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Topic: Contradiction(s) (Discrepancies)

Showing 1 to 50 of 164.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-17 Billy Graham, Derek Prince & Demon-Possession: Are you familiar with Billy Graham and Derek Prince? They said the opposite thing about whether a Christian can be demon-possessed. What do you think? [2 Corinthians 6:16, 1 John 4:4, James 4:7].
2024-06-05 Don't Ask "Why": Can you unreavel the apparent contradictions in scripture about some asking God "why", but then commands about not aking "why" of God? [Romans 9:20-21, Acts 9:4-6].
2024-05-21 Contradictions about God's Will in Scripture: Can you reconcile seemingly contradictive passages about sinful things, or things outside of The Law, being "of God" in scripture? [1 Kings 22:20-23, Judges 14:4, Psalm 21:11, Romans 8:28].
2024-05-17 Elhanan & Goliath's Death: Did Elhanan kill Goliath, or did he kill Goliath's brother? [2 Samuel 21:19, 1 Chronicles 20:5].
Writer of Romans: Did Tertius write the whole book of Romans or only Chapter 16?
2024-05-09 Mercy for David & Severity for Ananias & Sapphira: Though I believe God is just, I struggle with the disparity between the story of David getting away with adultery and murder and yet, Ananias and Sapphira are struck down for only lying. Can you comment?
2024-04-12 Angels Sin & Heaven's Sinful Characteristic: Could you help me with the contradictory idea that angels sinned (and Satan) and fell from heaven and yet I thought heaven was a sinless place? [Revelation 12:4, Daniel 8:10, Daniel 12:3, Isaiah 14:12, Isaiah 14:16, Ezekiel 28:12].
2024-04-08 One Language Contradiction: How do you resolve the seeming contradiction of the languages being divided and then very suddenly all the languages are all one? [Genesis 10:5, Genesis 11:1].
2024-04-08 Loved & Forgiven but Punished: Would you elaborate on the seeming contradiction between God forgiving the guilty, yet still punishing them? [Exodus 34:6-7].
2024-03-27 3 Days & 3 Nights: How are the 3 days and 3 nights calculated? And compared to Jonah? [Matthew 12:40, Jonah 2:1, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Mark 9:31, Luke 24:46].
2024-03-19 Reconciling Disparity between Cross-References: How do you reconcile the misquoting of the Old Testament in the New Testament cross-references between Romans and Isaiah? [Romans 11:26-27, Isaiah 59:21, Romans 9-11, Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27, Romans 11:1-5, John 17:24].
2024-03-13 No More Canaanites Contradiction: Is there any significance to the fact that the Bible says there will be no more Canaanites in the Old Testament, yet Matthew says that Simon was a Canaanite? [Zechariah 14:21, Matthew 10:4].
2024-03-13 Contradiction Regarding the Trinity: How does it work if the Bible says that Jesus and the Father are one, but there are two different wills indicated when Jesus says, "Not my will, but thine?" [John 10:30, Luke 22:42, John 14:9, John 8:17-19]
2024-02-20 Human Blood Sacrifice: Isn't it a contradiction that a human blood sacrifice was required for salvation when God undeniably hates human sacrifice? [Psalm 50:5, Hosea 6:6, Isaiah 1:12-15, Malachi 1:7-10, Proverbs 21:27, John 15:13-14].
2024-01-02 Differing Directions to the Disciples about Taking Provisions" What do you make of the differences in the instructions given the disciples where they have been told to take provisions and also told not to take provisions in Mark and Matthew? [Matthew 10:9, Luke 22:36, Luke 6:26, Mark 6:8, Matthew 6:33].
Differences in Gospel Accounts: How do we rule out collusion in the accounts of the gospels?
2023-12-21 No Marriage in Heaven & Marriage of Christ & Church: Can you reconcile the contradiction that there will be no marriage in heaven and yet there will be the mystical marriage of Christ and the church? [Matthew 22:30, Revelation 19, Ephesians 5, Colossians 2:16-17, Matthew 19:5-6, Ephesians 5:25],
2023-12-19 The Differing Resurrection Accounts: Can you help me reconcile the notable differences in the resurrection accounts in John when compared with the other gospels?
2023-12-18 Contradictions in the Bible: Can you explain the seeming contradictions in scripture about "none holy" and yet we are to be holy, and his "mercy endures forever" and yet apparently it doesn't extend to those that miss the rapture. [1 Peters 1:15-16, 1 Samuel 2:2, Psalm 136:1-2].
2023-12-13 Twelve Tribes: Why are there different tribes named in the Old Testament vs the New Testament? [Revelation 7].
