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Topic: Iniquity

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-15 Lucifer's Pride: Where did Lucifer's iniquity (pride) come from? [Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28, 1 Timothy 6:10].
2022-10-03 "Iniquity" Forgiven in New Testament: How can iniquity be forgiven in the New Testament? [Matthew 7:23, Acts 13:39, Psalm 51:17].
2022-08-10 Sin or Iniquity: Did Jesus die to cover all sin, but not iniquity? {Acts 13:38, I John 1:9}.
2020-07-23 By His Stripes We Are Healed: You indicate in your lectures that the verse in Isaiah about "by stripes we are healed" was really about the spiritually sick Israel, yet in Matthew, it is a physical healing. Can you reconcile that for me? [Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 53:4, I Peter 2:24, Matthew 12:28, Romans 5:1, Luke 11:20].
Jesus' Ability to Do Miracles After the the Spirit Fell Upon Him: Was Jesus able to do miracles before the Holy Spirit fell upon Him? [John 2, I Corinthians 12:7, Romans 12, I Peter 4:10-11, I Peter 4:10-11, Ephesians 4:11-13].
2020-06-10 Claiming Lower Price on Car: Do you think it would be wrong to claim a sales price lower in a private sale of a car in order to pay less taxes to the state?
2019-10-22 Sin vs Iniquity: What is the difference between sin & iniquity? [I John 3:4]
Repentance & Restitution: Does one have to go back and publicly confess and renounce sin, and make restitution for every sin of your past?
2019-08-23 False Teachers: How does the Bible define as a false teacher? [2 Peter 2, Acts 18:24-28, Galatians 2:4].
Causing Division: Would you elaborate on the sinfulness of believers dividing the body of Christ? [Romans 14:5, Acts 1:12-26, Proverbs 6:16-19, John 17:20-23].
2019-07-23 Workers of Iniquity: How would people that are described as "workers of iniquity" and to whom He says, "I never knew you", be able to cast out demons? [Matthew 7:22-23].
2019-07-23 Workers of Iniquity: Could it be that the people to whom Jesus said, "workers of iniquity" had been believers at one point, but had fallen away? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2019-07-23 Workers of Iniquity: In the verse when Jesus called them "workers of iniquity, could He have been really calling them liars? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2019-06-19 Transgression, Lawlessness, Iniquity & Generational Sin: Can you explain the use of the words lawlessness and transgression, and if they related to generational sin? [Psalm 32:1].
2019-03-28 Reprobate Mind: Can those with a reprobate mind, still be saved [Romans 1:28, 2 Corinthians 13, 1 Corinthians 9]?
2019-03-07 Gnosticism: Were the Gnostic Gospels around at the same time as New Testament writers (1st century)?
Defining "Sin": Can you offer fuller meaning to the word and concept of "sin"? [Romans 3:23, Romans 7, Romans 8:2]
2019-02-05 Sin Unto Death: There are some sins that are not unto death? [1 John 5:8]
Witchcraft: Bad things are happening because of witchcraft. What should be done about it?
2019-01-18 All Sin Equal in the Site of God: Is all sin equal to God? [Matthew 10:15, 11:24, 26:41, James 3:2]
2018-12-28 Guilt & Remorse: A friend thinks he ruined his life by the choices he had made & now has remorse & guilt but doesn't know what to do about it.
2018-12-21 Relapsing into Sin: I keep sinning & asking Him to forgive me, just how often can I do this before I exhaust His forgiveness?
2018-12-07 Testing: There's a lot of testing on this side of glory, but why are some people tested way more that others?
2018-11-20 Sin unto Death: A sin that leads unto death, committing a sin not LEADING to death, is there a sin that can be not be forgiven? is it just talking about the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? [1 John 5:16]
2018-11-06 Degrees of sin & Salvation: Is it possible to inherit the kingdom of God no matter how badly they have sinned as long as they have repented?
2018-10-30 Memory in Glory: What are we going to remember of our previous life on the other side of glory?
2018-09-06 Thief on the Cross: If the thief on the cross had been able to come off the cross & continued his occupation, wouldn't that show that he really hadn't been genuine? What about if he started up 10 yrs later?
