Origins of the Pharisees & Sadduccees Question details What is the origin of the Pharisees and Sadduccees? [Mark 7:5-9]. Play Share Copy 2025-01-02 Call length 12:25 Topics Topics Church History Esther (Queen) Mark (Book) Pharisees Sadducees Tradition (Custom) Intertestamental Talmud (Talmudism, Rabbinism) History Hasidim Essenes References Bible references Mark 7.5 - 9
Satan and 1/3 of the Angels Who Fell Question details Is it true that Satan was one of three archangels who fell and took a third of the angels with them? [Jude 1:6, 2 Peters 2:4, Revelation 12:4, Daniel 8:10, Isaiah 14:12, Isaiah 14:16, Jude 1:9]. Play Share Copy 2024-05-01 Call length 8:17 Topics Topics Fallen Angels Revelation (Book) Satan (Devil) Jude (Book) Isaiah (Book) Daniel (Book) Michael (Archangel) Antiochus Epiphanes Peter (2nd) Gabriel (Angel) Hasidim References Bible references Jude 1.6 Jude 1.2 Jude 2.4 Revelation 12.4 Daniel 8.10 Isaiah 14.12 Isaiah 14.16 Jude 1.9