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Topic: Law (Legal)

Showing 151 to 166 of 166.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-07-02 Gay Marriage: When did we, as a country, lose the battle to the point where gay marriage is acceptable?
Judicial Rulings: It seems we are no longer a democracy or a republic because laws are being legislated from the bench.
Tower of Babel & America: Do you think we are becoming like the Tower of Babel (Sodom & Gomorrah)?
2013-06-27 Bible-Hate Literature: Doesn't it seem like the country is on the trajectory to banning the Bible, calling it hate literature?
Homosexual Lifestyle: How are we supposed to respond to people who are living a homosexual lifestyle?
2013-06-24 Christian Government Worker: Should a Christian government employee carry out the duty of their job despite that they are personally against something required of them? [Romans 13:1-7, Matthew 5:44]
2013-05-20 Penalty "Fine" & the Pregnant Woman: Why would there be a "fine" penalty relative to hurting the pregnant woman in Exodus? [Exodus 21:22].
2013-05-14 Unlicensed Church Weddings Could you provide some insight to something many of us are very uncomfortable with-our pastor is performing church weddings without state licenses?
2013-05-13 Charitable Organizations (501c3): Comment regarding what is allowed under 501c3 (charitable organizations) and how the government will shut a church down that talks about the antichrist and Jewish gangsters. [1 John 2:22, Revelation 2:6].
2013-04-12 Christian Lawsuits: Should Christians be involved in lawsuits? [I Corinthians 6:1-20, Matthew 5:25, Matthew 5:40, Romans 12:19-21, Luke 12:13-21].
2013-04-12 Government Involvement in Marriage: In contrast to what you said about the state being the last place for Christians to look to, isn't the first role of government for good is to uphold and enforce marriage? [I Peter 2:14].
Government Upholding Lawsuits: Regarding Lawsuits, doesn't the government officials usually do the right thing in lawsuits and divorces?
Christians Are to Blame: Isn't it actually the fault of Christians when the government goes awry?
2013-04-12 Government Involvement in Marriage: In contrast to what you said about the state being the last place for Christians to look to, isn't the first role of government for good is to uphold and enforce marriage? [I Peter 2:14].
Government Upholding Lawsuits: Regarding Lawsuits, doesn't the government officials usually do the right thing in lawsuits and divorces?
Christians Are to Blame: Isn't it actually the fault of Christians when the government goes awry?
2013-04-12 Government Involvement in Marriage: In contrast to what you said about the state being the last place for Christians to look to, isn't the first role of government for good is to uphold and enforce marriage? [I Peter 2:14].
Government Upholding Lawsuits: Regarding Lawsuits, doesn't the government officials usually do the right thing in lawsuits and divorces?
Christians Are to Blame: Isn't it actually the fault of Christians when the government goes awry?
2013-04-12 Marriage Licenses & Divorce: Discussion of marriage licenses and government involvment in covenants and marriages.
2013-04-09 Limited Government Authority: What do you think of my paraphrase of the scriptures about submitting to government authority? [I Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13].
Judgment Seat of Christ: What is the "judgment seat of Christ"? [Revelation 20:11-15, 2 Corinthians 5:9-11, Matthew 25:31-46].
2013-04-09 Legal Marriage: Does one need to be legally married or just committed to each other?
2013-02-11 David & Jesus Regarding Enemies: Why did David curse or say bad things about his enemies, but Jesus said to forgive & love your enemies?
Blessings for doing Good, Cursing for doing Bad: How come in the Old Testament is says evil will happen if you sin, & good if you obey, or blessings & cursings for doing good or bad? [Job, Deuteronomy 28]
Legalizing Abominations: Does a nation that legalizing abominations be in trouble & receive the judgment of God?
2013-02-11 Pray for our Leadership of our Country: How do we pray for the leadership of our country when they are passing laws of abominations, yet will single out the righteous people?
Mark of the Beast: Is it true that once we accept the Mark of the Beast, that we are lost forever?
2013-01-22 Accusing of the Brethren: Satan can falsely accuse you in the court of law.
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