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Topic: Christian (Christianity)

Showing 251 to 300 of 440.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-09-27 Similarities in Christianity & Pagan Religions: Caller says that a friend says there are parallels in Christianity & other pagan religions, Egyptian, Zeitgeist, 10 commandments, 49 confessions.
2017-08-25 John MacArthur: Would you have a problem w/ john MacArthur's teachings?
Jesus Movement: Do you know about the Jesus Movement: What do you think about the. Was there any parallels of Christianity & the Counter Culture?
2017-08-24 Meaning of Christianity: What does it mean to be a Christian because I've had inconsistent behavior?
2017-08-23 Bad Religion by Ross Douthat: Have you heard of a book by the name of "Bad Religion" by a Ross Doulthat?
Church Flourishing: From after World War 2 to 1960, was the church flourishing?
2017-08-21 Commenting on Atheist Listeners: The caller appreciated the information about the atheists.
Jesus Rebuking but Being for Christians: "I have this against you," Jesus said to several churches in Revelation, but then Jesus says He's for us. [Revelation 2, Romans 8:31]
2017-08-18 Liberal Christians: I've been asking Fundamental Liberal Christians fundament basic 101 questions, & they won't directly answer.
2017-08-18 Demon-Possessed Christians: Can a Christian be demon-possessed?
2017-08-11 Steve's Changing Belief Systems: Besides dispensationalism, have you ever changed your mind on anything?
Beast Overcoming the Saints: The beast that "makes war w/ the saints & overcomes them", are they going to overcome all of them? [Revelation 13:7]
2017-08-08 Becoming Like Christ: Can these 2 verses be coupled together as far becoming like Christ? [Romans 8:29, Philippians 1:6]
2017-08-07 Lord's Prayer & God Being our Father: In the Lord's Prayer when it says, "our Father", is Christianity the only religion that call God Father?
2017-07-24 Being Religious but Not a Christian: Wondering if you could have the characteristics of a Christian & still not be saved? What if you can't overcome a sin? [Matthew 7:24-25]
2017-07-21 Christians being Demon-Possessed: Can a Christian be demon-possessed?
2017-07-20 Christians Enabling Transgenderism: Adopted parents that are Christians & are leaders in the church, but who want to help their daughter changer her gender
2017-07-17 Sound Doctrine: How much should we be concerned about sound doctrine?
2017-07-07 Pearl before Swine: Should we vigorously attempt to witness our hope? [1 Peter 3:15]
Unequally Yoked Potential: A Christian friend is contemplating becoming involved w/ a non-Christian, but he fears she may just feign Christianity to win his heart, & then leave Christianity.
2017-06-08 Buddhism & Christianity: Buddhist compares his faith/belief system & Christianity.
2017-06-06 God's Work Beginning from End: "No one can know the works of God from the beginning to the end", what does this mean? [Ecclesiastes 3:11]
The Term, Christian: I've heard that the name "Christian" has a pagan origin
2017-05-26 Current Event Story & Coptic Christianity: A news story that happened that day, bombing of busses & Coptic Christianity.
2017-05-24 Buddhism & Christianity Parallels: I'm trying to show you that there are parallels between the Christian faith & buddhism! (regular Buddhist caller, Mike the Buddhist)
2017-05-16 Holy People on Individuals: Does the Holy Spirit come upon everyone the same way or is it individualized?
2017-05-11 Israel & Christianity: Is Old Testament Israel part of Christianity or an addition to?
2017-05-03 New Covenant: Who was the new covenant made for, the church or the individual Christian?
Seventh Day Adventists & the Sabbath: Adventists keep the Sabbath, but do they keep it the strict ways the Mosiac Law required it to be kept?
2017-05-02 Not Agreeing Politically: Tolerating brothers & sisters in Christ who see things differently politically.
2017-05-02 The Pledge of Allegiance: Can we say the pledge of allegiance to the flag, & what does it mean when we ARE saying it?
The New Earth: When we get Raptured up in the last day, the earth is just going to burn up & made into the New Earth right before our eyes, & then we are just going to come right back down from the sky?
2017-05-02 Christianity: Buddhist caller is a little bit convoluted, finally asks, What is the Christian life?
2017-04-27 Christianity in Addition to Judaism: Christianity just an extension of judiasm basically, Jesus being born on Christmas day & resurrected on easter.
