Why do we not have a record of which is correct The Garden Tomb or at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was located? [John 4:21, Acts 7:47-50, Luke 3:1, Psalm 24:1].
Could the spices used for the burial of Jesus been symbolically used because of the priesthood of Jesus, having been named in the Exodus as exclusively for the priests? [John 2:22, Exodus 30:22-28, Exodus 30:34].
Can you help me reconcile the timeline irregularities of the "three days and three nights" in the tomb (considering the Sabbath, the Passover, and the resurrection)?
What is the parallel between Jesus saying He would raise up the temple in 3 days, and His resurrection? [I Corinthians 15:4, Matthew 12:40, John 2:19].
Could you talk about the disparity of the 3 days and 3 nights prediction for the days Jesus was in the tomb, if He was crucified on Friday and resurrected on Sunday? [Matthew 12:40].
Would you clarify the various ways to see when Jesus was crucified, His time in the tomb and His Resurrection and how it comes out to 3 days? [I Corinthians 15:4, Matthew 12:40].
Do you think that the three days for the time in the tomb has significance because typically the 4th day, bodies tend to decompose, and the Bible says His body would not see corruption? [Psalm 16:9-11].
When Jesus said he would be was in the heart of the earth for 3 days & 3 nights, did He mean that literally? [Luke 13:32-33, Matthew 12:40, Jonah 1:17].
Is it true that Jesus wanted women to be the first at the tomb, so that they would no longer be under the curse and have to be submitted to their husbands?