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Topic: Law (Legal)

Showing 51 to 100 of 166.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-08-31 Persecution Resulting in Lawsuits: Since Jesus said it is blessed to be persecuted, is it wrong for a Christian to bring a lawsuit to avoid persecution?
2021-08-17 Obligation to Obey the Government Authorities: Could you help me think through our obligation to submit to government authority? Are there times when we should even submit to unreasonable authority? [Romans 13:1].
2021-08-04 Vaccines & Obeying Government: Regarding the vaccines, is it not correct to obey government officials? [Romans 13, Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 2:1-2].
2021-06-25 Capital Punishment: What is the Christian perspective about capital punishment? [Jeremiah 31:29, Exodus 34:7, Romans 13:1-7, Genesis 9:6].
2021-06-17 Compensation from Another Christian: As a Christian seeking compensation, can I ask my Christian dentist, to cover the costs of a botched attempt to fix my tooth? [I Corinthians 6:1-10].
2021-05-20 Right to Life-Abortion vs Capital Punishment: If I am against abortion, should I then, logically be against Capital Punishment (Death Penalty)? [Genesis 9:6, 2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2021-05-14 Exposure to Dangerous People: What advice would you give for those of us who cannot evict dangerous people from our community, and no one seems to be trying to help us?
2021-05-12 Marriage Licenses: Is is acceptable to not get a government marriage license, but just have a church ordain it?
2021-04-30 Steve's Way of Handling a Disagreement Call from an Atheism: Caller commends Steve's way of handling callers who disagree with him, particularly one with an atheist regarding abortion:
2021-03-05 God's Forgiveness as Opposed to the State's: If someone had killed someone, and the law didn't know who did it, would that now repentant believer be required to turn himself in?
Church Responsibility Regarding Injustice: If a church recognizes and acknowledges injustices (as with racial and economic), what is their responsibility? [Micah 6:8, I Corinthians 5:12].
2021-01-21 Marriage Legalities & Requirements: What are the guidelines for couples who function as husband and wife? Do need to have the legal documents, etc.?
Offended by Lack of Agreement on Scripture: Why are people offended if you don't agree with their interpretation of scripture?
2021-01-20 State Over the Savior: What do you think about a global church who worships the state over the Savior?
Amillennial & Post-Millennial: Could you clarify the different reasons for adhering to Amillennialism and Post-Millennialism, and who are the best advocates for both? [2 Thessalonians 1, Revelation 20].
2021-01-08 Making Amends: Is Jesus talking about making amends in this life, or the next life? [Luke 12:58-59, Matthew 5:23-24].
2020-11-30 COVID Restrictions: COVID restrictions for home churches in Oregon won't allow more than two families to meet together, so what should we do?
2020-10-19 Governmental Role, Rights & Civil Disobedience Today: Who would Paul be referring to in government today instead of the emperor or Caesar in I Peter 2? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-14, John 19:11].
Determining Righteous Government Law: How do we determine what is a righteous law in government?
2020-09-04 Passing Through the Pieces of the Sacrificed Animal: Could you talk about the religious rites and symbolism of the Old Testament, such as passing through the pieces of the sacrificed animal? [Genesis 15, Deuteronomy 4:20, Jeremiah 11:4, I Kings 8:51, Isaiah 62:1].
2020-09-04 The Death Penalty: What do you think should be the Christian view of the death penalty? [Genesis 9, Romans 12-13]
2020-09-03 Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?
2020-09-03 Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?
2020-07-21 Submitting to Government & Law: What is the Christian's obligation to be submissive to government law, and how far that goes-particularly relative to the verse about buying a sword? Topical article suggested; The Christian and Forcible Resistance. [Luke 22:36, Acts, Matthew 5:39].
2020-07-14 Antifa: How do you think Christians should view Antifa?
2020-07-13 Antichrist is Present Now: Is it possible that we may be missing the presence of the antichrist in our culture today? [I John 2:18-22, 2 John 1:7].
2020-07-09 Jehovah Witness Views of Government Involvement: How would you respond to the Jehovah Witness view of not becoming involved in government issues? [Matthew 25:31-36, James 2:16].
Jehovah Witness View that Jesus is Not God: What do you say to a Jehovah Witness to respond to their belief that Jesus is not God? Topical series recommended:Knowing God. [John 1:1].
2020-07-06 Nine Commandments for Christians: Are the other nine commandments important for Christian to keep? [Hebrews 8:13, I Corinthians 9:21, Revelation 14:12, Revelation 19:12].
2020-07-03 Wearing Masks with COVID-19 and Other Questionable Laws: Isn't it unnecessary and unadvisable for Christians to buck some of the laws we don't necessarily like, such as the Mask requirements, helmet wearing, non-smoking areas, etc.
2020-07-02 Mask Wearing for Coronavirus COVID-19: Should Christians wear the mask in obedience to the mandate regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Taking a Stand Against Government Overcontrol Do you think that we need to take a stand against inappropriate government interference and overcontrol in our lives?
