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Topic: Christian (Christianity)

Showing 101 to 150 of 440.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-10-27 Trinitarian Views: Do you agree that all we have to do is look at all of the various trinitarian and unitarian views to get a good idea of what it actually is?
Jesus as God or Just Worthy to be Worshipped: Is the essence of the Christian faith more about Jesus being worthy to be worshipped to the glory of God, rather than that He is God Himself?
2020-10-23 Being a Type of Christ: So as God's children and as Christians, are we a reflection of Christ ourselves?
2020-10-22 Christian in Name only: How do I deal with Christian who seem to only have a form of godliness but still live a life of sin? [1 Corinthians 5]
Judging Others: When I tell them we shouldn't be doing our old life anymore, I get ostracized & told that I shouldn't judge. [1 Peter 4]
2020-10-19 Fornicators in the Church: If fornicators will not enter the kingdom of God, what about the fornicators at local churches? [I Corinthians 6:9].
Defining the True Church: Are you defining the true church as those that actually follow Christ, and do not continue to live in sin? [Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 5:9].
2020-10-16 Other Religions in Contrast to Christianity: Are there other religions that have the joy, the psalms, the benevolence, that the Christian faith has? [Romans 5:3].
2020-10-02 Evidence that Christianity is Not True: Is it not evidence that Christianity is not true since there are those that wish to feel something from the Holy Spirit and they don't? [James 1:7 Matthew 8:26].
Losing Faith: How can one continue to believe in something that they don't see evidence of?
The Resurrection isn't a Historical Fact, it's a Supernatural claim: Caller says that the resurrection isn't a historical fact, and doesn't it require more evidence to claim the supernatural?
2020-09-23 Will God Answer the Prayers of an Unsaved Sinner?: As someone that is not certain they are saved, and continues to sin, will God still answer my prayers? [I John 3:10, John 10:27].
A 65% Believer: What if I am only 65% a believer, and am not sure that Jesus did not actually rise from the dead?
Christianity Hard to Get into: Is this Christianity not a tough school to get into? The criteria is rigorous.
2020-09-23 Krishna: Where is Krishna when you need him?
Other Religious Deity Resurrections: Were there many deity resurrections in various religions before Christianity?
2020-09-16 Unbelievable Stories in the Bible: Why are there so many stories in the Bible that don't seem true, such as, Samson's strength in his hair, 900 yr-old-men, giants, etc.? Why don't we see documented miracles today? [Psalm 90:10, John 12:29].
Proving Christianity is True: With all the religions in the world, how can one be sure and prove that Christianity is true?
2020-09-10 "The Benedict Option"-The Christian in the Corporate World: Could you give me some applicable biblical principles for Christians who must interact in the corporate world? [Galatians 6:10].
2020-09-04 Getting on the Narrow Path: Contemplating on the verse about "the narrow path", I am concerned that myself and some of my friends are not really on it. Can you help direct me? [Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 26:41, James 3:2, Matthew 16:24, I John, Revelation 7:9, John 13:35].
2020-09-03 Christians Hating Democrats: Why do so many Christians seem to hate Democrats and Black Lives Matter?
2020-08-31 Why Christianity is the Correct Faith: In light of all the different religions in the world, what makes Christianity the correct and true faith? Are we looking all at the same God? [Deuteronomy 18, John 5, Philippians 4:6, James 4:2-3].
2020-08-11 Christians Hating: How bad is it now, as we Christians seem to hate each other within the church, much less outside the church? [I John 3:15].
2020-08-05 Work Out Your Own Salvation: What do you think of the claim that "working out one's own salvation" is an excuse not to attend church? [Philippians 2:12].
Working Out One's Own Salvation: Are the verbs in Greek in plural, in the verse about working out one's salvation? [Philippians 2:12].
2020-07-29 Depression or Mental Disorders: How does one respond to someone claiming a mental disorder or depression, when it may well be a spiritual issue, rather than a medical condition?
How to become a Christian: What does one become a Christian?
Identifying Sin in One's Life: How does one identify a crippling sin in one's life? [I John 1:7].
2020-07-29 Depression or Mental Disorders: How does one respond to someone claiming a mental disorder or depression, when it may well be a spiritual issue, rather than a medical condition?
How to become a Christian: What does one become a Christian?
Identifying Sin in One's Life: How does one identify a crippling sin in one's life? [I John 1:7].
2020-07-29 Christian Science & Word of Faith: Could you clarify the differences between Christian Science and the Word of Faith? [2 Corinthians 4:17, Psalm 119:71].
2020-07-23 Drama of Current Events: Could you advise how much to focus and engage with politics and how to balance the drama of current events?
2020-07-22 Born Again: Is it not odd that the major Christian doctrine of "being born-again" is only mentioned in one gospels? [John 3:3, I Peter 1:2-4, I John, Titus 3:5].
2020-07-21 Advice for Marriage and Raising Children: Since you have some unique and extensive experience in marriage and raising children, what can you advise me? Recommendation at website under topical lectures; "How to Love your Wife as Christ Loved the Church" [Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 15:1, Ephesians 5:25]
2020-07-17 So Many Religions and Denominations: Why are there so many religions and denominations, and how do I know which is correct? [Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Romans 10:9, Matthew 25:34].
2020-06-25 Good Books About Satan: Caller offers book suggestions on the topic of Satan: by Michael Brown.
Christian Fundamentalism: How would you define Christian Fundamentalism? Is is a good thing or a bad thing?
2020-06-02 Former Catholic Questions "What is Essential": From a Former Catholic, who is now attending a non-denominational church; "I get confused about the meaning of being "Born again" among other things. What should I be more focused on to grow in my faith?"
