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Topic: Idols or Statues (Idolatry)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-14 Bad Customs Introduced in Kings: What are the customs that were introduced to Judah in 2 Kings 17? [2 Kings 17:19].
"Prince of the Air" & "God of this World": Are these titles "Prince of the Air" & "God of this World" referring to Satan? [Ephesians 2:2, 2 Corinthians 4:4].
2024-05-06 Worshippers of Pagan Idols to be Slain with a Sword: Where does it say that the worshippers of the pagan God or idols should be slain with a sword? [Ezekiel 8-9, Exodus 32:27].
2024-03-01 Stonings (Capital Punishment) in the Old Testament: How do you respond to my atheist friend's accusation that the Old Testament amoral law about stoning is just like Islamic laws, therefore Christianity is no better? [Deuteronomy 13:6-10, Acts 17:30].
Application of Old Testament Law: Until when did the Old Testament Law apply?
2024-01-18 "Robbing Artimus" in Acts: Regarding "robbing Artemis (Diana)," is there any correlation between Acts 19 and Malachi 3? What kind of “robbing” are they talking about? [Acts 19:27, Malachi 3:10
2023-09-11 The American Flag & Pledge of Allegiance: What do you think about my church emphasizing respect for the American flag and having the students in the Christian school recite "The Pledge of Allegiance?" Is this idolatrous?
2023-07-19 Pagan Idols, Statues & Demons: Could you comment on the contradiction that in the Old Testament, idols are described as demons and also as nothing but the materials of which they are made? [Isaiah 46, 1 Corinthians 8-10, Romans 14, Isaiah 57:13, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 1 John 4:4].
2023-07-14 Nativity Scenes: Could a "Nativity Scene" be idolatrous like other religious venerated icons?
2023-06-30 Bible Contradiction-Restriction on Food Sacrificed to Idols: Could you clarify the contractions about dietary restrictions, specifically of Paul not really having a problem with those that eat meat sacrificed to idols in contrast to the letter in Revelation 2? Is there concern over the dietary laws (such as Kosher laws)? [Revelation 2:20, I Corinthians 8, 1 Corinthians 10, Acts 15, Galatians 2:11, Romans 14:14.
2023-05-17 Jeremiah-"Remembering the Children": Would you talk about the passage and "remembering the children" in the judgment in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 17:1-10].
One World Currency: Would you comment on the "one world currency" or cashless society? [Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:17].
2023-01-25 No Idols or Images of God: Does scripture say that the reason Moses could not see God was because the people would've made idols of Him? [Deuteronomy 4:15-18].
Student Loans Paid-off: Would you take student loan forgiveness, or any reimbursement?
2022-05-23 Making Forbidden Images of Jesus (or Anything Else): Flawed (white) depictions of Jesus have caused some to say that Christianity is a white man's religion." Isn't making images of any kind forbidden in scripture? [Exodus 20:4].
2022-05-13 Images of Christ and Other Graven Images: How does the second commandment apply to us today in regard to all the graven images? [Deuteronomy 5:8].
2022-05-13 Catholic Practise: Comment on the Catholic church forbidding the worship of statues, and a concern for abortion.
Three Days & Three Nights: Caller shares his idea about how to calculate the "3 days and 3 nights.
2022-05-05 Eating Things Sacrificed to Idols: Was not the sacrifies of animals gone by now? [Romans 14:14, Acts 10:9-16, Revelation 2:14, I Corinthians 8-10].
2022-05-05 Music Causing Sin: Is there music that could cause us to sin and become idolatry?
2022-01-20 Praying to a Statue of Mary: Is it idolatry to pray to a statue of Mary?
Confession to a Catholic Priest: What do you think of the Catholic requirement to confess one's sin to a priest? [James 5:16, Matthew 6:9-13].
2021-12-16 Catholic Veneration of Mary, Mother of Jesus: Is the veneration of Mary in the Catholic church possible the "great deception?"
"Abomination of Desolation": Caller questions the events surrounding the rapture and the "Abomination of Desolation"? [Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, Mark 13].
2021-10-26 "Pharmakia" (Pharmaceuticals) in Scripture: Don't you think that the verse about the potions mentioned in Revelation could be relative to the word "pharmakia" and the vaccine? [Galatians 5:20, Revelation 9:21, Revelation 18:23, Ephesians 5:18].
Church with Images of Jesus: Do you think that churches should have pictures of Jesus? [Romans 1].
2021-09-03 Permitted to Worship Idols: Is it okay to worship idols since God doesn't have an ego? [Exodus 20:5]
2021-06-04 Catholics Saved: Are the Catholics who confess to priests and bow to idols of saints, saved? [John 20:23, James 5:16].
2021-05-27 Wearing Crosses: Do you think that those who wear crosses are caught up in idolatry?
2021-01-28 The "Sins of the Father": Could you help me understand the concept of "the sins of the father" being visited upon one's children? [Ezekiel 18, Numbers 14:18, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 24:15].
