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Topic: Bible Interpretation

Showing 51 to 100 of 600.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-05-13 Dispensationalism Defended: Because the Plymouth Brethren and John Nelson Darby were the orginators of Dispensationalism, and were linquists & scholars, how can you disparage their belief system? [Matthew 11:25, Acts 4:13].
2020-05-11 Limited Negative: Where did you learn of the idiom, the "limited negative"?
2020-05-05 Defining the meaning of "Last Days" by Scripture: Can you help me how the scriptures be understood differently than relative to the end times? [Isaiah 2:2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 42, Isaiah 54, Micah 4:1-4, Ezekiel 39, Joel 2:28, Hebrews l:1, I John 2:18, James 5:3, I Peter 1:20, Hebrews 12:22, I Corinthians 10:11].
2020-03-16 Holy Spirit Brings Unity: Is it the job of the Holy Spirit to bring us into unity?
One Scriptural Interpretation Allowed: How would you assess the claim that the Holy Spirit would only allow for one interpretation of scripture, because the Holy Spirit would not allow for less than unity? [Romans. 14]
2020-03-09 "Markan Sandwich Technique" & the Fig Tree: Have you ever heard about a literary technique the "Markan Sandwich Technique", as in the cursing of the Fig tree? [Mark 11:13-21, Matthew 21:18-22].
Cursed Fig Tree in Jeremiah: Is the cursed Fig Tree in Jeremiah about the Temple in 70 AD ? [Jeremiah 8:13].
2020-03-06 Translations & Interpretation to Deceive: Can Satan use Bible translations, word interpretations, Greek & Hebrew dictionaries to lie and deceive us? If so, how do I protect myself from this?
2020-03-05 Understanding the Bible: Would not the Bible be more clear if there were no poetry in it?
2020-02-12 Symbolic or Literal: If you decide to take something symbolically in the Bible are you defining your own religion?
2019-12-30 Adam, Eve & Technology: Since Adam & Eve were presumably smarter than us, how come they weren't technologically advanced as we think we are now?
Self-Interpretation of Scripture: Does it say somewhere in the Bible that we aren't supposed to have self-interpretation of Scripture? [2 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Timothy 3:16]
2019-09-10 Gifts for the Church: If I feel that I have the specific gift of wisdom regarding interpreting scripture to offer the church, and yet those to whom I have promoted the idea, don't seem receptive, how should I understand or interpret this?
2019-09-09 King James Bible Literally: Can I read the King James Version of the Bible and just take it literally?
2019-09-06 Bible Figures of Speech & Idioms Caller recommended books on the Bible figure of speech and idioms (Figures of Speech, by E.W. Bollinger, Manners & Customs of the Bible by James M Freeman, Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, by Fred H. Wight).
2019-08-20 Studying the Greek: In what way would exploring the Greek texts be helpful to me while studying the Bible?
Paul, "Whatever State I am in": What was Paul saying when he used the word "state" in the phrase, "whatever state I am in"? [Philippians 4:11, I Timothy 6:8].
2019-08-14 Only Begotten: Would you talk about the word "begotten"? [John 3:16, Colossians 1:18].
2019-08-09 The Violent Take it by Force: Would you help me understand "The violent take it by force"? [Matthew11:12, Luke 16:16].
2019-07-31 Changing Our Future: Where is the verse in Jeremiah about how God will change our future, and how are history is seen? [Jeremiah 23:7].
2019-07-31 My People, Their God: The verse in Jeremiah, "they will be my people ...", has that happened already, or is that for the future? [Jeremiah 32:38].
2019-07-30 "The Day Approaching": What does it mean in Hebrews 10, when he says, "when you see the day approaching"? [Hebrews 10:25, 8:13, 13:14].
2019-07-25 Yoke of Bondage: What is meant by the "yoke of bondage"? [Galatians 5:1, Acts 2, 15].
2019-07-24 Holy Spirit Convicting of Righteousness: I don't understand this passage about the Holy Spirit and how He will convict the world of righteousness and judgment? [John 16:8-11, Acts 24:25].
2019-07-10 Bruise Serpent's Head: "Her seed shall bruise the serpent's head" is translated differently by some, can you help me sort this? [Genesis 3:15].
2019-07-10 What is His Name: Could you explain what is meant by the phrase about "what is his name, and what is his son's name"? [Proverbs 30:4].
2019-07-09 Loving God: What does it mean when it says love your God with all your heart? [Like 10:27, John 14:15, Matthew 7:12, I John 3:18, Colossians 3:17]
2019-07-09 Exegesis and Eisegesis: Can you clarify the difference between "exegesis" & "eisegesis"?
Mary: What do you think about the answer I got from a Catholic about how could Mary hear prayers of more than one person at a time?
