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Topic: Debate (Debating)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-30 Friendly Debate (about Revelation): How do you debate differences successfully, especially when those who disagree don't want to discuss it in a friendly way? Rec: Steve Gregg's book "Revelation Four Views" Commentary. [Acts 1:7].
2024-04-30 Apostles vs Disciples: Could you clarify the difference between "apostles" and "disciples?" [1 Corinthians 15:5].
Steve's Debate with Atheist Max: Could you comment on your debate with the atheist Max and the odd focus on attention from the audience?
2024-04-05 Divisions Among Believers: Why do Christians disagree and divide over so many things? [2 Timothy 2:19, 1 Corinthians 3:1-4].
Satan (Devil): Why do people talk about the devil so much? Should we not be talking about God?
2024-03-26 Topics to Walk Gently Around: How do you know when to keep certain controversial beliefs to yourself when debating?
2024-03-12 Flowers & White Debate: Did you see the Leighton Flowers and James White debate? What did you think?
2024-03-08 James White Debate: Did you see the Leighton Flowers and James White debate last night?
Draw All Men: Would you comment on the word "all" in John 6 and 12 about the "drawing" of "all" men being drawn (in light of Calvinism)? [John 6:44, John 17:6, John 12:32, Matthew 23:37, Isaiah 66:4, Hosea 23:37, John 21:11].
2024-02-23 Steve Gregg & James White Debate: Would you ever again debate James White on Calvinism?
2024-02-22 Debate with Steve Gregg: What did you think of the debate you did on "Standing for Truth" on YouTube about Israel and Dispensationalism?
2024-02-21 Conversion of Atheists: Have you ever facilitated an atheist's conversion to Christianity? Do you think it is wrong to debate with an atheist? [Matthew 7:6-7].
2024-02-09 Debate with Atheist: A debate is scheduled between Steve Gregg and an atheist on Feb 24th at 5pm, at "Modern Day Debate" on YouTube.
2024-02-02 Debate with Atheist: Are you going to debate with an atheist soon?
Science, Creation & Age of Earth: If you are convinced of the science that says the earth is a globe (rather than flat), then why don't you accept the science that says that the earth is old? Why do you reject the Gnostic gospels based on the first line lying about the authorship, if the first lines in Genesis are a lie, but you accept it?
Globalist vs Nationalistic Views: Why do Christians seem to support more of a nationalist view rather than globalist?
2024-01-30 Falling Short of Full Obedience: Could you comment on Luke 17:10 and its application to being fully obedient? [Luke 17:10].
Dispensationalism: Doesn't Dispensationalism teach that when the Jews rejected Jesus when He attempted to set up the Kingdom, He went to plan B and then had to die?
Debating Dispensationalism: Why don't Dispensationalists, like John MacArthur or David Hocking, debate alternate views with people like you?
2024-01-29 Atheist Debate: Would you let us know when you schedule your debate with Max, the atheist?
Angels Eating: Could you explain how an angel could eat and process food? [Genesis 18-19].
2024-01-26 2 Timothy & Disagreement Among Believers: Is 2 Timothy Paul's last writing? In light of 2 Timothy, if we are involved in discussions about scripture, is it "wrangling" over words? [2 Timothy 4:6-8. 2 Timothy 2:14, Proverbs 27:17, Isaiah 28:10-13, Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12].
2024-01-24 Debate with Atheists Online: Atheist caller invites Steve to debate him online.
2023-11-14 Portland Area Church: Do you have any recommendations for churches in the Portland area?
Doctrines or Qualities of a Good Church: What should we be looking for in a church in order to find a healthy church? [John 13:34-35].
Steve Gregg Debates: How do you determine what to debate, and what does it take to get you to do a debate?
2023-07-11 Conflict with Pastor Over Theological Issues (Hell): Can you shed light on a conflict between the view of the pastor and I about theological issues (in particular, views of hell)?
2023-05-26 Debating a Rabbi: Have you ever debated a rabbi? if you were to do so, what would be your talking points?
Defending the New Testament to Jews: How would you defend the New Testament to rabbis and other Jews? [Isaiah 53, Isaiah 7:14].
2023-05-26 Debating a Rabbi: Have you ever debated a rabbi? if you were to do so, what would be your talking points?
Defending the New Testament to Jews: How would you defend the New Testament to rabbis and other Jews? [Isaiah 53, Isaiah 7:14].
2022-11-15 Evolution: How could evolution work, since a baby can't really take care of itself without mature parents to care for it?
Steve Gregg in Debates: Were there any debates in which you have participated where any of the debaters (such as, James White or Doug Wilson) actually thought about some of the points that were made by either side?
2022-10-28 Unity Among Believers & Elders: Could you talk about unity among believers, especially from the elders to the congregations? [Hebrews 13:17, Titus 1:9, Romans 16:17, I Corinthians 11:3, Hebrews 13:7].
2022-10-11 Debate with Muslim: Would you ever debate with a Muslim?
Christ Died on a "Tree:" Why does the New Testament say that Jesus died on a "tree?" Why did they translate it that way? [Galatians 3:13, Deuteronomy 21:22-23, Acts 5:30].
2022-10-04 Encouragement to Steve & Importance of Truth: Caller encourages Steve's ministry, and his statements about condemnation. "Truth without love is harsh, but love without truth is weak."
2022-08-01 Calvinist-Debate & Defense with Scripture: What are the scriptures used most often for Calvinism, and how do we defend against them saying that certain verse "don't mean that"? [2 Peter 3:8-10].
