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Topic: David (King, House of)

Showing 1 to 50 of 134.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-05 Bathsheba's Age: Was Bathsheba only 8-years-old when she had David's baby?
2024-06-25 David's Numbering the People: If David knew that the numbering of the people was from Satan, would he have done it? [1 Chronicles 21:1].
2024-06-21 "Sinned Against You Only" (David): How could King David say in repentance "Against you, and you only, have I sinned" when he hurt so many? [Psalm 51:4-5].
2024-06-21 David's Mother: Who was King David's mother?
2024-06-06 "No Such Passover": Could you clarify the scripture about "no such passover" celebration in the days of Josiah? Did they not have Passovers for a time? [2 Kings 23:21-25].
David Shedding Blood: Would God's refusal to let David build His house be because he killed Uriah? [1 Chronicles 22:7-8].
2024-05-29 King Over Israel: After so much time passed (about 600 years) when the Jews did not have a king, how did the Jews accept the idea that Jesus would be king? [Matthew 2:2, John 18:36, John 19:15].
2024-05-09 Mercy for David & Severity for Ananias & Sapphira: Though I believe God is just, I struggle with the disparity between the story of David getting away with adultery and murder and yet, Ananias and Sapphira are struck down for only lying. Can you comment?
2024-04-25 David and His Men: Could you shed some light on if David had his men with him when he faked his insanity?
2024-04-12 David's Grief & Guilt: How does grief apply in Psalm 31? What is David saying? [Isaiah 53:4-6, Psalm 31:9-10, Matthew 8:17, John 9:41].
2024-02-08 David's Sin with Bathsheba: Where is it in scripture that God directly warned David about the consequences of his sin with Bathsheba?
2024-01-18 Moabite Lineage of Ruth & David: Would you comment on Ruth, a Moabite, was not allowed in the assembly, but yet she was in the lineage of Jesus (and David)? Isn’t the word “forever” in there somewhere? David [Deuteronomy 23:3, Psalm 40:6, Deuteronomy 23:3, Matthew 12:3-8].
2023-12-21 God Killing the Prophet in the Old Testament: Why would God kill a prophet for not listening when he let David get away with what he did? [1 Kings 13, Exodus 4:24-26].
2023-11-21 David's Hateful Attitude (Imprecatory Psalms): Why is David's hateful attitude found acceptable in some of the Psalms (Imprecatory Psalms)? [John 3:16, Psalm 109:6, Psalm 139:21-22, Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27-28].
2023-11-01 Priestly Linen Ephod: Wouldn't David having put on a linen ephod (priestly garments) be considered offensive? Is it because he is called a prophet? [Psalm 40:6-8, Psalm 51:16, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 10:5-7, Hebrews 5:10, Matthew 12:3-4, 2 Samuel 6:14].
2023-10-20 Star of David: Is the Star of David in the Bible? What is its significance?
2023-10-19 David's Heart: Why was David described as a man after God's own heart? [Psalm 27:4, 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22].
2023-09-21 David's "Perfect Hatred": What is meant by David's "perfect hatred" toward enemies in the Psalms? [Psalms 139:21-22].
2023-09-11 "Evil Spirit" from the Lord: Could you expound on the "evil (distressing) spirit" from the Lord on Saul and David's playing driving it away? [1 Samuel 16:14, 1 Samuel 16:23, 1 Kings 22:21-23, Judges 9:23].
2023-07-31 David's Sin of Taking the Census: Why was David taking a census so great a sin? [1 Chronicles 21:1, 2 Samuel 24:1, Psalm 20:7-8, 1 Corinthians 15:29].
2023-07-24 Jesus Calling David "Father": Why did Jesus call David "Father?" [Matthew 1:1].
2023-04-13 Abraham's Adultery & Polygamy: Was Abraham a polygamist and an adulterer? [Ephesians 5:22-33, Deuteronomy 17:14-20].
David & Solomon's Adultery: Why wasn't David & Solomon condemned for their polygamy and adultery?
2023-02-24 Uriah: Do you think that Uriah was one of the "mighty men" in scripture that went and got the water from the well for David? [2 Samuel 23:16].
2023-01-25 Demons Helping to Build Solomon's Temple: Is it factual that demons were used to build Solomon's temple?
2023-01-16 Nathan's Story of the Lamb & King David: How do we know that the story Nathan tells about the lamb is about David & Bathsheba? Could he have been talking about Michal and Phaltiel instead? [2 Samuel 12:1-25].
2022-12-22 David as a Priest: Is there anywhere in scripture that idicates that David was a priest? [Isaiah 13:14, Acts 13:22].
2022-11-02 David Tortured Others or Demanded Labor: Could you clarify the meaning of the verse in Samuel about what David did to the people-did he torture them, or put them to work? Why would translator choose such different ways to translate this? [2 Samuel 12:31].
2022-10-26 David's Lack of Faith: Is it David's lack of faith that causes him to run to the Philistines in I Samuel 27? [I Samuel 27:1-2, 2 Timothy 2:13].
2022-06-24 Covenants in the Bible: Could you talk about all the covenants of the Bible (Abrahamic, Davidic, New, etc.) and how they overlap, etc.? Recommended topical lecture: "What are we to Make of Israel?" [Galatians 3, Exodus 19:5, Deuteronomy 28:63, Matthew 21:43, 2 Samuel 7, Acts 2, Acts 8].
2022-06-23 Jesus' Genealogy: Could you explain Jesus' genealogy and how it seems like it would be through Mary? [Matthew 1: 1-20, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31].