Bethlehem Relatives: Why couldn't Mary and Joseph find relatives to stay with when they went to Bethlehem?
2023-10-24 Contradictions about the Trinity: If there is one God and Jesus prayed to God, and Jesus is His Son, how can this be? How can God have died on the cross, if God can't die? [James 1, James 2:19, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 1 Timothy 3:16, Philippians 2:6].
2023-10-19 Taming the Tongue: Isn't it a contradiction when scripture says that one is supposed to control the tongue, but also says that no one can tame the tongue? [James 1:26, James 3:8, Proverbs 4:23, Luke 6:45].
2023-10-13 Old & New Testaments & Good & Bad God: How do I deal with the seemingly two different Gods in the Bible-The wrathful God of the Old versus the Jesus of the New Testament? [Genesis 6:5-22, James 1:19-20, Genesis 14:13-16, Psalm 103:8-11
Understanding the Trinity: How am I to understand "the trinity," and when does it enter the Bible? [Psalm 33:6, Genesis 1:1, John 1:1].
2023-10-02 God Created a Liar: How can God create a being that can lie, if God Himself cannot lie? [John 8:44, Hebrews 6:18].
Hell-Contradiction of God: Is it a contradiction of God's love to create hell to be a place of eternal conscious torment? Rec: topical lectures on Three Views of Hell or Steve's book on Hell.
2023-09-28 "Appointed Once to Die" & the Rapture: If we are appointed "once to die" then what about the rapture? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, Hebrews 9:27].
2023-08-23 Future Sacrificial System: If there is going to be a reinstituted sacrificial system, isn't that contradicting what Jesus came to end? Rec: Magazine Article at the website, "Ezekiel's Temple." [Zechariah 14:20-21, Ezekiel 40-47, Hebrews 10:8, Ezekiel 45:15, Ezekiel 45:17, Ezekiel 45:20, Psalm 110:4, Ezekiel 43:10-11, 1 Peter 2:5, Hebrews 13:15, Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 4:18-20, Psalm 40:6-8, Psalm 51:16-17, Malachi 1:8-10, Isaiah 1;12-15].
2023-08-04 Bible Contradiction: "Fear God" and "Fear Not": How do we reconcile scripture that says that we should not fear God and other verses that say we should? [1 John 4:18, Proverbs 16:6, 1 John 1:9].
2023-06-30 Bible Contradiction-Restriction on Food Sacrificed to Idols: Could you clarify the contractions about dietary restrictions, specifically of Paul not really having a problem with those that eat meat sacrificed to idols in contrast to the letter in Revelation 2? Is there concern over the dietary laws (such as Kosher laws)? [Revelation 2:20, I Corinthians 8, 1 Corinthians 10, Acts 15, Galatians 2:11, Romans 14:14.
2023-06-29 Creation Week (Light & Sun): There seems to be some question about the literalness of the creation timeline, especially relative to the age of earth and the contradiction of when the sun and light are created. Can you clarify?
2023-05-26 "Being Saved" Contradictions: It seems that sometimes there is contradictory information about being saved (faith and/or works)? [James 2:14-26, Luke 18:9-14].
2023-05-18 Praying in Public Rather Than a Closet: How can you respond to evangelists praying in public, rather than in a closet as Jesus said? [Matthew 6:6, John 17].
2023-05-15 God's Vengeance vs God's Love: Can you help me deal with the contradiction between the Old Testament God that seems to be vengeful, but we say he is a God of Love? [Leviticus 9:22-24, Acts 12:23, Acts 5:1-11, Exodus 23:4-5, Proverbs 25:21].
2023-05-08 Jesus or Satan in Charge on Earth: Could you talk about the contradiction of Satan being the ruler of this world and yet, scripture indicates that Jesus has been given all authority on earth? [John 14:30, Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 15].
2023-05-05 Anti-faith Statements in Prayer: Would you comment on compromising "anti-faith" statements that often follow a prayer, such as, when one requests healing, and follows with the qualification of "if it is God's will?" [2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Corinthians 12:7, James 5:15, John 6:40, 1 John 5:14].
2023-03-30 "Sheep and the Goats" Parable: Is the parable about the "Sheep and the Goats" not really about salvation or eternal life? [John 17:3, Matthew 25:31-33, Matthew 28:20, Acts 11:26, Galatians 6:7-8, James 2:26].
2023-03-24 The Old Testament Law Contradiction: Could you address the apparent biblical contradiction about the Law being able to "convert the soul" if it is "too great a burden to bear?" [Psalm 119, Psalm 19:7, Romans 7:22, Romans 2:23, Psalm 119:103-105, 1 John 5:3].
