should go dark because I have a different opinion? [Acts 2, Acts 13, Titus 3:10, Matthew 18]
2023-10-30 Chastisement: If God chastises those He loves, then is all the suffering we have to go through for our growth? [Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:3-11, Psalm 119:71]
Jesus' Suffering: Were the sufferings of Christ meant for Him to learn obedience in the same way as our chastising is meant for us? [Luke 2:52, Hebrews 5:8, Hebrews 2:10].
2023-10-30 Chastisement: If God chastises those He loves, then is all the suffering we have to go through for our growth? [Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:3-11, Psalm 119:71]
Jesus' Suffering: Were the sufferings of Christ meant for Him to learn obedience in the same way as our chastising is meant for us? [Luke 2:52, Hebrews 5:8, Hebrews 2:10].
2023-09-29 Righteous Hatred: Could you elaborate on "righteous hatred?" [Psalm 139:22].
2023-08-04 Bible Contradiction: "Fear God" and "Fear Not": How do we reconcile scripture that says that we should not fear God and other verses that say we should? [1 John 4:18, Proverbs 16:6, 1 John 1:9].
2023-05-11 God's Intervention in Suffering: If we are judged by our works, why doesn't God intervene more often to prevent some of the suffering? [2 Corinthians 12:8-10, 1 Corinthians 11:30].
2023-03-20 Reading Scripture and Distractions: How do I do better at not being distracted and stay focused on scripture, etc.?
2023-01-23 "Whom I Love, I Chasten:" Caller corrects Steve's confusing two verses about "Whom I love, I chasen." [Revelation 3:19, Hebrews 12:6, Proverbs 3:11-12].
2023-01-19 Discipling Children: Is spanking acceptable for discipling children? Our counselor says natural consequences are more effective. [Proverbs 22:15, Hebrews 12:6-7, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 29:15, Proverbs 23:24].
2022-11-22 "Spare the Rod": Some people think that the Proverb about chastening the child ("spare the rod, spoil the child"), is not about a spanking, but about the Law? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 19:18, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 28:17, Deuteronomy 6:7, Dueteronomy 11:19].
2022-11-16 Sin Requires the Death Penalty: Do you think that every little sin requires the death penalty, as in the "wages of sin is death"? [Romans 6:23, Romans 6:16].
Condemnation of Sin: Did Paul think that since they presumed that Jesus was coming back in their lifetimes, that he is suggesting that if people die, then they will not be caught involved in sin and thereby condemned? [I Corinthians 11:32, I Corinthians 5:6].
2022-10-26 Chastening or Satan: How does one know when God is chastening rather than Satan attacking us?
2022-08-24 Not Keeping Company With Some: How does the verse about not keeping company with those that are not living right play out in real life? [2 Thessalonians 3:6, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15].
Church Discipline & Correction of Fellow Believers: Have you ever seen correction as directed in Matthew 18 ever really work? [Matthew 18:15-20].
Parachurches: Caller comments that many of the traditional churches are the subnormal churches and ministries like The Narrow Path are the real church.
2022-08-24 Not Keeping Company With Some: How does the verse about not keeping company with those that are not living right play out in real life? [2 Thessalonians 3:6, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15].
Church Discipline & Correction of Fellow Believers: Have you ever seen correction as directed in Matthew 18 ever really work? [Matthew 18:15-20].
Parachurches: Caller comments that many of the traditional churches are the subnormal churches and ministries like The Narrow Path are the real church.
2022-07-28 Steve's Speaking Engagements: Where are you speaking this weekend in Roseville CA?
Fasting: Can you talk a little bit about "fasting?" [Matthew 9:15, Matthew 17:21]
2022-07-22 Thoughts vs Conscience: Can we make a distinction between our thoughts and our conscience? [2 Corinthians 10:4, Romans 2:15, Romans 2:17, Romans 2:26, Romans 4:8].
Unbeliever's Responsibility Before God: Is not every man responsible before God for his behavior, regardless of whether they are a believer? [Romans 1:20].
2022-06-23 Breaking Fellowship with Some: Could you clarify more about the scripture that indicates that we should cut relationships and not even eat with some people? [I Corinthians 5:11].
2022-05-27 Church Discipline & Conscience: Could you talk a little bit about the first chapter of I Timothy? [I Timothy 1:19-20, I Corinthians 5:5, I Timothy 4:2].
2022-03-21 Taking Communion Healed People: Were all healed when they took communion in I Corinthians 11 and how does that apply now? [I Corinthians 11:27-31, Isaiah 53:5].
2022-03-09 God Attempting to Kill Moses: Could you give me insight into the story where God is seeking to kill Moses? [Exodus 4].
2022-03-07 Living by Will Rather Than Emotions: Are we to live out our Christian lives by our will, rather than our emotions? Caller recommends a charitable organization.
2022-01-26 Backsliding: What does "backsliding" mean? [Galatians 5:16, I John 5:12, Hebrews 3:12, 2 Corinthians 13:5].
2021-09-29 Why are We Called All Sinners?: Why are all of us labeled as sinners, and yet many of us really choose to do the right thing? [Romans 7:15-25, I John 1:8-10, I John 2:1].
The Sin of Not Helping Others: If we see the needs of our neighbors, and refuse to help them, is that sin? [I John 3:17, Galatians 6:2].
2021-09-24 Afraid of Hell & May Not be Saved: Caller shares that he is afraid that he may not be saved, and thinks he only tries to be a believer because of the fear of hell. Is there anything in the Bible that can help assure me? [I John 4:18].
Loving God More: How do you cultivate more love for God? [I John 4:19, I John 2:15, I John 4:8, Luke 10:27].
