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Topic: Following Jesus (Christ)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-10 The Sunday Sabbath (The Sabbath & The Ten Commandments): The Puritans talk about the Sunday Sabbath. Is there anything to that? [John 8:31, 2 Corinthians 3:7, Colossians 2:16-17, 1 Corinthians 5:7, Hebrews 4:10, 1 Corinthians 5:7].
2024-07-09 Saving Yourself by Obedience: Wasn't I trying to save myself by my service to God with my efforts in evangelism? If we don't obey, we won't be saved, right?
2024-06-27 Defining the Kingdom of God: Could you explain what the "Kingdom of God" is? Rec: Steve's books "Empire of the Risen Son ( Vol 1 & 2), or free audiobooks and lectures on the topic at the website. [Mark 1:14, Luke 17:20-21, Colossians 1:13, Daniel 2:44, Revelation 5:9, Matthew 28:20].
2024-06-26 Knowing God & Maturing in Him: I don't feel like I know God as I should, so what do you suggest I do to improve? I have obeyed the rules rather than knowing God. [Micah 6:8, Romans 13:10, Psalm 1:1-3].
2024-06-25 Old Testament Saints vs Today's Christians: Were the Old Testament saints Christians (as Luther said)? [Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, 1 Peter 4:16, Hebrews 11, Hebrews 11:40, Hebrews 8:6].
2024-06-19 Evangelistic Message in Prayer: What are the keys points to remember when you lead someone in prayer to accept the Lord? Rec: Steve's books, "Empire of the Risen, Vol 1 & 2."
2024-06-18 Preaching the Gospel: Is the Gospel just about the idea that Jesus wants to have a relationship with you?
2024-06-11 Bringing Glory to God with our Lives?: What can you advise for those of us who have been in the Christian camp all our lives but need to mature and bring God glory? When will we see sanctification? Rec: Topical lectures and Steve's book "Empire of the Risen Son (Vol1 & 2). [John 8:31, Matthew 16:24].
2024-06-11 Steve's Transition into Amillennialism: What was the most significant change in your walk with God when transitioning into Amillennialism? Rec:topical lecture "When Shall These Things Be?"
2024-06-07 "Worship" vs "Emulating": Are we getting too focused on "worship" rather than "emulating" the Father? [John 5:23, 2 Corinthians 3:18]
2024-05-22 Fellowship-The Tipping Point: Where would you, personally, draw the line in limiting Christian fellowship to maintain unity (the non-negotiables)? [Matthew 22:36-40, Acts 11:26].
2024-05-10 Deny Self & Take Up Cross: Can you elaborate on the directives in Luke 9, “deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me?” What does this entail? [Luke 9:23-25, Matthew 16:24-25, Ephesians 5:29-32]
2024-05-07 Following Jesus & Good Works: Are you saying that "following Jesus" requires good works for salvation? [Acts 11:26, John 8:31, Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 10:9, Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 16:24-25, Ephesians 2:8-9].
2024-05-03 Baptism of a Transexual Person: What would Jesus do in the case of a trans-person being baptized? [1 Corinthians 5, Matthew 5:29-32].
2024-04-23 "Heaven" in the Scriptures: Caller disagrees regarding the lack of emphasis on "heaven" in the Bible. Instead, he thinks there is significant emphasis. [Philippians 3:20-21, 2 Corinthians 5:8-10, Exodus 20:12, John 3:16].
2024-04-23 Unbelievers Benefits From God: God seems to help unbelievers who call out to Him, yet refuse to follow Jesus, and yet Scripture says if we reject Jesus we reject God. Can you explain? [Matthew 10:33, Luke 10:16, Exodus 23:5, Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 5:45, Luke 23:34-38.
2024-04-19 The Emphasis on Eternal Life or Heaven: Why do you say that even if there were no heaven, you would still serve God? Isn't the Bible full of references to the future life? [1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:17].
2024-04-17 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): How do you address some of the objections and verses, "like no one an snatch us out of His hand," used to support the idea that we cannot fall away (apostatize)? [Isaiah 53:6, John 10:27-30, John 3:36].
Eternal Security & Calvinism: Isn't Calvinism largely responsible for the "eternal security (once saved, always saved)" theology?
Calvinism's & Free Will: If there is no free will, then what is the point? Rec: Got to for topical Q&A.
2024-03-13 Parable of the Sower: Do you think that the "Parable of the Sower" is teaching that there are two ways to lose your salvation? [Matthew 13:18-23, John 15:1-4, Luke 8:4-15, Mark 4:4-20].
Understanding Scripture: How do you understand the nuance of just reading the Bible and really understanding, especially when writers like James seem to stretch for the explanation? How do we know when to apply it to then or now? [Acts 15:14-17, Amos 9:11-12].
2024-02-22 Born Again: What exactly does the phrase "you must be born again" mean? [John 3:3-5, Acts 2:38-41, 2 Peter 1:4, Romans 10:9-11].
2024-02-19 Scary Passage about the Lord's Judgment & Rejection: Who are those people to whom He says to get away from Him because He never knew them? , [Matthew 7:21-23, James 3:2, Luke 6:46, Luke 9:49].
2024-02-13 Serving More: Since I know all that the heavenly Father has done for me, what else can I do, besides share and glorify Him? [Colossians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 10:31].
2024-02-05 Caught in the Act (of Sin): If someone is caught in the act of sin (stealing, idolatry, etc.) when Jesus comes back, will they lose their salvation? [James 3:2, Matthew 18:21-22].
2024-01-29 Falling Short of Obedience: Does falling short of obedience negate my salvation? [Psalm 103:14, James 3:2].
