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Topic: Islam (Muslims)

Showing 1 to 50 of 121.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-01 Christians Seen as Terrorists: If we did things as in the Old Testament, would we not be seen as terrorists just like extremist Muslims and enacting Sharia Law? [2 Corinthians 10:5].
2024-05-15 End Times Revival: Would you elaborate on the idea of an "end times revival" has to come before Jesus returns? [Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:17].
Four Horseman: Could you talk about the symbolism of the "Four Horseman" in Revelation and the possible correlation of the Pale Horse to the rise of Islam?
2024-02-23 Appreciation for Steve & The Narrow Path Show: Caller shares her appreciation for the show and Steve.
The Quran (Koran): Does the Quran (Koran) really say to kill Jews and Christians?
2024-01-22 Converted Muslim Struggling with Sin: Converted Muslim: How long will I be punished for the way I treated my wife that has now ended in divorce? I continue to sin, but I hate it, and I am suffering. How do I come back to the Lord? Rec: Topical lectures - "Making Sense Out of Suffering." [Job 1:21].
2024-01-08 Quran, Islam & Judaism: Do you think that Islam is closer to Christianity than Judaism since they revere Jesus as a great prophet? Shouldn't we evangelize them?
2024-01-04 Muslims, "Allah Has No Sons": When evangelizing Muslims, how do I respond to "Allah has no sons?"
2023-12-19 Condemnation of the Ignorant or Repentant Evil: What if someone who has never heard of Christ, would they go to hell? If Hitler repented, would he have gone to Heaven? What about Islam or other religions?
2023-11-16 Islam: Could you help me understand more about Islam?
2023-11-01 Spirit of Love: Comment from caller about the difference between the call to love in the Christian scripture in contrast to the Koran. [Romans 12:9].
2023-10-11 Suffering of the Enemy: Do you think that we will see the enemy suffering from heaven? [Isaiah 66:24, Revelation 19:1-3, Revelation 14:11].
Hatred for Jews (Antisemitism): Why do people hate the Jews?
2023-10-05 Belief (Before or After Salvation): Is "belief" a result of salvation? [Matthew 16:24, Matthew 1:21, Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:14].
2023-04-19 Trinity: What is the Jewish take on "The Trinity?"
2023-03-28 The God of Abraham: Though Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the God of Abraham, it is easy to see difference between Christians and Jews, because of Christ, but what is the difference between the Jews and Muslims? [John 8:54].
2023-02-23 Islam, Koran & Allah: Is God, the Father, the same as the Muslim's Allah? [Acts 17:23-31, John 10:30].
Life as a Test: It doesn't sit well with me to think this life is a test? Is it? [2 Timothy 2:12].
2022-10-24 "Judeo-Christian": What do you think about this comment about "Judeo-Christian" and how are we to think of it, since the two are in contrast to one another?
2022-10-11 Allah or God: Does our God (their "Allah") hear the prayers of Muslims? [Acts 17:23, John 17:3, Hosea 4:6].
2022-10-11 Debate with Muslim: Would you ever debate with a Muslim?
Christ Died on a "Tree:" Why does the New Testament say that Jesus died on a "tree?" Why did they translate it that way? [Galatians 3:13, Deuteronomy 21:22-23, Acts 5:30].
2022-10-07 Capital Punishment for Not Believing: Is this passage in 2 Chronicles 15, a parallel in the Old Testament to a current event-when a woman was killed for being non-compliance to requirements of Islam? [2 Chronicles 15:13].
2022-10-04 Parallel between Christianity & Hinduism: Have you ever looked into Hinduism and its parallels to Christianity?
2022-08-02 Jewish Prophets in Islam: How does a Jewish prophet, like Elijah, fit in with Islam theology?
2022-06-01 Evidence Against Islam (Muslim): What are some of the major discrepancies in the Islam faith and how do I proceed with talking with my brother who is leaning that way?
2022-01-12 Shorter Version of the Book of Mark: Didn't Jesus predict His resurrection earlier in the book of Mark, regardless of the missing later chapters in some manuscripts?
Bible Manuscripts: Isn't it possible for writers of Bible manuscripts to make spelling errors, etc.
Infallibility of the Bible & the Quran: Isn't some of the arguments for the Quran (Koran) by Islam, very similar to the arguments for the Christian Bible's infallibility?
2021-11-10 Christian Calendar: When did the Christian calendar begin (as opposed to Muslim calendar), and what are the ramifications of it being incorrect?
2021-11-09 Sexual Rewards in Heaven (Islam & Mormonism): In Islam and Mormonism, what is the explanation of their faith's sexual rewards in heaven (and eternal marriage), in light of scripture that indicates there is no marriage in heaven? [Luke 20:35, Matthew 22:30].
2021-10-28 Jesus' People: Who are "His people" in Matthew 1:21? [Matthew 1:21, Matthew 12:46-50]
Are Muslims the Antichrist: Are Muslims the antichrist? [I John 2:22].
2021-10-27 Jews Rejection of the Messiah: Why do Jews not accept Jesus as The Messiah?
