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Topic: Homosexuality (LGBTQ)

Showing 201 to 250 of 270.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-08-18 Church of Inclusion - LGBT: Pastor has decided to include the LGBT Community, & so the caller has left the church.
2015-08-17 Leaving a Church Over Homosexuality Issues: (Update:) A member of a church where he had been at for a very long time he had to leave because they didn't want to converse w/ him about their new stance on homosexuality, the leadership just wanting to go w/ the tide, w/ political correctness, instead of doing what the Bible says.
Sinner Saved By Grace: Is that the right terminology to use, that we are sinners saved by Grace?
2015-08-07 Homosexual Marriages: Caller wanted to do Bible studies on Homosexuality, find all the verses that talk about it, w/ his church leadership, because of the things that are being allowed, but they said no.
2015-07-29 Homosexual Temptation: A friend of the listener struggles w/ same-sex attraction. Can he still be a Christian despite this?
2015-07-08 Celebrating Homosexuality: Standing up against the curriculum of College, protesting by not answering controversial questions on an exam.
2015-07-08 Same-Sex Marriage Ruling: Caller would Like Steve Gregg to weigh in on this ruling again about Same-Sex Marriage, & wants to ask a question to get him going on it: There's sort've a problem because even some of the Christian denominations are accepting it, so there's a lot of confusion by other Christians, but it's all about, "What did Jesus say about it?"
2015-07-08 Same-Sex Marriage Ruling: Is this in prophecy, all this bad stuff happening, the priests abusing children, same sex marriage happening?
2015-07-08 Same-Sex Marriage Ruling: Shouldn't leaders of the Christian church take a firm stand against this ruling?
2015-07-01 Same-Sex Marriage:: What's the difference between Muslim or Hindu unbiblical marriages and homosexual marriages?
2015-07-01 Same-sex Marriage & Baptism: Why are you tolerant of same-sex marriage being called a marriage when you are not tolerant of baptisms that are NOT done by Immersion?
2015-06-30 Same-Sex Marriage: Secular people saying Homosexuality is okay, but CHRISTIANS thinking it's okay, the caller has a problem w/ that!
2015-06-29 Same-Sex Marriage: Can Steve please comment on the recent Supreme Court ruling on Same-Sex Marriages? Do Christians need to be concerned about this?
2015-06-29 Religious Activist against Same-Sex Marriage Caller just wanted to chime in about the recent same-sex marriage ruling by the Supreme Court.
2015-06-26 Fornication: Fornication means ANY sexual relationship that is not between a man & a woman that are married, so isn't a fallacy to say that Jesus never spoke about homosexuality, incest, bestiality? [Matthew 15:18-20, Mark 7:20-23]
2015-06-12 Homosexuality: A friend of the listener trying justify homosexuality by reinterpreting Scripture that talks about Homosexuality. [Romans 1:26-28]
2015-05-12 Books that Steve Loves: Caller would like to know the list of books that Steve has read 10 times or more.
The Koran: Does Steve have the Qua'ran on his bookshelf? Do they have different Translations like the BIble?
Pastors Being Okay w/ Homosexuality: Caller is surprised Pastors are so accepting to the homosexual lifestyle.
2015-04-21 Followup About Previous Show: Caller wants to comment about previous day's show about a call about homosexuality & alcohol.
2015-04-20 Homosexuality: Caller is concerned about dreams he's having about being in homosexual relationships, & past sexual sins.
Alcohol: Is it a sin to have a couple glasses of wine every night to deal problems?
Jesus Communicating with Us: Does Jesusverbally communicate with us? Has He ever personally talked to Steve Gregg?
2015-04-20 Wrong Advice: Caller is a little concerned that Steve missed an opportunity regarding homosexuality & alcohol.
2015-04-20 Encouraging First Caller: Caller wants to advise and encourage first caller about homosexuality and trying to cover it up with alcohol.
2015-04-10 Substance Abuse, Homosexuality, Calvinism, their 5 points: Caller has had trouble w/ pot, alcohol, Homosexuality, & is becoming a Calvinist & would like Steve to explain the point about Total Depravity.
2015-04-01 Redefining Marriage: God has certain sins He detests, so what do I do about churches that are redefining what marriage is?
2015-04-01 Associating with the Sexually Immoral: Caller has a hairdresser who is gay, but they've been having deep conversations, wanting to witness to him. What does Steve think? [1 Corinthians 5:9]
2015-03-25 Left Church because of LGBT: What are Steve's thoughts about LGBT? If Scripture is the foundation of what we believe, we need to do something about it w/ love.
2015-03-24 Gays in Leadership Positions in Church: Our church is beginning to have no restrictions on gays having leadership roles in our church, & are performing gay marriages.
