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Topic: Bible Interpretation

Showing 201 to 250 of 600.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-07-26 Interpretation of 2 Parables: I'd like your interpretation of Matthew 13:44-46 talking about 2 Parables. [Matthew 13:44:46]
2017-07-26 Bible Interpretation in Luke: I was listening to your lectures on luke, & you seemed to have skipped verses luke 19:26-27, what do they mean?
2017-07-25 Communication being Yea or Nay: What does Jesus mean in Matt 5:37 about your communication being yea or nay?
2017-07-25 The Secret Place: Where is the secret place of the Most High? [Psalm 91:1-9]
2017-07-20 Not Peace but Division: Old Testament vs New Testament contradiction about bringing division but wanting unity, but what does this verse mean by Jesus brought a sword & not peace?g [Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51]
2017-07-13 Mystery of Godliness: "Mystery of Godliness" what does this mean, God becaming Man? Caller gives a couple of his idea of what it might mean [1 Timothy 3:16]
2017-07-13 Moses Law Instituted: When was Moses law instituted? [1 Peter 2:13]
2017-07-07 Denying Yourself: "Deny yourself, take up your cross & follow Me", does that mean we have to be ashamed of ourselves? John MacArthur says we have to be! [Mark 8:34]
2017-07-07 Fulness of the Gentiles: What does "until the fulness of the gentiles be come in" mean? [Romans 11:25-32]
2017-06-28 Never Remarry Until the Death of her Husband: What does this verse mean, that she can NEVER remarry if her ex-husband is still alive] [1 Corinthians 7:39, Romans 7:2-4]
2017-06-28 Sabbath, Holy Days & Foods: Can you please comment on this passage of scripture? [Colossians 2:16-17]
2017-06-07 God Creating Evil: Why did God create evil? It seems to say that in Isaiah. [Isaiah 45:7]
2017-06-06 All things are Yours: When Paul gets done talking about the Wisdom of God & the foolish of man, he concludes by saying, "all are yours". What does that mean? [1cor 3:21-22,
2017-06-06 Bright & Morning Star: Who is the bright & morning star? Is it Jesus or David? [Revelation 22:16]
Wicked cutoff from the Land: In Proverbs where it says the wicked cut off from the land, is this talking about end time events? [Proverbs 2:21-22]
People who Commit Suicide: Can't God forgive people for suicide?
2017-06-06 Bright & Morning Star: Who is the bright & morning star? Is it Jesus or David? [Revelation 22:16]
Wicked cutoff from the Land: In Proverbs where it says the wicked cut off from the land, is this talking about end time events? [Proverbs 2:21-22]
People who Commit Suicide: Can't God forgive people for suicide?
2017-06-06 God's Work Beginning from End: "No one can know the works of God from the beginning to the end", what does this mean? [Ecclesiastes 3:11]
The Term, Christian: I've heard that the name "Christian" has a pagan origin
2017-06-05 Binding & Loosing: The "Binding & Loosing" term seems to be different in different translations of the Bible, & what IS Jesus saying there anyway?
2017-06-02 Tributes: Can you talk about tributes, tributaries? What does putting someone under tribute mean? [Judges 1:19-38]
2017-06-02 First Begotten into the World: "First begotten into the world", angels worshipping Him, is it talking about the first coming or second coming or just Jesus being superior to angels? [Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:9]
Anointing with Gladness: Anointing Thee with gladness, what does this mean? [Hebrews 1:9]
Even Thy God, What does that mean? God calling Jesus God?
2017-06-02 First Begotten into the World: "First begotten into the world", angels worshipping Him, is it talking about the first coming or second coming or just Jesus being superior to angels? [Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:9]
Anointing with Gladness: Anointing Thee with gladness, what does this mean? [Hebrews 1:9]
Even Thy God, What does that mean? God calling Jesus God?
2017-06-02 First Begotten into the World: "First begotten into the world", angels worshipping Him, is it talking about the first coming or second coming or just Jesus being superior to angels? [Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:9]
Anointing with Gladness: Anointing Thee with gladness, what does this mean? [Hebrews 1:9]
Even Thy God, What does that mean? God calling Jesus God?
2017-05-31 Fornication & Diet: I've never heard anything on this passage, would you have anything in your archives? [1 Corinthians 6:12-20]
2017-05-25 Tithing & Malachi: What is it saying in Malachi 3:10 about tithing?