2023-02-15 Symbolism of the Galilean Wedding (Wedding at Cana): How paralleled are the events of the Galilean Wedding, the church as bride, and relative to end times? [2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 11, Matthew 25].
Insight Through Nature: Do you think that one can gain some spiritual insight and parallels from nature and culture?
2023-01-30 Generational Sin or Curse: Could you help me understand the scriputures that seemed to contradict one another about generational curse (sins)?
2022-12-05 Contradiction; Children Punished for Sins of Fathers: Can you address the contradiction between scripture indicating that the children are not punished for the sins of the fathers, yet we are punished for Adam's sin, and David's son died for David's sin with Bathseba? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5].
Original Sin: Is there any place in the Bible that says that we sin because of Adam's sin, or it is because of the limited access to the "Tree of Life?"
2022-11-01 Passover: Could you clarify when exactly the passover was, in light of scriptures that seem to be inconclusive? [John 16, John 19].
2022-10-07 With Jesus on Heaven or Earth?: How can we be with Jesus both in heaven and on earth?
God or Jesus Judges Us: Is it a contradiction in scripture when it says that God judges no one, and yet we expect to be judged by God? [Romans 2:1, John 5:22].
2022-10-07 With Jesus on Heaven or Earth?: How can we be with Jesus both in heaven and on earth?
God or Jesus Judges Us: Is it a contradiction in scripture when it says that God judges no one, and yet we expect to be judged by God? [Romans 2:1, John 5:22].
2022-09-20 Atheist; Creation: Atheist caller: Is there not a contradiction in the chronology of the stars in the creation story in Genesis. [Genesis 1:16].
Atheist; God Deceives Us: Atheist; Why does God decieve us with His creation story and scripture has to be explained?
Atheist; Consistency in Naturalism & Science: Atheist; Does not naturalism and science prove more consistency and supports naturalism over the supernatural? [Luke 9:54].
2022-08-24 Atheist: Believers Compared to Children in Scripture: Atheist (former evangelist): How does one reconcile the two opposing verses about giving up childish things and being directed to come as a child? [I Corinthians 13:11, Hebrews 5:13-14, Matthew 18:3].
2022-08-04 Mirace Feeding of the 5000 & Numbers: How do you explain the discrepencies in the "Feeding of the 5,000" story and do the specific numbers mentioned mean anything specific? [Matthew 14, Matthew 15].
2022-06-30 Contradiction-Jesus' Last Words: Is there a contradiction in the two accounts of Jesus' last spoken words before He took His last breath? [Luke 23:46, John 19:30].
2022-06-27 "Wrath of God" vs "Gentleness of Jesus": Can you reconcile the "wrath of God" and the "gentleness of Jesus", when scripture indicates that Jesus was God?
God's Wrath as Consequence: Can you think of a biblical example when God's wrath was not consequential?
2022-06-08 "Paradise" vs "Heaven": Is there a difference between "Paradise" and "Heaven" - where the "Throne of God" is?
Only Jesus' Body is in Heaven: Isn't it only Jesus' physical body that is in heaven and everyone else's is not (like Enoch & Elijah)? [John 3:10-13, Acts 2:34, John 1:18].
No One Has Seen God: Has anyone seen God? [John 1:18, Genesis 18:1, Exodus 33:11, Exodus 33:20, Isaiah 6:1].
2022-05-26 "Call No One Father": Is there a contradiction in scripture when it says not to call anyone father, and yet it also says that Abraham is our father? [Romans 4:1, Matthew 23:9, I Corinthians 4:15, Matthew 3:9].
Creation of the Heavens & Earth: In relation to the creation chronology, isn't the sun and the moon part of the heavens and earth?
2022-05-26 "Call No One Father": Is there a contradiction in scripture when it says not to call anyone father, and yet it also says that Abraham is our father? [Romans 4:1, Matthew 23:9, I Corinthians 4:15, Matthew 3:9].
Creation of the Heavens & Earth: In relation to the creation chronology, isn't the sun and the moon part of the heavens and earth?
2022-05-05 Contradiction-Believing vs Obeying: Is it a possible contradiction between simply needing to confess, and yet scripture says you have to do His work. [Romans 10:9, Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 6:46, I John 3:21].
2022-04-06 One or Two Demon Possessed Men?: Can you explain why the other gospels don't say that there were two demon possessed men, but only mention one. [Matthew 8:28-34 ].
Unconditional Love: Can you explain "unconditional love" and what that specifically means? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14, Luke 19:44, Matthew 23:37].
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