2018-06-29 Departing from Iniquity: How do we depart from iniquity completely when it doesn't seem to be even part of the Christian culture? [2 Timothy 2:19]
2018-05-23 Continuing to Sin: John says that if we are Christians we no longer sin. I find myself still sinning, [1 John 2]
2018-05-02 Hating People according to David: We are supposed to love our enemies, yes, but those who hate God we are supposed to also hate accordin g to ? [Psalms 139:21]
2018-02-12 Commentary in the Gospel of John: In John 5:14, why did Jesus say, "see, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you"? [John 5:14]
A. W. Tozer & The Pursuit of God: What are your thoughts on A. W. Tozer? What do you think about his book, "The Pursuit of God"?
2018-01-29 No more Sacrifice for Sins: This passage of scripture is a little concerning to me because I have done a lot of willful sin after my conversion? [Hebrews 10:26-27]
2018-01-09 Spiritual Warfare: Challenges and sin continuing to rage in a person's Christian life, warfare waging, just wondering what to do.
2017-12-27 Sin, Transgression, Iniquity: Is there different definitions degrees of sin? ? is this how we should pray?
2017-09-28 Sin unto Death: A sin unto death, what does that mean? [1 John 5:16-17, Romans 6:23]
2017-08-16 Falling Away & No Repentance: I'm having trouble with these passages of Scripture. Can you explain them to me? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:4-6]
2017-08-11 Sin Leading to Death: Does all sin lead to death (1john 5:16-17)
2017-07-27 Definition of Sin: What is sin? [1 John 3:4, Romans 7:15]
2017-07-25 Homosexuality the Pinnacle of Sin: In Romans 1, is homosexual sex the pinnacle of sin? [Romans 1:26]
Recompence of Their Error: What do you think the recompence of their error is that Paul is referring to? A sickness?
2017-06-01 Sin, Iniquity & Transgression: Can you differentiate between sin, iniquity & transgression? [Psalm 51:2-3, Numbers 18:1]
2017-05-24 Besetting Sins: I have besetting sins, doing the same sin over & over & over, struggling, & don't know how to stop.
2017-05-17 The Sin Unto Death: "sin unto death", what does that mean? what do you think the modern version of idolatry is today? [1 John 5:16
2017-01-17 Sacrifice for Sin after Willful Sin" What does no longer a sacrifice for sins after willfully sinning since there's grace? [Hebrews 10:26]
2017-01-06 Bible Interpretation in Hebrews about Willful Sin: Could you elaborate more on Hebrews 10:26? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:4]
2016-09-21 Besetting Sin of Homosexuality & Masturbation: Listener struggles with the homosexuality & masturbation temptation.
2016-08-24 Sin is Sin: Caller's dad said that once saved you're always saved, & everybody sins, & it doesn't matter the degree of sin because they he thinks they are all the same. What does Steve think? [1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-21, Hebrews 6:9-12]
2016-08-16 Divorced Pastor Starting a New Church: Divorced man started a church after an affair with a woman, but not having much to say about his adultery, but should the caller continue going even though he is sort've living in sin?
2016-07-12 Confessing Sin & No More Sacrifice for Sin: Caller thinks that 2 verses seem to be in conflict with each other involving sin, being able to confess our sins & having no more sacrifice for sins. [1 John 1:9, Hebrews 10:26]
2016-03-15 Varying Degrees of Sin: So if sins are of different degrees, do "serious" sins fall under what it says in 1 John too? [1 John 1:9]
2016-03-09 Baptized into one Body What does it mean to baptized into one body by the Spirit? [1 Corinthians 12:13]
Joining a Local Church Community: Do we have to join a local church in order to be a true Christian??
No More Sacrifice for Sin: What does it mean in Hebrews no more sacrifice for willful sin once we have received Christ? [Hebrews 10:26]
2016-02-29 Psychology: Why do so many Christians even have trouble with calling sin sin & call it mental health issues?
2016-02-19 Sons Bearing the Sins of the Father: Do the sons bear the sins of the father or not? [Ezekiel 18:20]
Generational Curses: If that isn't the case that the child is not responsible for the father's sins, what about "generational curses"? [Exodus 20:5]
2016-01-04 A Hard Heart: What does it mean for a man's heart to be hard?
Man Hardening His Own Heart: What does it mean for a man to harden his own heart?
God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: What does it mean God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
2016-01-04 A Hard Heart: What does it mean for a man's heart to be hard?
Man Hardening His Own Heart: What does it mean for a man to harden his own heart?
God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: What does it mean God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
2016-01-04 A Hard Heart: What does it mean for a man's heart to be hard?
Man Hardening His Own Heart: What does it mean for a man to harden his own heart?
God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: What does it mean God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
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