2021-09-14 Patience, Perseverance, Perfect: How does patience work to make us perfect? Does this directly relate to the testing of our faith, or the fruit of the spirit? [James 1:2-4, James 3:17-18, Hebrews 12:11, Hebrews 11:1-6, Galatians 5:22-23].
2021-09-10 Not Totally Convinced About Christ: If one doesn't feel absolute conviction about the truth of Christianity, what should they do? [Matthew 7:7-8, Jeremiah 29:13].
2021-06-29 Don't Exasperate Your Children: Is it still valid to direct fathers not to exasperate your children? [Ephesians 6:4].
2021-06-16 Gay Pride Month: Why does God allow Gay Pride month?
LGBTW Marriages: Why are people caught up in the LGBTQ movement and so many are marrying each other?
God Helping Homosexuals: Why doesn't God help gay people better so they can please Him? [Romans 12:2, Matthew 11:29-30, Matthew 7:13-14, Psalm 14:1, Proverbs 9:10, John 8:31-34].
2021-06-11 Commitment to Live the Christian Life: Is it by resolve that one learns to live the Christian life without the law (The Torah)?
2021-06-10 Rebuke in the Church: Could you give me some scriptural examples of "rebuke", as in rebuking other brothers in the church? [2 Timothy 4:2, 2 Timothy 2:24, Galatians 6:1, Galatians 2, 2 Kings 5].
2021-05-18 Changing My Evil Heart: How do I, who has backslidden and feel that evil is deeply rooted, actually change my heart? Lecture recommended lecture; Spiritual Warfare & both books, "Empire of the Risen Son". [Romans 7, Matthew 26:41].
John Owen's (Puritan): What do you think of the Puritan writer, John Owen's book, "The Mortification of Sin"?
2021-05-03 Church Discipline is Unloving: Isn't church discipline unkind and unloving to execute in today's Christian culture? [I Corinthians 5, 2 Thessalonians 3, Romans 16, I Corinthians 11, Revelation 2].
2021-03-17 Not Doing Enough for God: As a relatively new believer, I am struggling with self-condemnation regarding how much I am doing as a Christian. What do you advise? [John 3:17, I John 3:21].
2021-01-14 Critical Nature-Blessing or Curse: Can you help me sort out the blessing and curse of having a critical nature? [Ephesians 4:15, Revelation 2-3].
Worship Music & Song: What do you think about a lot of the current worship bands, music and songs, coming out now? It seems rather self-centered. [James 1:17].
2020-12-18 Christadelphians: Is the Christadelphian group a cult?
The Conviction of the Holy Spirit: What do you recommend regarding taking care to not squelch the prompting and conviction of the Holy Spirit [I Corinthians 11:30-32]. (The answer is given after the break as Steve was muted.)
2020-12-02 God Punishes & Disciplines Us: Does God punish us? [Psalms 103:6-12, I Thessalonians 4:6, 2 Peter 4:13, Hebrews 12:5-12, I Corinthians 11, Proverbs 13:24].
Applying Scripture to Ourselves: How does one know how to apply the Psalms, Proverbs, etc., to oneself? [1 Corinthians 11, Psalm 103:5-6, 2 Timothy 3:16].
2020-10-20 Correcting Others: How do we offer correction correctly when we see so many people going the wrong way? [Isaiah 26:9-10, Leviticus 19:17].
2020-10-02 Suffering Guilt, Temptation, and Failure to Follow Christ in Reality: Could you help me understand the concept of "dying to myself & Christ living in me" when I don't really do or obey as I should. [Galatians 2:20].
2020-09-22 Church-Hospital for the Sick?: Should the church should be seen as a safe place, or hospital for the sick, rather than a place where church discipline would be conducted? [Matthew 18:15-17]
2020-09-17 "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster: what do you think of the book called, "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster?
2020-09-11 Masturbation: Would you talk about masturbation and how it compares with adultery and if and how we can control it? [Matthew 23:23]
2020-09-09 Cigarettes and Jesus: Am I wrong to be smoking a cigarette while I am holding up a sign for Jesus? Am I denying the power of Christ in my life? [2 Timothy 3:5].
2020-09-03 Controlling One's Temper: Could you give me advise on how to control my temper better?
When Anger is Not Sin: If I used my anger in a positive way, then is it no longer sinful? [Isaiah 53:7, Ephesians 4:26-30].
2020-09-01 Rebroadcasts of Narrow Path Radio Program: Does the Narrow Path Ministry have to pay for additional air-time when radio stations rebroadcasts it during other parts of the day, when it's not live?
Causes to Break-off Fellowship or Church Discipline: You have said that many things are not enough to break fellowship over, so what things ARE worthy of breaking fellowship over?
2020-08-17 Disrespect for Fathers: Could you talk about the ramifications of children disrespecting their father? [Genesis 9:21].
2020-06-10 Gluttony: Would you talk about gluttony, so I can determine if I have an issue with it? [Philippians 3:19].
2020-06-03 Forgiveness Required: In light of the scripture that requires that we are to be forgiving, what does it look like to forgive in a variety of situations-great to small? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:15-17, Luke 23:34].
2020-05-26 Judgment at the Bema Seat: Regarding the Bema Seat and giving account of our sins, will we be judged on our works and not on our repented and forgiven sins? [I Corinthians 11:31, I John 1:9].
Living a Lazy Christian Life: Do you think that if we simply live an undisciplined or lazy Christian life, not necessarily living in flagrant sin, it will also be counted against us at the judgment? [Revelation 3:15, Matthew 13:37-38].
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