2015-03-23 Homosexuality: Caller is struggling w/ same sex attractions.
2015-03-03 Homosexuality: Are we supposed to love the sinner but hate the sin, but treat them with absolute respect & let them have their rights? [1 john 4:20]
2015-02-05 Homosexuality: Homosexuality is genetic, not cultivated, the caller thinks, & that there's no such thing as a "recovering" homosexual.
2015-01-27 Same-Sex Marriages: Caller wonders if there is a movement out there about only obeying the red letters of the Bible, that we only have to do what Jesus said, so we don't have to worry about homosexuality since He didn't talk about it?
2014-11-04 Calvinism: A date rape Drug?
Being Gay: A James Cook likes being Gay & is proud of it, boasts about it.
2014-10-28 Practicing Lesbianism: Is there a difference between being gay & not practicing, like heterosexuals not practicing fornication, & being gay & practicing it? Are you still sinning just for being gay or lesbian even though you aren't practicing?
2014-10-10 Gay Marriages: Gay Marriages just became legal in Nevada.
2014-10-09 Gay Weddings: We shouldn't attend Gay Weddings, should we? I mean, we aren't just going there for the cake & some punch! When you go to a real wedding, you are saying you are endorsing it, celebrating it with them, but gay weddings are not real.
2014-09-15 Homosexual Laws: Is the Old Testament no longer valid? Did Paul only look at Sodomy in light of the Temple prostitution? [1 Corinthians 6:9-20]
2014-09-11 Homosexuality - Recompence of their Error : What does that a certain verse in Romans 1 about homosexuality mean? [Romans 1;27]
Church reaction to Homosexuals: What should the church reaction be of people who are homosexual? Some have hatred for them.
2014-09-11 Homosexuality - Recompence of their Error : What does that a certain verse in Romans 1 about homosexuality mean? [Romans 1;27]
Church reaction to Homosexuals: What should the church reaction be of people who are homosexual? Some have hatred for them.
2014-06-06 Homosexuality: Is there any way homosexuals can make it to Heaven? Can they get in under the sheep being kind to brethren by having compassion on them by feeding them, housing them? [Matthew 25:31-46, 1 Peter 4:8], 1 Corinthians 6:9]
2014-06-06 Feminism in Men: There are some people in our church that have come out of the Homosexual lifestyle who still seem to have feminism issues. What should we do about it?
Church Leadership & Church Discipline: How can I get the church leadership to recognize the importance of Church Discipline (Calvary Chapel setting)?
2014-05-23 Gene Robinson - a Gay Bishop: How can Gene Robinson be a leader in the Episcopal Church if he's a homosexual? [Romans 1:26-28, 1 Corinthians 6:7-11, Leviticus 18:22]
2014-05-02 Homosexuality & the Church: How should the church deal with Homosexuality? Caller doesn't want to go to a church that is too conservative, who ignore or hate homosexuals.
2014-04-17 "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers": Caller is critical of the documentary, "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers", that Steve Gregg recommended.
2014-02-28 Homosexuality: I've always known homosexuality is wrong, but some people try to say that's only talking about male pedophilia. What are your thoughts on this? [Romans 1:26-28, Genesis 2:24, Malachi 2:15]
Long Hair: What is it about nature that teaches us that long hair for men is wrong? [1 Corinthians 11:14]
2014-01-06 The Narrow Path Program: What I love your show is that you are able to interact w/ your callers, especially of people who disagree.
Homosexuality: Most talk shows seem to bring the homesexuality lifestyle sin exclusive to all other sins.
2013-12-27 Transgender & Eunuchs: Is there any connection between Transgenders & the Eunuchs that Jesus was talking about in the Bible? [Matthew 19:12]
2013-12-18 Homosexuality & Pork: How come homosexuality is still forbidden like it was in the Old Testament, but eating pork is no longer forbidden? Since one is allowed shouldn't the other be permissible as well?
2013-12-17 United Methodist Church & Homosexuality: Caller wanted to put a challenge to the United Methodist Church against homosexuality who seem to be embracing it.
2013-12-10 Accepting Homosexuals: How long should we accept & love homosexauls in the church before we tell them they have to repent? [1 Corinthians 5, 1 Corinthians 6]
2013-12-09 Using Civil Rights Leaders to Endorse Homosexuality: The caller's church is using Martin Luther King jr to support the homosexual lifestyle.
2013-12-09 Homosexuals: We are supposed to love one another, even homosexuals, aren't we?
2013-11-06 Islam, Judaism, Christianity & Homosexuality: How come Christians accept Homosexuals in leadership positions, but you'll never find that in Judaism or Islam?
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