Debating Catholics: Would you debate a Catholic radio host?
2019-07-02 Deuteronomy: Can you give me insight into the book of Deuteronomy?
2019-06-20 Determining Intended Audience: How does one determine the intended audience meant in various scriptures? Especially in light of the views of Don Preston and Full-Preterism? [2 Thessalonians 1:4-8, Revelation 1].
2019-05-28 Psalm 2:1 ("Heathens Rage"): What does this verse mean, "why do the heathen rage, and the peoples plot in vain?" [Psalms 2:1-2]? [Acts 4:24f].
2019-05-21 Springs of the Sea: Are we to take literally the verse in Job about the "springs in the sea"? Is there a hermeneutic principle when determining when to ascribe literal vs symbolic meanings to scripture ? [Job 38:16, 2 Peter 3:10, Genesis 14:10].
2019-05-20 Council of the Gods: Are angels God's human judges? Do you know much about Michael Heiser and his writings about this? What does it mean, "you will die like men, perish like princes"? [Psalm 82:1,7]
2019-04-25 Wine: Was the wine really alcoholic, or was it grape juice?
2019-04-19 Biblical use of the word "Weight": What is the meaning of the Hebrew word for glory: 'Kabodâ' as in 'weight of glory'? [2 Corinthians 4:17]?
2019-04-17 Bible Interpretation: What does this mean, when it talks about being "saved in childbearing"? [I Timothy 2:15, 4:16, Philippians 2:12]
2019-04-11 Trial of Bitter Waters: In the story "Ordeal of Jealously" or "Trial of Bitter Waters", can you explain the jealous man's wife having to drink a mixture of dust from the tabernacle floor? Is the Hebrew word for "thigh" really a euphemism for the womb? [Numbers 5:11-31].
2019-04-11 Flat Earth: What does the Bible say about the shape and design of the earth? Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat and has a solid dome?
2019-04-02 Sheep Gone Astray: In the Servant's Song, the words "our" and "we", in the phrase "all we like sheep have gone astray", was He talking about all mankind or just Jews? [Isa 53:4-6]
2019-04-02 According to the Flesh: What does "according to the flesh, He will raise up Christ" mean? [Acts 2:30]
2019-03-27 Rapture of the Wicked: What about The Rapture and the possibility of the wicked going away first, rather than the righteous [I Timothy 5:6, Mathew 13:24f]? Raising of the dead will first be whom? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Day (literal or symbolic): Is the word for "day", literal or symbolic?
2019-03-26 Determinate Counsel: What does this mean; "... the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God"? [Acts 2:23, 25].
2019-03-22 All Things to All Men: What does it mean to become all things for all men [I Corinthians 9:22]?
Ten Commandments: Are we required to obey the Ten Commandments? Is it part of salvation? Should we be under the law? How did Jesus fulfill the Law? [Matthew 5:17-20]. 22 1 2 99
2019-03-11 Scripture relevancy to today: Why do we think some scripture applies to us, when it was written to specific ancient people [Zephaniah 3:17]? Old Testament verses identified in the New Testament, as applying to us now. How to distinguish ones applicable to us today? [2 Corinthians 1:20].
Seven Churches (Revelation): Are the seven churches in Revelation, equal to "seven ages" many have been taught? [Revelation 1:11].
2019-02-26 "Declare His Generation": Can you explain this verse, "declare His Generation"? [Acts 8:33]
2019-02-26 Enmity between thy seed & her Seed: What does this verse mean enmity between thy seed & her seed? [Genesis 3:15]
2019-02-18 Queen of the South: Who is the queen of the south? [Matthew 12:42]
Triune God: Where does Paul talk about a Triune God?
2019-02-13 Homosexuality: Can you be a homosexual & be saved?
Jesus being Indignant: Why in the NIV does Mark 1:41 say that Jesus was "indignant" at the leper? [Mark 1:41]
2019-02-04 Fall of Babylon & Sun 7 Times Brigher: Are these scriptures talking about judgment? [Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 30:26]
2019-02-01 "Leaving the Elementary Things": What does it mean, "leaving the elementary things behind"? [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2019-01-28 Reconciling Scripture: How do passages of scripture like Matthew 5:44 and 1 Corinthians 5 harmonize, love your enemies, but then discipline your "enemies"?
2019-01-28 Satan raising people from the dead: Is there somewhere in the Bible that says Satan can raise the dead?
Creation Literal: A day in the account of Creation does not mean that it has to be a literal 24 period of time, does it?
2019-01-24 Biblical Interpretation: is there a difference in meaning without the italicized words? [1 Corinthians 15:26]
2019-01-09 Literal or Symbolic: How should we determine if something is meant as literal or symbolic? What is the time frame for this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 19:19-25]?
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