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Topic: Homosexuality (LGBTQ)

Showing 151 to 200 of 270.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-10-18 Church Embracing Homosexuals & Lesbians: What are we do to about churches allowing gays & lesbians in with open arms?
2017-09-20 Saul Receiving an Evil Spirit: Can God send an evil spirit or did is it just similar language like Romans 1, "gave them over"? [1 Samuel 16:14, Romans 1:28]
2017-09-08 Splits in the Lutheran Church & Homosexuality: Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod & Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, all these splits, homosexuals
2017-08-31 Extra-Terrestrial Activity or Demons: caller knows there's extra-terrestrial beings &/or demons
2017-08-18 Liberal Christians: I've been asking Fundamental Liberal Christians fundament basic 101 questions, & they won't directly answer.
2017-07-25 Homosexuality the Pinnacle of Sin: In Romans 1, is homosexual sex the pinnacle of sin? [Romans 1:26]
Recompence of Their Error: What do you think the recompence of their error is that Paul is referring to? A sickness?
2017-07-20 Christians Enabling Transgenderism: Adopted parents that are Christians & are leaders in the church, but who want to help their daughter changer her gender
2017-07-20 Transgenderism Running Rampant: Transgender seems to be running rampant in western civilization
2017-07-19 Accepting LGBT in the Church: I'm trying to write a letter to my pastor who's about to embrace the LGBT community, what scripture should I use? [Galatian 3:28]
2017-07-14 Abraham Lincoln Humor: Abraham Lincoln asked a witness once, "If we call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does a cow have?".
State Micro-Managing Over People's Lives: The state seems to be involving itself in the transgender business, promoting it.
2017-07-14 Abraham Lincoln Humor: Abraham Lincoln asked a witness once, "If we call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does a cow have?".
State Micro-Managing Over People's Lives: The state seems to be involving itself in the transgender business, promoting it.
2017-06-08 Jesus Attending a Gay Wedding: If Jesus had a brother who was gay, would He attend their wedding? should caller attend his brother's wedding?
2017-06-05 Church Fracturing over Homosexuality: Our church is splitting because of people's view of sin, homosexuality, to accept them or not accept them.
2017-05-31 Former Lesbian: A former lesbian left the lifestyle.
Jesus Going to Hell upon Death: Can you explain about Jesus going to the prison in hell (1peter 3:19-21)?
2017-04-11 Attending Gay Wedding: I think it IS acceptable to attend a gay marriage ceremony. [Matthew 5:13-15] (follow-up from 1/30/17)
2017-02-24 Lectures called, "Biblical Counsel for a Change" Caller talks about a series of lectures called, "Biblical Counsel for a Change", about how much he liked it.
LGBT Community: What should the church do w/ the LGBT community?
2017-01-30 Attending a Gay Wedding: Caller has a relative that is having a gay wedding & wondering if he should attend it or not.
2017-01-12 Bible interpretation in Romans: vine's expository dictionary, the word "use" in rom 1:26, natural use for
2016-12-19 Homosexuals vs Sodomites:G What is the difference between Homosexuals & Sodomites since they are both in the list of sins? [1 Corinthians 6:9]
2016-12-15 Homosexuality: Some think you can be a Christian & still be a practicing homosexual. [Romans 1:26-28, 1 Corinthian 6:9]
2016-12-13 Pangenderism, LGBT: What if you aren't willfully really sinning, being homosexual, LGBT, pangender, but are just confused, is that possible?
2016-11-21 Sin & Homosexuality: Is Sin Sin? Are we soft on some sins & hard on other sins? How can we say sin is wrong when we are all sinners? Such as Homosexuality?
2016-09-22 Homosexuality & Abraham Lincoln: Abraham had a witness on the stand, & he asked him, "If we say that a cow's tail is leg, how many legs does he have?" & the witness says, "5", & he says, "He has 4 legs & a tail. Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg!"
2016-09-21 Besetting Sin of Homosexuality & Masturbation: Listener struggles with the homosexuality & masturbation temptation.
2016-09-19 Transgenderism: Transgenderism issues today.
2016-08-18 T.V. Evangelists Preaching Against Abortion & Homosexuality: Don't you think if all the T.V. evangelists & all the Mega churches were to preach against abortion & homosexuality that it would revolutionize America, a spiritual revival?
2016-07-05 Lesbian Marriage: Christian man asked to give away a lesbian in a wedding ceremony. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Matthew 19:1-9]
2016-06-15 Anathema Maranatha: Being accursed, Anathema Maranath, does that apply to Christians who fall out of love like the churches of Revelation? [1 Corinthians 16:22]
Homosexuals: It says in Romans that homosexuals/sodomites are worthy of death, so should they be lined up & shot like a pastor said once?