2020-07-02 Mask Wearing for Coronavirus COVID-19: Should Christians wear the mask in obedience to the mandate regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Taking a Stand Against Government Overcontrol Do you think that we need to take a stand against inappropriate government interference and overcontrol in our lives?
2020-07-02 Encouragement to Wear Masks: Comment encouraging people to wear masks. [Philippinas 2:3].
2020-06-17 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Could you clarify your position about remarriage on a previous call about when divorce is acceptable and marriage allowed?
Thinking About Divorce Before Marriage: If someone is concerned about being afraid of being taken financially in another divorce, should they not be not even considering divorce?
Churches Contracting Marriages, Rather than Government: Do you know of any churches that do binding contracts for marriages thereby circumventing government interference? Comment on Covenant Marriages.
2020-06-17 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Could you clarify your position about remarriage on a previous call about when divorce is acceptable and marriage allowed?
Thinking About Divorce Before Marriage: If someone is concerned about being afraid of being taken financially in another divorce, should they not be not even considering divorce?
Churches Contracting Marriages, Rather than Government: Do you know of any churches that do binding contracts for marriages thereby circumventing government interference? Comment on Covenant Marriages.
2020-06-09 Government Social Program Money for Christians: What do you think about Christians taking money from government programs, including welfare, stimulus money and social security, etc.?
2020-05-18 Pastors & Government Compliance: Is a pastor a servant of the state and should he be complying with government control?
2020-05-15 Government Regulations in Coronavirus Pandemic: What is your advice about following the government guidelines that have been enforced in the pandemic quarantine?
2020-05-15 Liberty & Government: Why would people in government want to take away our liberties? What is the motivation?
Government Enforced Vaccines or Chips: If the government requires you to get a vaccine or a chip, would you do it?
2020-05-15 Liberty & Government: Why would people in government want to take away our liberties? What is the motivation?
Government Enforced Vaccines or Chips: If the government requires you to get a vaccine or a chip, would you do it?
2020-04-24 Christians & Civil Disobedience: Can a Christian participate in acts of civil disobedience? [Exodus 1:17, Daniel 3:16-18, Daniel 6].
2020-04-10 Obeying the Government: Do we have to obey government when they may ask us to take vaccinations when ultimately one may unknowingly take the mark of the beast? [Romans 13:1-2, I Peter 2:13-14].
2020-02-25 Anabaptist & Waldensians: Could you clarify the positions and relationship of the Anabaptists, and the Waldensians-particularly about baptism?
Dietary Restrictions: Why were dietary restrictions ever imposed in the laws levied on Israel? [Acts 10:15, Leviticus 11].
2020-02-24 Law & Government: Could you review a Christian's relationship to the duties of law and government? [Romans 13:1, I Timothy 2:1-3, I Peter 2:13-14, 18, 4:19, Colossians 4, Ephesians 6].
2020-02-19 Christians Eating Meat: How do Christians get around eating meat and its fat in light of the word "perpetual" in this verse? [Leviticus 3:17, 12:3, 2 Chronicles 7:16, Psalms 110:4, Hebrew 7:17, Acts 15].
2020-02-19 Old Testament Ritual Laws: Why did the Old Testament law list laws about mixing different fabrics, together?
Saints in Glorified State: Regarding the saints in heaven in Revelation, are they in their glorified state? [Revelation 6, 7, 19].
2020-02-03 Curse Under the Law: Can I tie scripture in Galatians 3 to Deuteronomy 28 regarding the curse of the Law? [Galatians 3:10-14f, 4:13, Deuteronomy 28:15].
2019-08-23 2nd Ammendment Rights: Caller thinks that Christians should be motivated to defend themselves against government. [Romans 13].
2019-08-20 Submission to a Corrupt Government: What is our obligation as Christians to submit to government, especially since the beast is apparently a corrupt form of government? [Revelation 13, 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, Ephesians 6:12].
2019-05-22 The Law: Would someone have to go to court in The Law? [Romans 10:4].
Assurance of Salvation: How can one know if they are a true believer?
Repentance: What about repentance?
2018-11-01 Freezing Debt: Is it ok to freeze the growing debt owed to someone to avoid bankruptcy?
Housing Illegal Immigrants: We need to open our home to sojourners, does this apply to the immigration issue?
2018-09-24 Marriage & Divorce: What does the state have to do w/ marriage, divorce & licenses?
2018-08-14 Obeying Civil Authority: If government is ordained by God and is supposed to be obeyed, how do we submit to it if it goes against God? [Romans 13]
2018-06-13 Traffic Question: Is it ethical to do what he's doing to bypass traffic?
2018-05-02 Hating People according to David: We are supposed to love our enemies, yes, but those who hate God we are supposed to also hate accordin g to ? [Psalms 139:21]
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