A Rebuilt Temple: There's going to be a 3rd Temple built, right?
2017-03-27 Buddhist & Christianity: a buddhist caller talks about his differences between buddhism & Christianity
2017-03-23 Flat Earth: Four corners of the earth, people think Christians are funny for believing the Bible which supposedly teaches a flat earth. [Isaiah 11:12]
Trinity: Talking to Mormons about the Trinity.
2017-03-22 Thomas Jefferson & His Bible: 3rd discussion about Thomas Jefferson, this caller thinks he WASN't a Christian
2017-03-07 Bridling Your Tongue, No Anger & having a Perfect Religion: What is James saying when he's talking about bridling your tongue, not having anger, & having pure religion? Is he coupling all that together? [James 1]
Being Assertive & not Being a Doormat: Is there a place in the Bible where it talks about it's okay to be assertive, not being a Doormat.
2017-02-27 Golden Rule: Self-love, & love for your neighbor (agape), & in john 13, & is this only to be given to believers or everyone? (follow up to a call he heard earlier.)
2017-02-15 Ethics verses Christian Behaviour: How would you distinguish between being ethical & Christian Behavior?
2017-02-03 True Christianity: What is the true way to be a Christian, because Buddhists seemed more Christ-like than Christians?
2017-02-03 Christians in the Military: Christians going in the military followup.
2017-02-01 Disciples being called Christians: Were the disciples first called "Christians" at Antioch? [Acts 11:26]
2017-01-16 Different Viewpoints of Christianity: There's a lot of different viewpoints of Christianity, & he's wanting to come back to God, but so many different terms, etc. that you have to learn about! (the call gets cutoff but just wanted to give you the opportunity to listen to it)
2017-01-11 Christian Psychology: Should I listen to Christian psychologists? Should we read secular literature, have you ever read Paradise lost
2016-12-30 Christianity: The label of Christian: The name Christianity was actually a derogatory term, the caller says [1 peter 4:16]
2016-12-07 Prophecy: What is role of the spiritual gift of prophecy for today?
2016-10-25 Ethnic Israel: Why are so many Christians supportive of Ethnic Israel, the nation that was created in 1948?
2016-09-29 Kent Hovind's Divorce: Caller commented on Kent Hovind's wife filing for divorce, & Kent Hovind (young earth creationist advocate) decided to remarry.
The Book of Romans: Who was the Book of Romans written for, people who are already Christians or unbelievers? [Romans 6:8-14]
2016-09-08 Two Kinds of Salvation: Caller heard a speaker say there are two variations of salvation, one for getting out of hell & the other for your sins.
Carnal Christians: Some use 1 Corinthians 3:15 to prove that carnal sinners will be in Heaven. What does Steve think?
2016-08-26 Christian Living Glorifying God: How come people are not glorifying God today? Why are people not coming to Christ now? Persecution now? Christians not drawing other to Christ? [Matthew 5:16, Matthew 5:11, Ephesians 5:8]
Christian Persecution: Caller thinks he's never been persecuted for his faith, but is it coming?
2016-08-22 Father Living in Sin: Caller is oncerned about his daughters being around their grandfather because he's living with his girlfriend, & unbiblically left 2 previous wives, & is still presenting that he is a Christian.
2016-08-18 Abortion is not Love: Doesn't that passage of scripture trump any persons Christianity who has an abortion? [1 John 4:7-8]
2016-08-18 Christians endorsing Democrat Platform: How can you both be a Christian & a Democrat? Isn't that an oxymoron?
2016-08-17 The Holocaust: The Holocaust made it so even Christians couldn't say anything negative about Jews for fear of being accused of being antisemitic, right?
Fear of Being Double-Minded: Caller went from Judaism, to Atheism, to accepting Jesus as his Lord, but sometimes he still has doubts & unbelief. Can Steve please make this passage of Scripture more palatable for him? [James 1:5-8]
2016-07-19 Steve Gregg's Spiritual Life: What is Steve's spiritual life like? To whom does he pray? [1 John 1:6-7]
2016-07-14 Doubting the Inerrancy of Scripture: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy of Scripture be a true Christian?
2016-07-13 "Christianity Today" Magazine: "Christianity Today" magazine, have they gone liberal?
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