Foreordained (Preordained)

Showing 1 - 20 of 20

Prayers for the Predestined

Question details

Am I wasting my time if I am praying for someone who is not predestined to be saved? REC:, topical index for calls (Q&A) on the topic of "Predestination." or topical lectures series "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation" or verse-by-verse on Romans. [Romans 8:29].

Harmonizing "Free Will" & "God's Sovereignty"

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Can you completely harmonize the two seemingly contradictive theological views "free will" and "God's Sovereignty?" REC: Topical lectures "God Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Romans 3:11, John 15:16].


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Would you talk about "predestination" and its alternate view? [1 Peter 1:1-2, 1 Peter 1:20, Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:5, Ephesians 1:11, 1 John 3:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 8:23]

Assessing Calvinism as Heinous

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Isn't the idea that God predetermined who would be born and who would go to hell before the foundation of the world the basic philosophy of Calvinism? Doesn't this mean that no one is responsible for their own destination because it has been predetermined? Rec: topical lectures "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [James 4:6-8, Romans 9:20].

Election by God or Free Will for Salvation:

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How can you say that specific people were not chosen to be saved by God? [Matthew 28:16, Acts 13:46-48, 1 Corinthians 16:15, Acts 17:11, Acts 2:37, Acts 16:14].

Evangelism-Our Responsibility for Future Converts

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Do you think that we, as believers, have a direct impact on the number of people that will be ulimately be saved? [Ezekiel 33:17, Romans 12:8, Matthew 28:16-20].

Predestination (the Elect)

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Is "predestination" a biblical concept, or is it a branch of Calvinism? [Romans 8:29-30, I Peter 1:2, Ephesians 1:4, Ephesians 1:11, I Johhn 3:2, Romans 8:23].

Sovereignty & Foreknowledge Defined

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Regarding the sovereignty of God, did God know everything and how everything will turn out (Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence)? [Isaiah 46, Isaiah 45:12, Luke 12:7, Matthew 10:29-30].

Needn't Preach or Evangelize if We are Predestined

Question details

Do the people who think you are predestined to be saved, still preach the gospel? [Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:4-11, 2 Peter 3:9, Luke 13:34, Matthew 23:37, Acts 10].