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Topic: Christian (Christianity)

Showing 351 to 400 of 440.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-02-27 Parables Meaning Hidden even for Today?: So are these parables that are in the gospels now supposed to be understand by everyone now or only by spiritually discerning people? [Matthew 13:13-14]
2015-01-30 Overcome with Doubt: Sometimes I have doubts about God really existing, Jesus existing. How do I overcome that?
2015-01-12 The Bride of the Lamb: Who is the Bride of the Lamb? I heard that it was something different than the church.
2015-01-05 Taking the Lord's Name in Vain: What does it mean to be taking the Lord's name in vain? Does it mean swearing His name as a curse word or, professing to be a Christian & not being a very good representative?
2014-12-16 Judgment Day & the Christian: As a Christian, do we need to have any fear of the judgment on Judgment Day even though we were washed in the Blood of Christ? [1 Peter 1:2, 17-19]
Death: What happens to us as soon we die? Do we go immediately to Heaven?
2014-12-11 Guilt & Shame: The Christian message is pure, meaningful, that when it tells you to repent, it makes no bones about it, you need to repent & change your mind.
2014-12-09 Catholicism & Christianity: How do Catholicism & Christianity (Protestantism/Evangelicalism) differ from each other?
Mormonism & Christianity: What is the difference between Mormonism & Christianity?
2014-12-09 Catholicism & Christianity: How do Catholicism & Christianity (Protestantism/Evangelicalism) differ from each other?
Mormonism & Christianity: What is the difference between Mormonism & Christianity?
2014-12-08 Salvation Transaction: To some people Salvation is like a Transaction, that once you cash in, you are set for life, for eternal life.
Salvation via other Religions: There's a lot of Religions that seem to have the same idea/experiences as what happens in Christianity, so is it possible that God just uses them to get people to come to Him?
2014-11-25 Muslims & Christians: Why do Christians hate Muslims?
2014-11-20 Dreams & Visions of Jesus to Muslims: I've heard that Muslims have been having visions & dreams about Jesus & have been accepting Him, but someone told me that God only sends dreams to believers. Is this true?
2014-11-05 Free Mason: Can a Free Mason be a Christian at the same time?
Paul's Conversion: Was Paul converted against his will? [Acts 16]
2014-10-27 Making Someone Pray: What do you think about me trying to make my son pray even though he says he's not a Christian, & doesn't want to participate, throwing back at me that if I was with a bunch of Buddhists, that I wouldn't pray to Buddha, even to be polite, so why should he, since he isn't a Christian?
2014-10-15 Creation or Evolution: Can you be a Christian & be an Evolutionist at the same time?
2014-10-13 Inviting People to Church: What do you think about inviting unbelievers to church? I thought church was just for the believer?
2014-10-03 Wheat & the Tares, Sheep & the Goats: Isn't there always going to be a lack of unity because the wheat & the tares, the sheep & the the church?
2014-09-18 Being in touch w/ your Heart: Isn't Christianity to just be in touch w/ your heart, to come back to that innocence that a child possesses?
2014-09-04 Christianity came from Africa: A professor at a college said where some relatives went to said that the Christian story was just a bogus story from Africa. What are your thoughts?
2014-08-21 Christianity & Discipleship: Caller is concerned there's not much Discipleship in the church, but everything else.
2014-08-12 Losing Friends for lack of Mutual Faith: Mike the Buddhist calls to say he feels sad that he's losing Christian friends just because he hasn't converted over yet.
2014-08-04 Buddhism & Christianity: Michael the Buddhist defending his position on why he has never converted to mainstream Christianity.
Fruits of the Spirit: There are people who aren't Christians who seem to exhibit the Fruits of the Spirit better than some Christians. [Galatians 5:22-23]
2014-07-30 Turning to Christianity: Can Steve explain why should a person turn to Christianity in a couple/few sentences?
2014-07-30 Atheist Caller: An Atheist caller just wanted to thank Steve for his Christianity because some don't have much evidence that they are.
2014-07-15 Christians & Disciples: So in order to be a Christian, you also have to be a disciple, isn't that true? So we have to die daily as a disciple, yes? [Matthew 16:24, Luke 14, Acts 11:26]
2014-06-27 Christian Martyrdom: What is the best book on Christian Martyrdom?
Steve Gregg Debates: Have you ever debated Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or Muslims?
2014-06-05 Textus Receptus over the Alexandrian Text: Why do you prefer the Textus Receptus over the Alexandrian Text, if you do?
Learning about Christ - Christianity: Where would you recommend that a newly converted Christian or an unbeliever start reading the Bible to learn about God in the best way?
2014-06-02 Jesus being born today: Listener isn't sure if she'd believe in Christianity if Jesus was born in this day & age. Immaculate Conception, Son of God, a Savior, Atonement, Resurrection, it all sounds crazy to her, & if she wouldn't believe that it happened today if it did, why would she believe it happened 2,000 years ago either?