2024-01-15 Infant Baptism: Caller shares his view on infant baptism. What do you think about my view? [Ephesians 6:4]
Baptism for Naive Believers: If someone is pretty ignorant of the things of God, but want to follow Him and be baptized, should we baptize them right away and expect that they will continue to be disciples and mature in time?
2024-01-09 Preaching Fear & Worry: Many preach fear and worry about things we cannot fix. This has derailed me from my faith. What can you advise? [Psalm 1:3].
2024-01-03 Evangelizing a Jewish Skeptic: Any advice about evangelizing a Jewish friend who is open to learning about Christianity, but he heard about the water in the flood being over 20 feet above all the mountains, thus he is very skeptical? Rec: "The Genesis Flood" by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris
Turning Your Life Over to Christ: What does it look like when one "turns their life over to Christ?" Rec: Book by Steve Gregg. "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 2."
2023-12-19 Getting Started as a New Believer: As a new believer, where do I start? How do I find the right church? Rec:
2023-11-09 Correcting Others: How does one know when it is appropriate to step in and correct another? [Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 7:3-5, Galatians 6:1].
2023-11-01 Eschatology's Importance: There seem to be a lot of differences among Christians about eschatology, but why is it important? [Proverbs 25:2].
Contention & Divisions about Eschatology: Isn't eschatology an unnecessary argument and a despicable wedge between believers?
2023-10-27 Qualifications for Salvation: Does scripture disqualify either person from Jesus (if one believes it is just belief in Jesus, or if one thinks we also have to do good works)?
2023-10-20 Can the Lord Reject Someone: If someone asks Jesus into their heart, can He still reject them? rec: Topical lecture "How Can I Know I am Really Saved?" or read "Empire of the Risen Son." [John 6:37-40, Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:8, Matthew 7:22-24].
2023-10-16 Defining "Saved" & "Works" & Following Jesus: What does it mean to be "saved" versus just getting a ticket to heaven? Once you believe the gospel does transforation just come in time? How do works fit in? [1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Philippians 2:13, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 3:5, Titus 2:14].
"Feeling" One's Salvation: What if my feeling after conversion is fading? Rec: Topical lecture series, "How Can I Know That I am Really Saved?' [Romans 8:16, 2 Corinthians 13:5].
2023-10-04 Boring Christianity: Why do you suppose people seem to get bored with Jesus and the faith, adding more to it? [Revelation 2:10, 1 Peter 2:11].
2023-10-04 Defining Christianity: Caller: If Christianity is all about the conspiracies and such that seem to be promoted these days, I am not sure I want it anymore. [1 Corinthians 5:12].
2023-09-18 Catholics Not Really Christian: How can Catholics be Christians? [Acts 11:26, John 8:31].
2023-09-12 American Christianity: Do you think God is disappointed with American Christianity, and if so how do we fix it? How do we counteract the far-left "woke" philosophy? [Acts 11:26].
2023-09-07 "Confirmation Bias": Atheist caller: How do you eliminate your "confirmation bias" when you view and study scripture?
Doctrinal Differences: Atheist: How do you justify all the different doctrinal differents in the many Christian denominations?
Determining Importance How do you determine what is more or less important? [Micah 6:8].
2023-08-25 Atheist Caller: Why Jesus? Why Christianity?: An atheist caller asks: Why Jesus? Why Christianity? What is the methodology that you use to support or verify your faith as true?
Witnesses to Christ & His Life: Why do you think the New Testament writers and His disciples are reliable witnesses?
2023-08-24 Infant Dedication, But No Baptism: Do you need to be baptized to get to heaven? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2023-07-17 Needing Assurance of Salvation: Some were assured of their salvation, but He says He never knew them. Can you help me with my struggle for assurance? Rec: Topical lecture; "How Can I Know That I am Really Saved?" [Matthew 7:21-23].
2023-07-14 Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): Could you help me sort out the whole "Once Saved, Always Saved" vs "need for repentance" debacle? [John 15:6-7].
2023-07-13 Might Not Be Christian Anymore: Caller wonders if he is still a Christian because he no longer feels obsessed. [Galatians 1, Philippians 3:1-6, Philippians 3:8].
2023-07-06 Sealing of the Holy Spirit: If we knowingly deceive or refuse to forgive, will it alter the sealing of the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 1:13-14, Matthew 6:14, Mark 9:42, 1 Corinthians 13, John 13:35, John 15:12-13, John 8:31-32].
2023-06-28 "Putting the Past Behind" & "High-calling": What "past" is suggested that we put behind us? And what is the "high-calling" of Christ? [Philippians 3:10-14, Philippians 3:4-10].
2023-06-26 Christians Follow the Apostles or the Spirit: If one says they are a Christian, are they following The Apostles or the Spirit?
2023-06-09 Old Testament Forgiveness: How were people forgiven for their sins in the Old Testament (relative to the shedding of blood and sacrifices)? [Luke 11:50-51, Matthew 16:24, John 8:31, Matthew 28:20].
Born Again: How do you go about being born again?
How Perfect Do I Have to Be?: I want to make sure I know where I am going. How perfect do I have to be? [1 John 1:9, 1 John 1:5-7].
2023-06-09 Good & Bad Christians: What is the difference between a good Christian and a bad Christian? [Luke 12:47-49, Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10].
2023-06-08 Disagreement of Doctrines (Essentials of the Faith): How important is it for my wife and I to have the same doctrines, in particular, Calvinism's "limited atonement?"
Apostle's Creed & New Earth: Do you believe in the Apostle's Creed and the fact that we are coming back to the earth?
2023-05-31 Discouraged-Not Living Up to the Standard: What kind of encouragement can you give, as I feel that I cannot live up to the standard presented in your books, "Empire of the Risen Son," especially in light of being married to an unbeliever? [Isaiah 50:10, 2 Corinthians 8:12]
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