When a catholic church member takes the host (bread) but doesn't drink the wine, is it because they are avoiding the alcohol? Do they then not believe it is really supernaturally blood?
Why is there objection to someone outside a denomination (Lutheran) taking communion with them (closed communion)? Rec: Debates with Catholic Jimmy Akin at the website. [Proverbs 18:17].
When Catholics refer to their "other" traditions when they say that Protestants only pay attention to "sola scripture" but Catholics believe in both scripture and other traditions, what are those traditions? [1 Timothy 3:2-5, Mark 7:9].
You indicated that nothing supernatural happens during the Eurcharist because miracles are typically observed, but I thought of examples in scripture where there were miracles unobservable. [I Corinthians 14, Luke 22:19-20, Acts 10:15, 1 Corinthians 11:14, Matthew 26:26-28, 1 John 1:7, Isaiah 30:20].
What is the right way to think about the body and blood of Jesus at the Last Supper? is it literal or symbolic? Are we in danger if we don't do it correctly, or believe about it a certain way? [1 Corinthians 11:25-26, Luke 22:18-20, John 13:1-15, Mark 14:22-25].
Was Jesus talking about the "Lord's Supper in John 6? [John 6:53-56, John 5:24, John 6:40, John 4:14, John 7:37-39, I Corinthians11:17-34, John 11:11-14, John 4:32, John 2:19-20, John 3:4, John 6:63].
Does this verse prove that the Eurcharist is symbolic, rather than symbolic? [John 6:57, John 4:10, 2 Samuel 23:15, I Chronicles 11:17, I Kings 22:27].
Catholic caller disagrees with Steve about Steve suggesting that the Eucharist (transubstantiation) was superstitious. [Galatians 1:6, Luke 22:19, I Corinthians 11:24-25, Mark 14:22-25].
Is it inconsistent to accept the church father's view of authorship of the books, while rejecting the church father's theological interpretations and doctrines such as, transubstantiation, etc.?
Caller who just called about communion calls back & wants to talk about the Transubstantiation of communion in the Catholic church, the bread & wine turning into the body & blood of Jesus' body. [John 6]
Same with Transubstantiation, if Jesus has to still give His blood every time they take Communion, isn't that still indicating He's still on the cross?
Could you help me sort the various views of the Eucharist (Communion), and what if I can't decide? What then, would the ramifications be of perhaps being wrong? (Acts 10).
Why would Steve go against 1,500 years worth of Church Fathers saying that they were wrong about the Eucharist, not literally eating the Body & drinking the Blood of Jesus' body when you take it?
People were "eating & drinking" Jesus body & blood before He was even crucified, so how can people think they are actually NOW eating His body & blood in the Eucharist? [John 6:50-58]
Caller is concerned about people preaching that we need to literally eat & drink the body & blood of Christ. Can Steve explain what's really going on about that? [John 6]
Is it not support for the literal body of Christ being eaten, if we parallel the body of Christ to the tree of life, and that they were to literally eat? [John 6, Revelation 21:5].
Catholic caller wants to challenge Steve's critique of the Catholic view of the Eucharist and the questioning of the literalness of "The Body of Christ". [John 6:53, 63, 2:9, 3:1-21, 7:37, 4:14,32, 11:11].
Re: the last Q, Steve makes an announcement that a lot of people might disagree w/ him about what he just said about Communion (or might disagree on something for that matter), & wants people to call in & say what their disagreement is on that or ANYTHING & is not saying it w/ any bravado.
Would you clarify the fulfillment of the Lord's Supper in light of the Catholic view of transubstantiation (Eucharist)? And is it a dangerous doctrine? [John 6:40, 54, 66, 5: ??? 2:19, 3:5-7,4:32, 4:16, 11:11 6:63].
How do you harmonize the Jewish restriction on eating human blood and flesh, and yet, Jesus told his disciples to drink his blood and eat His flesh? Why would He use such a distasteful analogy? [I Corinthians 11:23-25, Mark 14:22-24, Acts 10:9-16].