Islam View of Jesus as Prophet: Why do Muslims not follow Jesus, since they revere Him as a great prophet?
2021-09-30 The Little Horn & Islam: Is the image in Daniel referring to the "The Little Horn", possibly symbolic for Islam? [Daniel 7:25].
2021-09-22 Muhammed in the Old Testament: Have you encountered the argument that the Old Testament speaks of Muhammed? [Deuteronomy 18:19, Acts 3].
2021-09-21 Muslim View of Jesus for the Sacrifice for Sin : How do you respond to the Muslim when they question why God doesn't just forgive without requiring a sacrifice?
Gnostic Gospels: What do you know about the Gnostic Gospels?
2021-09-14 Mary's Age in Pregnancy: How old was Mary when she was impregnated? Muslims often compare their faith to Christianity
Taking Another Man's Wife-Muslim Perspective: Could you elaborate on the ethics in the Old Testament regarding taking another man's wife, relative to Muslim views? [Deuteronomy 21:10-14].
2021-09-14 Mary's Age in Pregnancy: How old was Mary when she was impregnated? Muslims often compare their faith to Christianity
Taking Another Man's Wife-Muslim Perspective: Could you elaborate on the ethics in the Old Testament regarding taking another man's wife, relative to Muslim views? [Deuteronomy 21:10-14].
2021-09-09 Jesus Encourages Violence Like Muhammad: How would you respond to Muslim's who claim that the parable where people are slain, is evidence that Jesus encourages violence and then so can Muhammad. [Luke 19].
Dating the Trinity: Were not there earlier records that established the Trinity doctrine before the Nicaean Council?
2021-09-09 The Giving of the Law by Angels-as in Islam: If the law was given through angels, why doesn't it say anything about it in Exodus? [Deuteronomy 33:2, Galatians 3:19, Acts 7:53, Hebrews 2:2].
2021-08-31 Identifying the False Prophets: If those in other religions are our brothers and sisters, then who are the false prophets in the New Testament?
2021-07-27 Evangelizing Muslims: What do we say to evangelize Muslims, and get past their objections about God not having a wife and therefore not a son?
Evangelizing Homosexuality: How do we evangelize homosexuals? [Matthew 19:1-12].
Tattoos Today: What do you say about all the tattoos people are getting today? [Leviticus 19:28].
2021-05-20 Arabs & Egyptians-Hagar, Ishmael & Islam: What is the evidence that Hagar traveled east, and the Arabs & Egyptians are descended from her? [Genesis 21].
2021-05-07 Atheist's Defense of Abortion: Atheist caller objects to the Christian's view toward abortion and how it is unfairly characterized?
Ethics of Slavery: Why didn't God make the first commandment; "You shall Not Own Other Human Beings"?
2021-05-03 "One Way" Through Jesus: If there is only "one way", through Jesus, then is there no provision for all those that never heard of this way or Jesus? [John 14:6, Ezekiel 18:32, 2 Peter 3:8-10, John 1:9-10].
2021-04-12 God Hears the Prayers of Muslims: Does God hear the prayers of the Muslims? [Acts 17:23].
2021-01-18 Same God (Allah) for Muslims & Christians: What do you think of this premise; the God that Christians pray to, is the same God that Muslims pray to? [John 8:54].
2020-12-31 666 & Allah: Are you familiar with the idea that the 666 refers to Allah?
2020-12-08 Those of Other Faiths: Do you think that people of other faiths possibly benefit from their beliefs, similarly, or even better than some Christians do? [John 1:8-9, Psalm 24:1] (A lot of static on the line.)
2020-10-09 Concern about Sharia Law: Caller thinks that Steve said something about American succumbing to Sharia Law.
2020-10-06 Clarification on Salvation for the Muslim: Caller makes some observations about the Muslim (Islam) faith and asks for Steve's clarification about salvation for the those in Islam.
2020-10-01 Palestine & Israel Conflict: What do you say to Palestinians who hate Israel because they took their land?
Other Religions Who Have Jesus in Their Faith: What is God gonna do about the religions and cults who have Jesus in their religions, but ignorantly don't have the same theology as we do? [Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 16:17, 2 Peter 3:18].
2020-08-31 Why Christianity is the Correct Faith: In light of all the different religions in the world, what makes Christianity the correct and true faith? Are we looking all at the same God? [Deuteronomy 18, John 5, Philippians 4:6, James 4:2-3].
2020-08-18 The Crusades: Was what happened in "the Crusades" actually justified as self-defense due to Christians being persecuted and killed?
2020-08-18 War - Christian Who Die are Ready: Caller comments on the call about "The Crusades", noting that Muslims are not ready to meet God, but Christians are.
Giving to Christian Ministries: Isn't giving to Christian ministries a requirement for the believer, and could neglect there be why we suffer at times? [Luke 12:48].
2019-11-01 Koran (Quran) & the Bible: Does the Koran (Quran) teach the same things as the Bible, and do they believe in the same God as we do?
2019-11-01 Allah & Our God: Do the Muslims believe in the same God as we do? [John 17:3].
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