His Righteousness: "His righteousness, & all the things shall be added unto you", can you please interpret that for me? [Matthew 6:33]
2017-05-25 Tithing & Malachi: What is it saying in Malachi 3:10 about tithing?
His Righteousness: "His righteousness, & all the things shall be added unto you", can you please interpret that for me? [Matthew 6:33]
2017-05-24 Offspring of the Wicked: "offspring of the wicked shall be cutoff", what does that mean? [Psalm 37:28 & 38]
2017-05-24 Jesus finding Faith on Earth When He Returns: "Will the Son of Man find faith on earth?", what did He mean by asking that? [Luke 18:8]
2017-05-23 Obey Better than Sacrifice: "Better to obey than sacrifice", what does this mean? any relevance for today? [1 Samuel 15:22]
2017-05-22 Creation Week Literal Days: Were the actual creation days literal 24 hr days because what does it mean 1000 yrs is as a day, a day as a 1000 yrs? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4]
2017-05-17 God Ways Forever: What is this referring to in Ecclesiastes, the law? [Ecclesiastes 3:14]
2017-05-17 Bible Discrepancy in John: I don't understand Jesus' statement that no one has asked Him where He was going because Peter asked Him where He was going! [John 13:36, John 16:5]
2017-05-15 Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me: "My God, my God, why hath Thou forsaken Me?", why did Jesus yell this out on the cross? [Psalm 22:1, Matthew 27:46]
2017-05-15 Hallowed be Thy Name: "Hallowed be Thy name", what does that mean? [Matthew 6:9]
2017-05-15 Cleaving to His Wife: Why is this verse placed where it is because Adam & Eve haven't even had children yet? [Genesis 2:24]
2017-05-10 A More Perfect Name: What was the "more excellent name", being better than the angels? [Hebrews 1:1]
Everything Under the Earth: In Philippians 2, when it says, "everything under the earth", what is that referring to?
2017-05-10 A More Perfect Name: What was the "more excellent name", being better than the angels? [Hebrews 1:1]
Everything Under the Earth: In Philippians 2, when it says, "everything under the earth", what is that referring to?
2017-05-05 Falling Away: Can you explain to me 2 Peter 2, can Christians really fall away, reject Christ? [2 Peter 2]
2017-05-01 Tribe of Dan & the anti-Christ: The tribe of Dan possibly being the anti-Christ? What does Genesis 49:18 mean? [Genesis 49:18]
2017-04-12 All These Things Shall Be Added: hat things is He talking about when He says, "all these things will be added unto you"? [Matthew 6:33]
2017-04-12 Eternal Power & Godhead: "Eternal power & Godhead", what did those words mean in that verse? [Romans 1:20]
2017-04-11 The 3rd Eye: What's this about a 3rd eye involving greed? [Matthew 6:22, Proverbs 22:9, Proverbs 23:6]
2017-04-11 Their Name Adam: In Gen 5 it says, "calling their name Adam", what does this mean? [Genesis 5:2]
2017-03-31 Carcass & Eagles: What does this verse mean? [Matthew 24:28]
2017-03-24 Baptism for the Dead: What does paul mean about baptism for the dead? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
2017-03-23 Mystery of God: Can you explain Revelation 10:7? [Revelation 10:7]
2017-03-21 Sinned in Adam: What does it mean, "sinned in Adam", (romans 5:12-21)?
2017-03-20 Christ Dying for Everyone: Jesus dying for all, sins being pardoned, ramifications of what the Scriptures say & what Calvinists say [2 Corinthians 5:14-15, 1 Corinthians 15:22]
2017-03-07 Bible Interpretation of a Verse in Romans: Can you explain this Romans 8:10? [Romans 8:10]
Lucifer Becoming Satan: I don't see how Lucifer is correlated w/ Satan. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12]
2017-02-22 Trinity: Who is in heaven, what does this verse mean, something about the Trinity? [John 3:13]
2017-02-17 Right & Left: I'm wondering what Solomon means by the "right or left" in Ecclesiastes? [Ecclesiastes 10:2]
2017-02-09 Establishing the Law, Not doing Away with it: Can you explain these 2 verses in Romans about Abraham being justified by faith? [Romans 3:30-31-4:1-2]
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