Regarding "robbing Artemis (Diana)," is there any correlation between Acts 19 and Malachi 3? What kind of “robbing” are they talking about? [Acts 19:27, Malachi 3:10
A lot of the caller's family is into the Word of Faith movement, & they seem to elevate man & lower God, & he was wondering why Jesus is pointing out the Scripture from the Old Testament about being gods. [Psalm 82:6, Matthew 12:1-7, John 10:31]
Is this talking about gods that the Israelites actually had in their possession or is it talking about conquering strange gods in the future? [Joshua 24:23]
When Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and said they were like gods, what is meant here and where is this verse? [John 10:30-34, Psalm 82:6, Pslam 82:1].
Commenting on the religions who embrace the idea that it is acceptable to become a god, or that Jesus is a kind of god. [John 10:34-36, Jeremiah 10:11, John 15, Isaiah ].
What do you think about C.S. Lewis' comment in his book, "Mere Christianity", that we are being made into gods and goddesses? [Psalm 82:6, John 10:34, 2 Peter 1:4].
As a former Jehovah Witness, we are still at odds about Jesus being God, based on their Bible translation (New World Translation). Recommended topical lecture: "Knowing God series". [John 10:34, Colossians 1:15, John 1:3].
Joseph's brothers bowing down to Joseph, or Nebuchadnezzar bowing down to Daniel, were those instances inappropriate, bowing down to them? [Genesis 42:6, Daniel 2:46]
Can you clarify the reference to the "eternal council of gods" (Elohim) or Him sitting in the "congregation of the gods", referred to in Psalms? [Psalm 82:1-8, Genesis 1:1, I Corinthians 10:7, Deuteronomy 32:17, John 10:34, Exodus 21:6, Exodus 22:8, Exodus 7:1].
I was talking to some Mormon friends the other day, & they were pointing to me a verse in Psalms that talked about gods plural. What is being said there? [Psalms 82:6]
What is your thought on what a Mormon told me, saying that even the Church Fathers said that we can become as gods like the Mormons believe, "as God is man can become, as man is God once was"? (THIS CALL IS CARRIED ON PAST THE BREAK EVEN THOUGH IT SEEMS LIKE STEVE ENDED IT IN THE FIRST HALF.)