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Topic: Bible Interpretation

Showing 301 to 350 of 600.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-08-16 Law of the Spirit of Life: What does the "law of the Spirit of life" mean? Are there any synomyms to that phrase, like law of liberty? [Romans 8:2]
2016-08-12 Home Church: Who's interpreting the Bible in a home church setting, & caller thinks steve is using circular reasoning. He also answers a question a caller asked this caller on the previous show specifically for him, about what is the role of Holy Ghost. (Lengthy Discussion; kept seeming like it was going to end, but then continued.)
2016-08-11 Role of the Holy Spirit: What is the role of the Holy Spirit if only the catholic priests can interpret scripture correctly? [1 John 2:27]
2016-08-05 3 Days & 3 Nights: Caller points out that there seems to be conflict in number of days during the death of Jesus...not 3 literal days.
"Sin in His Members": Paul’s comment about his sin, sin in his members, is this talking about his pre-Christian life or his current Christian struggle? [Romams 7:23, Galatians 5:16-17]
2016-08-05 Hermeneutics: You have to study the hermeneutics of proper Bible Study, learning to properly interpret & not completely rely on your favorite scholar or Bible teaching alone because a favorite teacher can be wrong, is what this caller believes.
2016-08-03 JWs twisting a Verse in Psalms & how to refute them: Caller would like help in refuting a verse Jehovah's Witnesses yse to prove the Trinity is not biblical. [Psalm 110:1]
2016-08-01 The Rich Person in James: Who is the rich person? Who is he addressing & how serious is he being? [James 5:1-6]
2016-08-01 "Know we no man after the Flesh": When it says, “according to the flesh”, is that talking about their flesh or ours? [2 Corinthians 5:15-21]
"We are Ambassadors for Christ": And a related question, is Paul saying they as apostles are "ambassadors" or we all as Christians are ambassadors? [2 Corinthians 5:20]
"Reconciling the World": What about "reconciling the world"? Is this talking about the people of the world or the whole world itself? [2 Corinthians 5:19]
2016-07-27 Grind Him to Powder & Broken if you Fall on Stone: What does this verse mean? [Matthew 21:44]
Addressing Satan: Is addressing Satan Biblical? [James 4:7]
2016-07-26 Sundry Times & Diverse So we are all done w/ prophets & people having visions, etc., because Jesus was the last & ultimate Prophet?
2016-07-22 Dead to the Law Through the Law: What is Paul saying here, "dead to the Law through the law"? [Galatians 2:19, Romans 7:9]
2016-07-21 Meaning of a Passage in Isaiah: Can you please give some insight into this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 8:18-20]
2016-07-15 Bound on Earth, Bound in Heaven: What is meant by what Jesus said about what His disciples about what is bound on earth will be obound in heaven, & what is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven>
2016-07-11 Tribes of Judah & Benjamin: restoration of the 10 tribes from babylonian captivity, and the tribe of judah & benjamin will be fulfilled, according to caller's friend. Can Steve explain why it's not so? [Ezekiel 37]
2016-07-08 Greater Works than Jesus: What did Jesus mean by they will do "greater works" than Him? [John 14:12]
"In the Beginning" in John: What is the meaning of "in the beginning" in the beginning of the gospel of John?
2016-07-08 Taking Up Your Cross: What does "take up your cross", mean? [Luke 9:23]
2016-07-01 Time of the End: When is "the time of the end" referring to? [Daniel 12:4-9, Daniel 8:17]
2016-06-30 God & the Lord God: I was reading Genesis & it goes from "God" to the "Lord God". Is there any significance to that?
"Let us Make Man in our Image": "Let us make man in 'our' own image", who is the "us"? God and Jesus speaking as one? [Genesis 1:26-27, John 1]
2016-06-28 Testing Spirits: What does it mean to test the spirits, & how are we supposed do that? [1 John 4:1]
2016-06-27 Book of Mormon Restoring Truth: Mormon claim this predicts the state of the church before the book of Mormon came about, a famine of "The Word" before they came along. [Amos 8:11-12]
2016-06-27 The World Might be Saved: That the world "might" be saved? [John 3:17]
2016-06-21 Reaping what We Sew: What does "sewing what we reap" exactly mean? [Galatians 6:7-10]
2016-06-21 Hanging on a Tree: Criminals had to hang on a tree, so what is the significance of it since Jesus had to hang on a tree, being cursed? [Galatians 3:13]
2016-06-17 Irregular Colored Animals: Jacob taking the irregular colored animals, stiped, spots or speckles, is this some type of superstition prenatal influence? [Genesis 30:7]
2016-06-15 Water & Blood in 1 John: Caller tries to give an analogy of child birth, water breaks, & a lot of blood, so maybe it's just talking about physical birth? [1 john 5:6]
Born to Win Ministries: Have you ever heard of Ronald L. Dart & "Born to Win" ministries?
