Arabs, Ismaelites, & Jews Question details What about the promises made to the Ismaelites relative to Arabs and Jews? [Genesis 16:12, Romans 9:22]. Play Share Copy 2024-05-21 Call length 11:47 Topics Topics Arab (Arabic) Genesis (Book) Ishmael Jews (Modern) Romans (Book) Hagar References Bible references Genesis 16.12 Romans 9.22
Hagar's Destination Question details Why does the angel ask where Hagar is going? [Genesis 16:8, Genesis 18:20-23, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9]. Play Share Copy 2023-05-23 Call length 7:17 Topics Topics Genesis (Book) Hagar References Bible references Genesis 16.8 Genesis 18.20 - 23 Genesis 3.9 Genesis 4.9
Abraham-Not Always Faithful Question details Could you comment on the fact that Abraham wasn't always the "man of faith" he is presented as later in scripture? [Hebrews 11:8-16, James 2:21]. Play Share Copy 2023-04-12 Call length 7:57 Topics Topics Abraham (Abram) Hebrews (Book) Hagar Sarah (Sarai) References Bible references Hebrews 11.8 - 16 James 2.21
Abraham, Hagar & Ishmael Question details Why was Abraham counted as faithful when he took Hagar and had Ishmael? [Genesis 15, Genesis 17:16, Genesis 18]. Play Share Copy 2013-03-05 Call length 7:18 Topics Topics Abraham (Abram) Genesis (Book) Ishmael Hagar Sarah (Sarai) References Bible references Genesis 15 Genesis 17.16 Genesis 18
Book of Jasher & Hagar Question details Do we know when or where Abraham got Hagar from? Was she the daughter of the Pharaoh? The Book of Jasher says that she was. [Joshua 10:12-13] Play Share Copy 2016-09-13 Call length 8:11 Topics Topics Abraham (Abram) Books & Authors (Christian) Literature (Christian) Hagar Jasher (Book of) Books & Authors (Non-Christian) References Bible references Joshua 10.12 - 13
Arabs & Egyptians-Hagar, Ishmael & Islam Question details What is the evidence that Hagar traveled east, and the Arabs & Egyptians are descended from her? [Genesis 21]. Play Share Copy 2021-05-20 Call length 6:07 Topics Topics Arab (Arabic) Genesis (Book) Ishmael Islam (Muslims) Egypt Hagar References Bible references Genesis 21
Hagar, Mt. Sinai, Jersalem, Isaac Question details Could you clarify what Paul means when he draws parallels between Hagar, Mt. Sinai, and Jerusalem? [Galatians 4:24-30]. Play Share Copy 2021-04-28 Call length 12:14 Topics Topics Abraham (Abram) Ishmael Jerusalem Sinai (Mt) New Covenant Galatians (Book) Hagar Heir (Heirs) References Bible references Galatians 4.24 - 30
Ishmael Question details What am I supposed to think of Ishmael? [Genesis 16:11-12] Play Share Copy 2014-08-13 Call length 8:43 Topics Topics Ishmael Hagar References Bible references Genesis 16.11 - 12
Isaac & Ishmael Question details Can you help me to understand the significance of Isaac & Ishmael? [Galatians 4:21-31]. Play Share Copy 2020-03-19 Call length 13:50 Topics Topics Arab (Arabic) Chosen (The) Ishmael Jews (Ethnic, Jewish) Hagar References Bible references Galatians 4.21 - 31