2014-05-22 Lacking in my Salvation: How can I know I am a true Christian? [Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 9:23-24]
2014-05-21 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper: This verse seems to be used in all kinds of situations, but isn't it being taken out of context? Wasn't it talking directly to the Israelites? Does it refer to Christians also? [Isaiah 54:17, Romans 8:31]
2014-05-14 The term "Disciple": Did you say that the word "Disciple" always means followers of Christ, a Christian? [Acts 19]
Receiving the Spirit Immediately upon Baptism: Aren't we supposed to receive the Spirit as soon as we are water baptized? [Acts 19]
2014-05-02 Homosexuality & the Church: How should the church deal with Homosexuality? Caller doesn't want to go to a church that is too conservative, who ignore or hate homosexuals.
2014-05-01 Getting hung-up on inconsequential matters: Caller thinks people, including his pastor, get hung up on stuff that doesn't matter.
Heaven & no Sea: Is there anywhere in the Bible, especially Revelation, that gives insight about Heaven? What about no sea or oceans in the New Earth? Is that symbolic too? [Revelation 21:1]
Loving our Brethren & protecting a believer more than an unbeliever: Do we need to have unity besides just loving one another? [john 15:12, 1 John 4:8, Galatians 6:10]
2014-04-24 Different Perceptions of God: Why can't everyone be right with their own version of what truth is?
2014-04-24 Last Minute Christianity: How can someone who has been a Christian all their life be happy about someone who made it in the last 5 minutes of their life, getting to have eternal life? [Matthew 20:1-16, Luke 15:25-31]
2014-04-16 "Scattered their Bones": Can you please explain an entire certain verses in a certain chapter in Psalms? [Psalm 53]
National Geographic & Christianity: Why would the National Geographic give such fake news about the gospel/Bible?
2014-03-14 "Better Thing for us": What does Hebrews 11:40 mean, a better thing for us, & without us they won't be "perfect"? [Hebrews 11:40]
Gentiles brought in: Once the all the Gentiles have been brought in that will, the number will be complete? His second coming?
2014-03-06 Civil law & Persecution: What is our duty about obeying the "law of the land" but not wanting to be persecuted or not wanting to obey some questionable laws?
Christians at Liberty: Are Christians allowed to enjoy themselves? or do we have to give everything up, "forsaking" ourselves?
2014-03-05 Hinduism verses Christianity: Does God seek us or do we seek Him?
Becoming a Christian: How do we become a Christian? [John 3]
Incognito Christian & not understanding everything: If we are threatened w/ death for being a Christian, can we pretend we are not, even though we are? What if I don't understand everything as a Christian? [Luke 17:33, Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25 25, John 12:25 25, Mark 8:35 35, Luke 9:24]
2014-03-05 Hinduism verses Christianity: Does God seek us or do we seek Him?
Becoming a Christian: How do we become a Christian? [John 3]
Incognito Christian & not understanding everything: If we are threatened w/ death for being a Christian, can we pretend we are not, even though we are? What if I don't understand everything as a Christian? [Luke 17:33, Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25 25, John 12:25 25, Mark 8:35 35, Luke 9:24]
2014-03-05 Hinduism verses Christianity: Does God seek us or do we seek Him?
Becoming a Christian: How do we become a Christian? [John 3]
Incognito Christian & not understanding everything: If we are threatened w/ death for being a Christian, can we pretend we are not, even though we are? What if I don't understand everything as a Christian? [Luke 17:33, Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25 25, John 12:25 25, Mark 8:35 35, Luke 9:24]
2014-02-25 Dramatic Change in Christianity: Christianity changed a lot after the first century from Hebrew Roots to be influenced by pagan roots like the greeks & Romans, is that true? and if it IS true, are we going to possibly transition back into more of the Hebrews Roots?
2014-02-24 Christian Evolution: Is Christian Evolution biblical, a possible Christian scenario, us ascending from Apes, & Genesis 1 is just an allegory?
2014-02-05 Being able to Speak in Tongues: If the caller could still speak in tongues even though he fell away from Christianity would that prove God gives the gifts no matter what, "w/ out repentance"? [Romans 11:29]
2014-02-03 Persecution: What would the first century church or the apostles do if a group of people, such as Muslims, came to a town & said either convert or die?
2014-01-24 Men naturally Aggressive: Are women just by their composition naturally better Christians than men?
2013-12-24 Unqually Yoked: So we shouldn't get ever consider getting married to a non-believer? [2 Corinthians 6:14]
2013-12-04 Christians being Demon Possessed: Is it possible for Christians to be demon-possessed?
2013-12-02 A Catholic Christian: If a Catholic repents and becomes a true follwer of Christ, but still maintains the doctrines and traditions of the Catholic Church, are they truly saved?
2013-11-27 NIV Translation: Can Steve please explain why he doesn't like a "dynamic equivelant" translation of the Bible such as the NIV?
People Discerning that you are Christian: Have you ever had people just walk up to you not knowing for sure you are a Christian & ask if you are a Christian?
2013-11-26 Explaining Buddhism: Michael the Buddhist calls & tries to explain the differences between Buddhism & Christianity. (A long discussion ensues.)
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