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Topic: Homosexuality (LGBTQ)

Showing 101 to 150 of 270.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-10-28 Believing Children Involved in Homosexuality: How do you deal with believing children who are actively living a homosexual lifestyle? [Mark 7, Matthew 15, 19:1-9, 7:21-23, Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2019-10-14 Homosexuality: Caller just comments again on previous calls about original words used for man or mankind. [Leviticus 18:22].
2019-10-11 Homosexuality: Caller comments on a previous call.
2019-10-11 Homosexuality: Discussion of original words such as "arsenokoites" translated as male or male child used in scripture relative to the topic. [Leviticus 18:22, Revelation 12:13, Romans 1:27, Genesis 1:27, Galatians 3:28].
2019-10-11 Homosexuality: Why are you not more direct and tell people what I think?
2019-10-10 Homosexuality: Steve continues on yesterday's call about homosexuality, wanting to comment further about the Hebrew & Greek texts. [Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Genesis 1:27, Numbers 1:2-3, 31:18, Galatians 3:28, I Corinthians 6:9-10, I Timothy 1:10, I Corinthians 5:19-21].
2019-10-09 Homosexuality & Fornication: Caller asserts that being a homosexual is not a sin and the the original words do not mean what it has been interpreted to mean. [I Thessalonians 4:3, Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 5, Jude].
2019-10-09 Homosexual Marriage: Marriage today allows for homosexuality, so does that allow for homosexual activity within that marriage? [Matthew 5:32, 19:8].
Claim to the Land of Israel: Palestinian Jews and Arabs about the state of Israel and its secular
2019-09-06 Transgenders: How do we treat transgenders?
Fallen Away-Come Back: Can a believer who had fallen away, still come back to the Lord? [Hebrew 6:4-6, 10:26].
2019-09-04 Homosexuality & Single Parent Homes: Is there some relationship between the cause and increase in homosexuality and so many single parent homes?
2019-08-22 King James & KJV Bible: It is purported that King James was homosexual, so why do we follow the King James Version of the Bible?
2019-08-15 Addressing the Transgender: How should Christians deal with some of the awkwardness of mistaking the gender, or addressing a transgender? [Jeremiah 8:9].
Identity in Christ: What does it mean to have "identity in Christ"? [I Corinthians 3:4].
2019-08-13 Homosexuality: Can you explain what scripture means when it refers to "effeminate" and "abuser of themselves"? [I Corinthians 6:9-11, Matthew 19:4].
2019-08-05 Homosexuality: How does one navigate this current environment and those who assume that we, who don't approve of a homosexual lifestyle, are hateful toward homosexuals?
2019-07-31 Homosexuality: If I, as a Christian, don't live a homosexual lifestyle, but approve of those who do, where do I stand with God?
2019-07-26 Hate God-Haters: Should we hate those (homosexuals) who hate God? [I Corinthians 2:15, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2019-07-02 Homosexuality: Did the original writing of the text from Leviticus, actually have more to do with sex with little boys, rather than with men, so does this verse really apply to pedophilia, rather than homosexuality? [Leviticus 18:22, Matthew 19:1-9, Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:32, Matthew 16:24].
2019-05-06 Homosexuality: How do we show love and acceptance of homosexuals, without compromising Christian values? [Matthew 11:16-19].
2019-04-23 Homosexuals practicing Monogamy: What passages make homosexuality undeniably a sin in scripture? Is it acceptable for two homosexuals to live together and not engage in homosexual activity? Would Jesus go to a homosexual wedding? [Matthew 19:4]
2019-04-22 Temptation: What does it mean when scripture says, 'He will save us from the hour of temptation'? Being kept from the wicked one [Revelation 3:10, John 17:15, Luke 17:1} withering seed, quickly fall away [Matthew 13: 20-21, Psalms 140:4].
Homosexuality: What about a pastor who condemns Homosexuals as reprobate? [I Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:28].
2019-04-09 Government Control: When one has a 501c3, does the government limit what you can say, especially regarding homosexuality or endorsing candidates?
Christian Music: Is the Christian music industry entirely secular now?
2019-03-18 Homosexuality: Were homosexuals stoned by Christians?
2019-02-13 Homosexuality: Can you be a homosexual & be saved?
