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Topic: Law (Legal)

Showing 101 to 150 of 166.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-03-29 Sunday Sacredness Laws: Have you been paying attention to all these Sunday laws that are happening all over the world?
2017-12-15 Marriage License issued from the State: Getting married without a state license.
2017-11-17 Marriage by Church or State for Financial Reasons: So what about getting married by the church or official state sanctioned marriage, for financial considerations.
2017-11-09 Protection from God: I need assurance from the Bible that God protects us because I have stalkers stalking me. I just want some verses that I can rely on that God will protect me. [Romans 13:1-4]
2017-09-22 Sanctuary Cities: Caller doesn't think sanctuary cities are illegal, illegal immigration, government's biblical role.
2017-09-21 Sanctuary Cities: What does the Bible say about obeying the laws of the land, what is the government role?
2017-09-15 Marriage or not: Wondering if a couple should get married or not because of legal issues
2017-09-01 Illegal Immigration: Should we have compassion on Illegal Immigrants?
2017-08-28 Marriage License: So is a State license marriage mandated?
2017-08-22 U.S. Constitution: Should the constitution be restricted to reflect Christian views? Caller is concerned it's too secular.
2017-08-21 Church Discipline Needs to be Implemented: Church discipline needs happen because of appropriate behavior by a pastor, but they are wondering what to do?
2017-08-15 Hiding & Financing Illegal Immigrants: What do you think about churches hiding & financing illegal aliens?
2017-07-06 Insignificant Sins Unreptented of: We need to repent, but what about sins that we deem insignificant such as traffic laws, etc?
2017-05-11 Married in Church or Court: Where are we supposed to get married, in the church or the courts?
Not Having Grounds for Divorce: What if you don't have grounds for divorce?
2017-02-07 Sanctuary/Refugee Cities: People comparing sanctuary cities to cities of refuge from the Bible. (follow-up)
2017-02-06 Illegal Immigration: Even though I have a Mexican immigrant as a wife, they need to obey the laws of the land
2017-02-02 Sanctuary Cities & Cities of Refuge: Is there any correlation to these supposed "sanctuary cities" compared to the cities of refuge that we read about in the Bible? [Joshua 20]
2016-12-27 Ministers performing civil marriages:g Should Christian ministers perform civil marriages?
Confusion of Face: What did ""confusion of face"" mean in [Daniel 9:8]?
2016-10-26 Jury Duty: Should Christians participate?
2016-09-26 Authorities & Church Leadership: What is the Biblical foundation for obeying the authorities? {Romans 13, 1 Peter 2}
2016-09-15 Anti-Nomianism What is Anti-nomianism? Can Steve please explain it?
2016-06-15 Health Care Insurance: Don't we have to obey the laws of the land, specifically health care insurance?
2016-06-10 Assisted Suicide: What is the Bible's position on assisted suicide in light of the fact that California just legalized it?
2016-05-05 Death Penality related to the New Covenant: Can you talk about death penalty in relation to the new covenant?
2016-05-05 New Bathroom Law (Policy) (Same Sexes in same B/R): How should a Christian deal with the new bathroom law (policy) where any gender can use any bathroom?
Worked-based Religions & Faith Alone: Religions that insist on a work-based salvation, are we brothers & sisters with them even though we believe in faith alone, believing in Jesus?
2016-05-05 501c3 registered churches: What do you think about churches being registered as 501c3's?
2016-05-05 501c3's Comment: The caller chimes in about 501c3's & says that churches are tax-exempt with or with one.
National Day of Prayer: Caller thinks we as a nation should really participate in the national day of prayer & repent.
2016-05-05 New Bathroom Laws: Caller chimes in about new bathroom laws & relays a story about it.
2015-12-16 David Segal - David Beaudry: A few comments about the passing of a musician by the name of David Segal/Beaudry.
Powers & Principalities & Healthy living: Do we have to obey the government about man-dated vaccines?