2016-06-15 Romans 9: Can you explain this passage of scripture in Romans 9? [Romans 9:15-18]
2016-06-14 Nation of Israel & the Christian Church: How do you interpret Israel in this text? Dispensationalists say there is a distinction between the church & Israel, so can it be interpreted that way? [Romans 11:26]
2016-06-03 Women Submission & Angels: Can you please talk about women submission of covering their heads & the angels? [1 Corinthians 11]
Learning How to Pray: How do you teach someone to pray? [Luke 11]
2016-06-03 Elijah & John the Baptist: Trying to figure out the connection between Elijah & John the Baptist? [Matthew 17:10-13]
2016-06-01 Fulness of the Gentiles Come in: What does, "wWhen the fulness of the gentile be come in" mean? [Romans 11:25]
2016-06-01 Being Cutoff: What did Abraham mean by both the righteous & the wicked being cut off? [ezekiel 21:4]
2016-05-25 Isaiah 66:17: I was wondering if you could explain this verse in Isaiah 66? [Isaiah 66:17]
2016-05-24 Gifts & Calling of God without Repentance: "The gifts & promises of God are without repentance", can you explain this verse? [Romans 11:29]
2016-05-23 70 Weeks: Caller is wanting to make sure he's understanding what Steve is saying here about the 70 weeks of Daniel & is trying to sort out the "he". [Daniel 9:26-27]
2016-05-09 God separating a slave from his Family: Why would God command a slave be separated from his family? [Exodus 21:4]
2016-05-06 Our Days are Numbered Exactly: It says in these 2 verses of the Bible that God control's the number of days that we should live. Do you take these verses literally? [Job 14:5, Psalms 139:16]
2016-05-05 Commentary on Ezekiel 43: Can you explain what is being said here in Ezekiel? [Ezekiel 43:10-11]
2016-04-28 Women being Silent in the Church: Could you talk a little bit about women being silent in the church & ask your husband at home? [1 Corinthians 14, 1 Timothy 2, 1 Timothy 3]
2016-04-21 Violent take it by Force: Can you please address this verse, where the "violoent take it by force"? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 13:24]
2016-04-15 The First shall be Last & the Last shall be First: In the Parable of the 3 workers, what did Jesus mean by, "the first shall be last & the last shall be first"? [Matthew 20:1-16]
2016-04-15 Sleep in the Bible: What is the definition of the word "sleep" when used in the Bible?
2016-04-13 The Binding of Satan: As an amillennialist such as you are, what is your view about the "binding of Satan" then? [Revelation 20:2-3, Luke 11]
2016-04-13 God turning His back on Jesus: Did God turn His back on Jesus on the cross when He was crying out, "eli eli lama sabachthani" & was it possbile Moses seeing the back of God symbolic of it? Did Jesus go to hell? [Matthew 27:46, Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 22:1]
Jesus being in the Heart of the Earth: What does it mean that Jesus was in the "Heart of the Earth"? [Matthew 12:40]
2016-04-12 Paul having the "Marks of the Christ": Paul says he “marks of the Lord” stigmata of Christ, but what exactly does he mean? [Galatians 6:17]
"I am the Door": Why did Jesus use the words like “I am the door" as opposed to anything else, like, 'I am the window', 'I am the roof'? [John 10:9]
2016-04-12 Paul having the "Marks of the Christ": Paul says he “marks of the Lord” stigmata of Christ, but what exactly does he mean? [Galatians 6:17]
"I am the Door": Why did Jesus use the words like “I am the door" as opposed to anything else, like, 'I am the window', 'I am the roof'? [John 10:9]
2016-04-12 Believing Jesus is the "I AM": Is Jesus just talking to the people in His audience at the moment or all of us? [john 8:24, John 9]
2016-04-11 Moving Mountains: Can move mountains with prayer if you enough faith? Is that what that Scripture really saying? [Mark 11:22-23]
Elisha having Bears attack Children: Elisha cured children for calling him bald & having bears come out & attack them, why would he do this? [2 Kings 2:23-25]
2016-04-07 Godly Sorrow & World Sorrow: What's the difference between godly sorrow & worldly sorrow? [2 Corinthians 7:10]
2016-04-06 144,000: Is 144,000 a literal number?
Having Doubt because of Literal Interpretation of Bible: Caller is having doubts about her faith because wondering about the literalness of the Scripture. (Steve recommends a lecture called, "The Authority of Scripture")
2016-04-01 Narrow Path Lectures: Caller is concerned about the lectures he wanted to listen to that just cutting off. Technology not quite working as well as it's supposed to.
The White Horse in Revelation: Is the White Horse in Revelation 19 Jesus or what? (Jesus' second coming or an extension of the gospel.) [Revelation 19:11-19]
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