Jesus being Indignant: Why in the NIV does Mark 1:41 say that Jesus was "indignant" at the leper? [Mark 1:41]
2019-01-31 Homosexual Marriage: What does the Bible say about Homosexual Marriages? What do the Old & New Testament say about it? [Romans 1:26-27]
2019-01-18 Homosexuality & LGBTQ: What about the LGBTQ influence in our culture? [I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2018-12-12 Homosexuality: How should Christians deal with the homosexuality community?
Church for Believers: Is the church an evangelical program or is it supposed to be only an assembly for believers?
2018-11-20 Methodist allowing Gay Clergy: Caller's church is coming up with a plan to allow same sex married people in the clergy. What does Steve think about that?
2018-11-09 Alcohol & the Christian: Is drinking alcohol a sin or is it just being a drunkard that is?
Churches Displaying the Rainbow Flag: What about churches that display the rainbow flag?
2018-09-13 LGBT-Homosexuality: What do we do about churches that think LGBT/Homosexuality is okay? Have you ever heard of this?
2018-09-06 Homosexual Lifestyle & Salvation: My family members & I are having some debate about my wife's brother who died after his homosexual lifestyle & wonder about his position before the Lord.
2018-09-05 Homosexual Lifestyle Temptation: I've lived a gay lifestyle for 41 yrs, & how do I resist the sexual temptation? Will my friends who have died not have further chances if they never knew what I have learned?
2018-08-29 Sodom & Gomorrah: For what sins were Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed? Greed, pride or Homosexuality? Who were the 2 men that showed up?
2018-08-13 Cross-Dressing & Homosexuals: Are homosexuals and cross-dressers going to hell? Does being attracted to the same sex automatically destine you to hell? [Deuteronomy 22:5]
2018-07-19 Homosexual Lifestyle Accepted in the Church: What do you think about Churches that are embracing the homosexual lifestyle?
2018-07-12 Homosexuality & LGBT Community: LBGT community needs our love & kindness. How should we be meeting their needs?
2018-07-11 Male & Female: Why can't people just let people do what they want as far as what sex people want to be, a Christian niece asks the person making the call, being influenced by college says. [Matthew 19:4]
2018-07-10 Testimony about LGBT Concern: I just wanted to share what I mentioned on a previous show that I don't have to worry about not getting the job because the LGBT concern. (followup, 6/22, last Q)
Black Hebrew Israelites: African Americans the true Hebrews/Israelites, the lost tribe of Israel. I'm leaning on believing that. What do you think? [Deuteronomy 28, Galatians 3:26-29]
2018-06-22 LGBT/Homosexuality: Concerned about losing her job for not affirming LGBT at the school she works at.
2018-05-02 Hating People according to David: We are supposed to love our enemies, yes, but those who hate God we are supposed to also hate accordin g to ? [Psalms 139:21]
2018-03-27 Forgiveness but then giving up on them: Jesus said to forgive 490 times a day, but God seemed to give up on people & quit forgiving them, turning them over to a reprobate mind, according to Romans 1? [Romans 1]
2018-03-20 Homosexuality: What can you do if you are tempted w/ homosexuality?
2018-03-07 Homosexuality: Are homosexuals reprobates & don't have the possibility of being saved?
2018-02-07 Calvinism Effectual Call: "Effectual Call"/"Inward Call" doctrine of Calvinism [Acts 2:39]
2018-02-05 Christians and Voting: Why do African American Christians & White American Christians vote differently?
2018-01-09 Prayer Request: Caller asking for prayer about addressing a board on transgender issues.
2018-01-04 Homosexuality: I'm having a hard time forgiving, loving homosexuals who just want to continue in that lifestyle.
2017-11-27 Homosexuality: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Can you explain why it is wrong?
2017-10-26 Ark of the Covenant: Where is the Ark of the Covenant? Do you think it really exists? Should we even care about it?
The Pope, Capital Punishment & Homosexuality: Even Catholic laymen seem to be getting mad at their pope because he's being anti-capital punishment & embracing Homosexuality & other liberal agendas.
2017-10-23 Daughter being Gay: Christian parents struggling with the fact that their daughter said she was gay, & the daughter has self-destructive behavior.
2017-10-18 Gifts of the Spirit not for Today: I attended a church that said that the Gifts of the Spirit are not for today, so is that right?
Transgenderism: Do you have a lecture on transgenderism?
Discipleship: Do all the believers have to physically go out & make disciples of Jesus? [Romans 12:3-8]
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