2020-12-07 Pagan Christmas and Christmas Trees: Is Christmas pagan and scripture referring to Christmas trees in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 10:1-5, Isaiah 44:15-17, Isaiah 46:6].
2020-11-04 Drifting Away of the Church: What factors may have affected the drifting away of one church over the other (as with the Galatians and Thessalonians) in scripture? [Acts 14, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 1:9].
Elders in an Immature Church: Was Paul going against his own advice when he appointed elders in the immature church in Acts 14? [Acts 14:23].
2020-10-16 Statues of Today & Idols: What parallel do you see between statues today being torn down, and idols that God commanded not to erect?
Taking Oaths: Would you talk about the scriptures against taking oaths and the oaths we take today? [Matthew 23:16, Matthew 5:37, James 5:12].
2020-10-08 Bringing Out the Best in Yourself: Is the Landmark Forum Education program about "bringing out the best in your self" align with Christianity? [I Corinthians 6:11, Luke 9:23].
Jesus's Conception Date 9/11: Why is there not more discussion of the possible date of Jesus' conception, aligning with 9/11?
2020-09-14 Statue of Buddha: Is having a statue of the Buddha in your home idolatry?
2020-08-21 God Divorced: Does it seem that God was divorced in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 3].
Idolatry and Adultery in the Old Testament: Is idolatry and adultery virtually the same thing in the Old Testament? [Jeremiah 3]
2020-08-06 Losing One's Passion For the Lord: I haven't been as passionate about the Lord, lately, can you help? [Psalm 1:3].
2020-07-16 Wearing a Cross: Caller shares why he wears a cross.
2020-07-15 Crucifixes Do you think that the crucifix belongs in our churches and faith?
2020-07-08 Prophets & Idol Worship in Church Today: Regarding prophets and idol worship in the church today-how does it look and how does one judge them? [I John 4, Deuteronomy 18, Deuteronomy 13, Jeremiah 28, Acts 11, Acts 20, 2 John 1:7].
Bible Commentators: Would you recommend some authors of Bible Commentaries (Derek Kidner, F.F. Bruce, Tyndale series).
2020-06-01 Steve Gregg's Exercise Program & High School Grades: What does your daily physical exercise consist of? What kinds of grades did you get in school?
"I Am" and its meaning: Does John 8:24 mean that you have to believe Jesus is God to be saved? [John 8:24, John 9:9].
Unitarians & Idolatry: Do the Unitarians think that worshipping Jesus is idolatry, since they don't believe that Jesus was God?
2020-04-28 Saved Heads: Based on this verse in Amos, is God not too happy with people who shave their heads? [Amos 8:10].
2020-03-19 Idolatry: What is idolatry? [Matthew 10:37, Ephesians 5:15, Colossians 3:5].
2019-11-18 Idols in One's Life: How do you know when something has become an idol in your life?
2019-11-07 The High Places; What were the high places and why could Israel not simply obey God by taking them down as He directed? [2 Kings].
2019-09-13 Idolatry, eating food that were sacrificed, meat that was strangled: In China, one still often gets their goods given to them at the stores in little idols. Is that a concern for the Christian?
Eating Blood: What about eating blood and the law for Christians today?
2019-08-26 Catholic Traditions-Praying to Mary, Forgiven by Priests, Holy Water: Is it really sin, or idolatry, when Catholics pray to Mary, instead of to God? What about when they say you have to go to a priests to get your sins forgiven [Acts 8, James 2].
2019-03-11 Catholic traditions: So you think that some of the traditions in the Catholic Church seem to be bordering on idolatry?
2018-08-21 Generational Curse: How does one break the generational curse? [Exodus 20:5-6, Deuteronomy 5:9, Numbers 14:18]
2018-08-15 Catholic Catechism & Graven Images: Caller doesn't think Steve Gregg is right about catholic church leaving out graven images in the catechism. (followup from 8/13, 3rd Q)
2018-08-15 Not Worshipping Graven Images: Caller calls right back from the same show to clarify what the catechism says about graven images.
2018-07-25 Idolatry: What is idolatry? [1 John 5:21]
2018-07-06 Child punished for Parent's Sin: Can a child be punished or suffer for the parent's sin? {Ezekiel 18, Exodus 20:5]
2018-04-05 Jewelry: What is your belief about wearing jewelry of crosses & the like?
2018-04-05 Idolatry & Television: I heard you talking about idolatry earlier, couldn't watching too much TV be an idol, how you conduct your time?
2018-03-16 Idolatry in Restaurants: What is your take in eating in restaurants with Idols & Statutes in them?
2018-01-16 Meat Sacrificed to Idols: I would like you to expound on these 2 particular verses in 1 Corinthians 8 regarding making your brother weak involving meat sacrificed to idols. [1 Corinthians 8:11-12]
2018-01-11 Idolatry, Judah & Israel: Judgment falling on Judah or Israel, but not by bow or sword? [Hosea 1:7]
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