2022-05-03 Debating with Unbelievers: What would Jesus think about a Christian debating with an unbeliever? [Matthew 7:6].
2022-04-01 Foolish Disputes: Does the scripture about not getting into "foolish disputes" apply to witnessing to unbelievers who don't want to hear it? [Titus 3:9].
2021-10-05 Catholicism: What is the best argument against Catholicism? (Ref: Debate with Jimmy Aiken). [I Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 20:25, Luke 22:25].
2021-09-10 Argue & Defending One's Case Among Christians: Is it wrong to strongly defend one's position on theological things among Christians? [I Peter 3:15].
2021-08-25 Nestorius & Hyposstatic Union (Jesus' Humanity): Could you talk about Nestorius (hypostatic union)?
Debate Over Essentials: Caller posits: Protestants can't even agree on what is essential in order to debate, therefore "Sola Scriptura" (scripture alone) is impossible.
2021-08-25 Lack of Unity in the Church: Caller shares her experience with many different religions, but now is a Pentecostal and encourage unity.
2021-08-24 Arguing of the Non-essentials (Debate) & Heresy: Isn't it in the non-essentials that heresy creeps into the church, so should we not continue to argue (debate) about them? [Proverbs 18:13-17].
2021-05-28 Discussing Opposing Doctrinal Views: If someone gets too caught up in discussing doctrinal issues, such as Calvinism vs Arminianism, can it be sinful and compromise your Christian walk? [John 6:44].
2021-05-13 Debates: Are debates really advantageous? Is it sometimes that one is just a better debater than the other? Announcement about being back on-line.
2021-03-16 Steve Gregg's Lecture Notes: Do you have the notes from various lectures you give, specifically the one on evolution? Rec:
Steve Gregg Debates: Where does one find your debates, particularly the ones with atheists? Rec:
2021-02-09 Various Views of Hell & Controversy: Do you think that the "Conditional Immortality" view of hell should be an issue over which one should break fellowship? [Matthew 25:31-46].
2021-01-21 Marriage Legalities & Requirements: What are the guidelines for couples who function as husband and wife? Do need to have the legal documents, etc.?
Offended by Lack of Agreement on Scripture: Why are people offended if you don't agree with their interpretation of scripture?
2020-04-27 Prayer in Biblical Inquiry: What place should prayer have in discussions when biblical questions are asked in order to gain unity? [Romans 14]
2019-07-09 Exegesis and Eisegesis: Can you clarify the difference between "exegesis" & "eisegesis"?
Mary: What do you think about the answer I got from a Catholic about how could Mary hear prayers of more than one person at a time?
Debating Catholics: Would you debate a Catholic radio host?
2019-04-25 Temple: What is the significance of the temple and the measurements [Luke 21:24, Revelation 11:2, I Thessalonians]
Debates: When debating, it seems that many may not be being totally honest by often leaving out things that would not serve their points, isn't this like being a false teacher?
2018-12-10 Calvinism: What do you think drives people to Calvinism?
James White: Have you ever had occasion to talk to James White after the debate you had with him?
2018-09-05 David Baxter: Have you ever debated Ervin Baxter about eschatology?
Church Fathers: Do you have any books you recommend, especially re: the church fathers?
2018-08-06 Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, what side of the fence are you on? What about being dead in trespasses & sins in Ephesians? What do you do about there are none righteous? What do you do about Titus which say, Not by works of righteousness, but by His Mercy has He saved us. [Ephesians 2:1-2, Romans 3:10, Titus 3:5]
2018-07-27 Another Calvinist Debate: Would you consider doing more debates with Calvinist, but limiting what comes out of Romans?
2018-07-26 Calvinism-Light & Total Depravity: Can you comment on Calvinism about God giving us Light, & we can all choose, & why 1 Corinthians 2 is NOT talking about Total Depravity. [John 1:4-9, John 3:19, 1 Corinthians 2:14]
2018-07-10 The Calvinist & Arminianist Debate: What is the best book of the Bible to go through to debate Calvinism & arminianism? [Romans]
Church Membership: So you are against Church Membership? Do you have anything in your lectures about that?
2018-07-02 Bittersweet Announcement: Dan Springmeyer, who orchestrated the Sabbath Debate w/ Doug Batchelor, died the day before.
2018-06-19 Calvinism-Total Depravity: Was watching your debate with James White on Calvinism, & can you talk about the rebuttal when you didn't really have a chance to respond? [Romans 1-3]
2018-05-24 Replacement Theology Video: Did you ever debate w/ anyone from Cavalry Chapel, or did anyone ever accept your invitation to debate?
Videos on Website: Do you not have any videos on your website besides Youtube?
2018-05-08 The Book of Isaiah: In Isaiah 9 seems to be bouncing around a little bit, bouncing from one thought to another, especially starting in verse 6 of Isaiah 9. Why did they write like that, where it seems to go all over the place? [Isaiah 9]
bart ehrman & James White Debate: I enjoyed watching the debate between Bart Ehrman & James White, & I think James White won, about Textual Criticism of the Bible.
2018-04-26 The Sabbath: Enjoyed debate you had w/ Doug Batchelor on the Sabbath. I'm non denominational, but I've been going to an SDA church & really enjoying it. Can you help me w/ Genesis 2:2 & Exodus 20:8 ? [Genesis 2:2 & Exodus 20:8]
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