2015-10-02 Inconsistency in American laws: The conundrum of some of the laws is, do we obey man or Christ?
2015-03-20 Government & Church Sovereignty: Does the church have to obey the government?
2015-03-20 Dishonoring a parent (Father): Would it be considered dishonoring their father if caller's children testify against him for the way he treats them?
2015-03-04 Bankruptcy: Does Steve have any thoughts on the Biblical perspective of Bankruptcy?
2015-02-20 God is in Control: Caller has never been worried about what's happening in the world, because God does what He wants. [Romans 13]
2014-10-17 Obeying & Breaking the Commandments: You typically won't go to jail if you don't break the law, & same goes w/ keeping the commandments, we need to keep them for our longevity, for one thing!
Marriage: What constitutes a real marriage in God's eyes?
2014-07-28 Confessing your sins to another: Isn't it true that a priest/pasor is consenting to sin, that they've become a part of it, if they don't do anything about a crime he hears about?
People already in heaven: Are there people in heaven right now or not until the resurrection?
2014-07-25 Disclosing a known crime: I heard that even if you confess a heinous crime such as murder, that the priest can not tell the state. Isn't it more important that they share w/ them about bad crimes instead of keeping them a secret?
Priest telling State: If a priest or pastor DOES learn of a crime, should he pretend he's not going to say anything & say something or tell the person up front that's he's going to tell the authorities if they don't?
2014-07-25 Disclosing a known crime: I heard that even if you confess a heinous crime such as murder, that the priest can not tell the state. Isn't it more important that they share w/ them about bad crimes instead of keeping them a secret?
Priest telling State: If a priest or pastor DOES learn of a crime, should he pretend he's not going to say anything & say something or tell the person up front that's he's going to tell the authorities if they don't?
2014-07-22 Submitting to the Higher Powers: Do Christians have to participate in an illegal war? [Romans 13]
2014-05-27 Evangelizing the USA/Inner Cities over 3rd World countries: There's always a lot focus of evangelizing 3rd world countries but how come no emphasis in our own backyard, our own country, our own inner cities?
The Tommie Scott Story: Be sure to tell your listeners about the Tommie Scott story.
2014-03-06 Civil law & Persecution: What is our duty about obeying the "law of the land" but not wanting to be persecuted or not wanting to obey some questionable laws?
Christians at Liberty: Are Christians allowed to enjoy themselves? or do we have to give everything up, "forsaking" ourselves?
2013-10-30 Crime & Evil: What are we supposed to do as Christians when we know somebody is committing crimes?
2013-09-02 Prophecies Predicting Destroying Nations & Cities: Caller thinks it's prophecy that a whole bunch of nations, cities & governments are getting destroyed.
Evil Government Officials: Are we supposed to obey evil government officials? [Romans 13]
2013-08-15 Christian Attorney & Divorce: Should Christian attorneys help in getting people divorced?
2013-08-09 Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Did the Tree of the knowledge of good & evil represent law (legalism)?
2013-08-06 Death Penalty for Cursing Your Parents: Did Jesus do away with the Civil Law of the Jews too? Because back then you'd get capital punishment just for cursing your parents. [Matthew 15:4, Leviticus 20:9, Exodus 21:17]
2013-08-02 R. J. Rushdoony & Christian Reconstructionism: How do yuo reconcile the Old Testament law to the New Testament law? Should we be using the Mosiac Law as the standard? [Matthew 5:17-18]
2013-07-10 America Prohibiting Buddhism: Buddhist caller voiced his opinion about a previous call suggesting that only Christianity being allowed in America.
Destroying Buddhist Relics: Buddhist shares his disappointment to hear that a Christian ought destroy Buddhist relics.
2013-07-09 Only Christianity Allowed: Shouldn't our country only allow Christianity?
2013-07-09 Christianity & Citizenship: How can we be a good Christian and good citizen at the same time? [Romans 13:1-7, 2 Peter 3:13-15]
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