How do those that hold the view that the soul is naturally immortal defend it, in light of the necessity of eating from the Tree of Life in order to sustanin life? [I Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:7, I John 5:12, John 3:16, Genesis 2:16].
If Adam & Eve had never eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, would they have lived forever, and why would the Tree of Life need to be there? [Revelation 22:2].
Eve said that the serpent beguiled her, & Adam said that Eve gave him & he ate, so adam did it because he idolized his wife? Watchman Nee is the one who pointed this out.
Was there already forms of death in the Garden of Eden before the Fall that Adam could relate to so he knew what God was talking about when He said he'd die if he ate from the Tree of Knowledge? [Genesis 2:17]
If Adam & Eve had to eat of the tree regularly, why did they only have to eat of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil once to be forever cursed with death? [I Timothy 6:16, Revelation 22:3].
Something about Tree of Knowledge being feminine, spirit of wisdom, feminine entity. I actually have no idea what he's saying, just like the last time he called. [Proverbs 3:18]
Women being silent in the church, what does this mean? Paul says it's because Eve was the one who was deceived, but wasn't Adam stand right there beside her the whole time? [1 Timothy 2:6]
We are not really spiritually dead but have a death sentence against us! It seems it was Adam's banishment & knowledge of Good & Evil has affected us. Why the health curse on us? [Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, John 5]