2016-06-06 Homosexuality: Why would homosexuality get a pass when so many other sins do not?
2016-05-05 New Bathroom Law (Policy) (Same Sexes in same B/R): How should a Christian deal with the new bathroom law (policy) where any gender can use any bathroom?
Worked-based Religions & Faith Alone: Religions that insist on a work-based salvation, are we brothers & sisters with them even though we believe in faith alone, believing in Jesus?
2016-05-05 New Bathroom Laws: Caller chimes in about new bathroom laws & relays a story about it.
2016-04-08 "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers": Caller disagrees with the documentary, "Lord Save Us From Your Followers". A long discussion ensues.
2016-04-01 "Lord, Save Us from your Followers": What was the name of the documentary you were talking about involving homosexuality? (Lord, save us from your followers)
Christian Lesbians: There is a lesbian couple who goes to the same Christian class as the caller, & they said that God put them together for a reason, & that they were just going to have to disagree with caller. What does Steve think about that?
2016-04-01 "Lord, Save Us from your Followers": What was the name of the documentary you were talking about involving homosexuality? (Lord, save us from your followers)
Christian Lesbians: There is a lesbian couple who goes to the same Christian class as the caller, & they said that God put them together for a reason, & that they were just going to have to disagree with caller. What does Steve think about that?
2016-03-21 Christian but Gay: Can you still be a gay Christian & go to heaven?
2016-03-14 Varying Degrees of Sin: Is sin sin? Is all sin the same? Is gluttony as bad as homosexuality? Are tattoos as bad as fornication? Are all things lawful?
2016-03-08 "Consensual Theology" (Homosexual Acceptance): Have you ever heard of “Consensual Theology”, which is approval of Homosexual monogamy?
Perseverance: Isn't perseverance a work rather than just a faith?
2016-03-01 Reprobates Unqualified: Are reprobates rejected from being saved? What is a reprobates? What about homosexuals?
2016-02-25 Retreat Supports Abortion & Homosexuality: My church goes to a retreat that is pro-abortion & pro-gay, so should I participate?
2016-02-25 Preterism: What is preterism? What does it mean?
More & More Evil: What about Jesus said it will become more & more evil & prosecution will happen. Gender-neutral Bathrooms.
2016-02-16 Gay Child: How do you deal with a child who is gay? What about they had a nervous breakdown & all of a sudden started going back to church? I'm also afraid though that once they are well, they will go right back into the lifestyle again.
2016-01-14 Sexual Purity: How do we deal with pedophiles, wife beaters & homosexuals?
Sharing the Gospel with such People: How do we evangelize to such people?
2016-01-14 Sexual Purity: How do we deal with pedophiles, wife beaters & homosexuals?
Sharing the Gospel with such People: How do we evangelize to such people?
2016-01-12 Associating with Gay Friends: Is it ok to be friends with gay people & visit? How does one relate with them?
2015-11-09 Homosexuality: What do I do about relatives who profess Christianity but live in a fornication/homosexual lifestyle? [1 Corinthians 5:11-12]
Love but not Approve: Jesus loves us, & we are to love others, but He didn't, & we don't have to, approve their behavior.
2015-11-06 Sexual Immorality - Homosexuality: What does it mean putting them "out of fellowship"? Does that include family members? [1 Corinthians 5:11-12]
2015-09-21 Same-sex marriage & Homosexuality: Caller likes Steve's lectures on the biblical reasons why homosexuality & same-sex marriage are wrong.
Teaching, traveling, lectures: Caller appreciates Steve's ministry, his ability to be able to teach across the country, have lectures that are the perfect length, etc.
2015-09-17 God of the OT & NT: Why did God seem so much harsh in the OT more than Jesus, also God, was in the NT?
Christianity & the LGBT community: Why are Christians so harsh to other people, including to the LGBT community?
2015-08-20 "Us" in Gensis (Trinity): Is the "Us" when God talk in possessive plura;, is it referring to the Trinity? [Genesis 1:26, 3:22]
Gays & Sex: Paul spoke on the subject of Homosexual sex, but the words he used in greek were ambiguous, so some gay sex was okay, homosexuals rationalize.
Creation Story in all Religions: The Creation story is in all the religions, so Genesis is not the first or original creation account (implying, so is it genuine?)
2015-08-19 Same Sex Couples: A Presbyterian Church allows Same Sex Marriages within it. What does Steve think?
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