The Pentecostal Denomination & The Trinity: Does it matter what church I go to? The pastor of the Pentecostal church is nice, but his view of The Trinity doctrine is different.
2020-05-28 Caller Attempting to Disprove Christianity: A non-believer presents his postulates about the necessity of proving ones' genealogy from David without such the fallacy of Christianity would be proven. An discussion ensues about what makes him hesitant to follow Jesus. [Matthew 1:1].
Comment on Coronavirus/ COVID-19; Non-believing caller comments on the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic:
2020-05-26 Judgment at the Bema Seat: Regarding the Bema Seat and giving account of our sins, will we be judged on our works and not on our repented and forgiven sins? [I Corinthians 11:31, I John 1:9].
Living a Lazy Christian Life: Do you think that if we simply live an undisciplined or lazy Christian life, not necessarily living in flagrant sin, it will also be counted against us at the judgment? [Revelation 3:15, Matthew 13:37-38].
2020-05-21 Christians Attitude Toward the Poor: Why do Christians have such a bad attitude toward the poor in America?
2020-05-13 Trinity Doctrine Defines Christianity: I thought that believing in the Trinitarian doctrine is what made someone a Christian? [Acts 11:26, John 14:8, John 16:12-13, Matthew 8:27, Mark 4:41, 2 Peter 3:18].
2020-05-11 The Chosen of God, the Elect: Why do you believe that we are not chosen as the elect by the Holy Spirit?
A Sovereign God That Allows Evil in the World: If God is sovereign, why does He allow so much evil in the world?
2020-04-17 Defining One's Faith: What do you tell people about your faith, without aligning to a particular group, movement, or theology?
Calvinism: Comment on Calvinism and how their theology maligns the character of God.
2020-04-16 Noah's Ark: Is it conceivable that the animals on Noah's ark were just babies, and not really full grown?
7th Day Adventists: Would you tell me about the 7th Day Adventists and if they are Christians? [Romans 14].
2020-03-31 Lord and Savior - or Not: What do you think about the idea that someone can ask for Jesus to be your savior and later you can become a disciple? [Luke 14:26, 33, Acts 11:26, Romans 10:9, Luke 2:11].
2020-03-30 Church Leaders - Not Exhibiting Love: What do you think about a worship leader in our church who indicates he just doesn't like some people and avoids them? [I John 4:7-8, John 13:34, Romans 8:9, I Corinthians 13].
Mean Christians Sharpen Us: Could it be that unloving or mean people are there to sharpen us, like the scripture says? [Proverbs 27:17].
2020-03-30 Best Evidence for Christianity: What is the best reason to be a Christian and follow Jesus?
2020-03-19 Israel of God: What or who is the "Israel of God" in Galatians 6? [Galatians 3:7,29, 6:16].
2020-03-11 Christianity Not a Religion: As an unbeliever, I find that the argument that Christianity isn't a religion, annoying, can you tell me more about how that is defended?
2020-02-19 Oldest Religion: What is the oldest religion?
2020-01-16 What We Believe: Why does God not mention in Jeremiah 31, all the things we, as Christians, traditionally believe? [Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 34, 37, Hebrews 8, 10, 13].
2020-01-07 Regeneration Before Faith: Do the following verses prove that regeneration precedes faith? [John 1:12-13, Philippians 1:29, I John 5:1, Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, John 3, Luke 15:11-32, Hebrews 4, James 1:17].
Greek Philosophy in Christianity: Is it wrong to mix our faith with elements of other religious philosophies? [Exodus 12, Colossians 2:8].
2019-12-26 Conservative & Liberal Christianity: Where do you draw the line between conservative & liberal Christianity?
2019-12-18 Pagan Symbolism in Christianity Have you heard of the "Fuel" project and their postulate regarding pagan symbolism in Christianity?
2019-11-25 The First Relationships with God: Where did relationships with God begin? [Hebrews 11, Romans 8:14].
Roots of Relationships with God: Where did Christianity and relationships with God actually begin? [Hebrews 11].
2019-11-13 False Prophets: Does this verse about the dangers of false prophets mean that believers can be deceived? [Matthew 24:24].
Royal Priesthood: Are those that are "the royal priesthood" mentioned here, Christians or Jews? [I Peter 2:9-10, 4:3, Hebrews 8:13].
2019-11-04 What Does it Mean to be Saved?: What happens when I die? Caller seems to not be clear on what it means to be a follower of Christ.
2019-10-15 Sunday or Sabbath: Comment challenging that Christians kept Sunday as a day of worship and claiming evidence of Christians keeping the Sabbath. [Acts 20:7]
2019-09-16 Carnal Christian-Guilt & Regret: How would you assess dating a woman who indicates that she has been a Christian for a long time, but says she has been living a carnal life? [I John 1:7,9, Romans 5:1-11].
2019-08-30 Hypocrisy in the Church: Do you think that God would find our way of worship an abomination, if we are being hypocritical? [Malachi 1:10].
2019-08-14 Child of God: Is everyone a child of God, or are just Christians? [I John 3, Genesis 4, John 8:39, Acts 17:28, Luke 15:11-32, John 1:12].
Derek Prince-Demons: What do you think about Derek Prince's book , "They Shall Expel Demons"? [I John 4:4, 5:18, I Corinthians 6:19-20].
2019-08-01 Protestant to Catholic Converts: What are you thoughts about a woman who converted from Protestant to Catholic, and makes the claim that if the Catholic church's views are disproven, then all of Christianity fails?
2019-07-31 Homosexuality: If I, as a Christian, don't live a homosexual lifestyle, but approve of those who do, where do I stand with God?
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