2022-05-17 Jesus on the Throne: Is Jesus on the throne now? [Psalm 110:1, Revelation 3:20, Acts 2, 2 Samuel 7:12].
David's Throne: When was David's throne created? [Acts 2, 2 Samuel 7:12, 1 Chronicles 28:5, 1 Chronicles 29:23].
Jesus Getting Sick: Could Jesus have ever gotten sick?
2022-05-03 David Eating the Showbread: Could you explain the passage about David eating the showbread (ceremonial or consecrated bread)? [Mark 2:26, Matthew 12:4, Matthew 23:23, John 7:22-23].
Steve Gregg's Memory: Do you have a photographic memory?
2022-04-05 Imprecatory Prayers-Against Evil Doers: Is there scripture that talks about God's pain when things like war and other evils take place,, and how we should be praying? [Psalm 109:8].
2022-03-07 Qualifications for Evangelism: Are there any biblical qualifications for being an evangelist? [I Timothy 3, Titus 1, Ephesians 4:11].
David as Murderer & Adulterer: Did David lose the spirit when he committed the crimes of murder and adultery?
2022-02-25 Conceived or Dying "In Sin": Is there any connection between when David said, "I was conceived in sin" and the fact that we all die in sin? [Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 27:10].
God Using Evil Nations to Judge: Does God use evil nations to judge disobedient nations? [Habakkuk 1-2].
2022-02-14 David & Bathsheba: Does the Bible say how much Bathsheba knew about David's plans against her husband? [2 Samuel 11, Psalm 51, Psalm 32].
2022-01-11 Messiah Called the New David: Is the verse in Isaiah about the shoot from Jesse referring to the new David (or Messiah)? [Isaiah 11:1, Hosea 3:5, Ezekiel 34:23, Ezekiel 37:24].
2022-01-04 David Mistaken in His Prayer: Why did David pray, "Against you, and you only, have I sinned" when it was clear that he had wronged many others? [Psalm 54:4, Psalm 22:1].
Steve Gregg's Band from the 1970s: Is there any surviving material from your band in the 1970s (New Wine).
2021-12-06 Old Testament Support of Children in Heaven: Doesn't the scripture in Samuel, where David says he will go to his child one day, indicate that children go to heaven to be with God? [2 Samuel 12:23, Mark 10:15].
Jesus Said Hell Exists: Doesn't the fact the Jesus talks about hell in various ways, such as weeping and gnashing of teeth, indicate that hell does exist? [Revelation 20:10, Matthew 25:41, I Timothy 6:16, Matthew 13:42, Luke 13:28].
2021-11-05 Sex is Sin: What did David mean when he said, "in sin my mother conceived me?" [Psalm 51:5, Psalm 27:10, Romans 5:12f, I Corinthians 7:1-9, Hebrews 13:4].
2021-10-14 Solomon's Children: Could you explain how the children of Solomon all fit into the timeline? [I Chronicles 3:15, 2 Samuel 12:18, 2 Samuel 12:24, I Kings 2:16].
2021-07-09 Keys of the Kingdom & the House of David: Are the "keys of the kingdom" the same as the "keys of the House of David"? [Matthew 16:19, Revelation 3:7, Isaiah 22:22].
2021-06-15 "Tabernacle of David": Did David have the Holy Spirit and what of the "Tabernacle of David"? [Acts 15:8, Acts 15:16, Amos 9:11-12].
2021-06-04 David Prophetically Heard Jesus Speaking the Psalms: Do you agree with a pastor that suggests that David actually saw into the future and heard Jesus speaking the Psalms prophetically? [Psalms 110:1-4, Genesis 14, Psalm 40:6, Psalm 51:16-17].
2021-06-01 Contradiction in Scripture-David's Sins: Is it a contradiction in scripture when it indicates that David kept God's commandments, except for Uriah, and yet he also sinned when he took a census? [I Kings 15:5, I Chronicles 21, Matthew 12:4].
David's Sin in Taking the Census: Why was it a sin for David to take the census? [I Chronicles 21].
2021-06-01 Contradiction in Scripture-David's Sins: Is it a contradiction in scripture when it indicates that David kept God's commandments, except for Uriah, and yet he also sinned when he took a census? [I Kings 15:5, I Chronicles 21, Matthew 12:4].
David's Sin in Taking the Census: Why was it a sin for David to take the census? [I Chronicles 21].
2021-05-12 Balaam's Prophecy in Numbers: What does this prophecy of Balaam's refer to in Numbers? [Numbers 24:17].
2021-05-06 Multiple Marriages in the Bible: Why didn't God ever confront David about his multiple marriages? [I Corinthians 7:2]
Prophets to the Pagans: Did the prophets of God ever go and confront the pagan nations?
2021-03-29 Nasty Imprecatory Psalms: How do we fit the nastiness of David's imprecatory psalms and the Christian mission? [Psalms 137:8-9, Matthew 5:43-48].
Dashing Babies Against Stones: How can we justify praying as David did to hope for babies to be dashed again stones? [Psalm 137:8-9]
501c3 Church Benefits: Isn't it duplicitous for a 501c3 to not be willing to submit to government dictates and yet benefit from the tax benefits?
2020-12-17 Not One Righteous: What is the context of and thoughts surrounding David's quoting Psalm 14 in Romans 3, "There is none righteous, no not one." [Romans 3:10-19, Romans 11, Psalms 14, Psalm 53, I Kings 19:10].
2020-12-03 David Not Forgiving Shimei: So why did David eventually hold Shimei accountable, when earlier he seemed to forgive him? [2 Samuel 16, 2 Samuel 19, I Kings 2].
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