How could God allow Herod (the Great) to put to death all those little children? Red: Topical lectures "Making Sense of Suffering." [Matthew 2:16, Jeremiah 30:15].
Is this passage in 2 Chronicles 15, a parallel in the Old Testament to a current event-when a woman was killed for being non-compliance to requirements of Islam? [2 Chronicles 15:13].
There's a time & season for everything that happens. Caller is concerned about murder. [Ecclesiastes 3] (Caller is all over the map of what he's trying to say, but anyway.)
When God gave animal skins to Adam & Eve, does that actually mean, animals were killed, or could it just mean the clothes made from their hair without killing them? [Genesis 3:21]
Could you distinguish the difference between being "taken" and being "caught up" in scripture?
[Matthew 24:37-42, Luke 17:34, Luke 17:27, Psalm 91:7-10, 2 Thessalonians 1-2].
Could you help me understand the difference of when God wiped out all the Canaanites, including children, and yet in other circumstances spared children because of their innocence? [Deuteronomy 1:39, Deuteronomy 2:34].
Can you help me sort some of the conflicting ideas in scripture such as, "thou shall not kill", and "turn the other cheek", but then God has whole groups killed, such as the Canaanites, ? [Genesis 9:3, Acts 25:11, Matthew 5:38-40, Matthew 10:23].
If I committed intentional murder before I was saved, how does, "no murderer shall inherit the kingdom" apply to me? [Galatians 5:21, John 9:11]. (Steve shares a story or 2 about call(s) related to this one.)