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Topic: Suffering (Affliction, Pain, Agony)

Showing 101 to 150 of 217.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-03-23 God Communicating Through Coronavirus: Do you think that God is trying to get something across to us using the Coronavirus? If so, what?
2020-03-16 Divorce between Two Christians: As two believers going through divorce after 30 years of marriage, can one draw comfort and counsel from the story of the prodigal son? [Luke 15:11-32].
2019-11-18 Trials & Suffering: Caller shares thoughts about suffering and trials being part of God's pruning us? [John 15].
Dinosaurs & Death: How could death come into the world through Adam & Eve if dinosaurs lived longer ago and death existed before that? [Romans 5, I Corinthians 15].
2019-10-16 God Allows Suffering: I am struggling with the idea that God allows suffering and how He can let Satan do so much harm? Do we have right to be angry with God about this? [Matthew 10:29, Luke 21:18, Romans 8:18, John 18:11].
2019-10-16 Suffering of One's Child: Caller shares his daughter's story of suffering and how it gave him insight.
Pool of Bethesda: I am confused by the idea that one could go down into the water at the Pool of Bethesda they would be healed, can you help me understand the significance [John 5:5].
2019-09-05 Child Lost to Cancer: What do you say to someone who has lost their 19-year old child to cancer?
2019-08-08 Healing: I keep praying for healing, and I am remaining consistently in prayer and faithful, so why do we not get results quickly? [John 14:12, Isaiah 1:6, 53:4, I Peter 2:21-25, 2 Corinthians 12:8-10].
2019-07-24 Suffering Abuse: What should I do if someone is putting chemicals on my face while I sleep?
2019-07-02 Persecuted for Christ: Since the Bible says, if you are persecuted for the sake of Christ, then you are blessed, but I am getting tormented for things that are not about my belief in Christ. Will I ultimately be blessed? [Matthew 5:10]
2019-06-21 Lost Retirement Investment: Do you have any advice for one who has lost most of their savings for retirement, through no fault of their own? [Matthew 6:19-20].
2019-05-29 Suffering: God promises to take care of us, but when bad things happen, it seems as though He doesn't come through. How do we sort that? [Matthew 10:29, Psalm 119, Hebrews 2:10,
2019-05-23 Suicide: What should you say to someone who is contemplating suicide? What can you say to help them find purpose for living?
2019-05-14 Why God Allows Suffering: Why does God allow harm to come to innocent people, like what happened in 9-11?
2019-04-22 Temptation: What does it mean when scripture says, 'He will save us from the hour of temptation'? Being kept from the wicked one [Revelation 3:10, John 17:15, Luke 17:1} withering seed, quickly fall away [Matthew 13: 20-21, Psalms 140:4].
Homosexuality: What about a pastor who condemns Homosexuals as reprobate? [I Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:28].
2019-04-09 Suffering: When I have to live in chronic pain, am I sharing in His suffering [Philippians 3:10-11]?
2019-03-18 Tribulation & Testing: Are the verses about being kept, or kept from the wicked one, about being protected from trials and testing, as in the Roman world? Is this related to the pre-trib rapture and the tribulation? [John 17:15].
2019-02-25 Rape & losing Faith: What should a person say to a someone who says she is a Christian who was sexually assaulted, but is now losing her faith?
2018-12-28 Persecution: Listening to your lectures on wealth, but was hoping you'd expand on 2 Tim 3:12. [2 Timothy 3:12]
2018-12-17 Personal Suffering: Do you have any Scripture relating to reasons for suffering, because I'm all of sudden going through financial loss, romantic loss, health loss, & wondering what do to do, what Scripture I can rely on? [Job, 1 Peter 1, 2 Corinthians, Romans 8:18]
2018-12-07 Testing: There's a lot of testing on this side of glory, but why are some people tested way more that others?
2018-11-02 Destroying Satan: Why did God not just destroy Satan from the earliest stages? Why does He allow suffering, temptation, child abuse?
2018-07-16 Sufferings of Christ: I'm wondering about having the sufferings of Christ that Paul was talking about in Philippians. Can you explain it? [Philippians 3:10-11]
2018-07-11 Religiously Abused People: How do we help people who were hurt by "religion"?
2018-07-05 Doing God's Will, Always Repenting, & Chronic Pain: I'm trying to always conform to God's will & not my will, but i'm always continually repenting, but always in chronic pain.
2018-05-23 Speaking in Tongues: Everybody should be able to hear in their own language, not gibberish that you don't know what is being said.
Eternal Torment in Hell: You don't seem to believe that people are going to be thrown into the lake of fire & burn eternally. Can you explain this?
2018-05-22 Divorce: Divorce is it not allowed at all? You are always committing adultery if you remarry someone who is divorced?
Adolph Hitler: Why would God allow an Adolph Hitler to happen?
Worshipping God all day in Eternity: why should we want to sit in heaven all day worshipping God?
2018-05-21 The Ability of Demons: Can the demons block your prayers?
2018-04-23 Calamity: My girlfriend's 2 year old cousin just drowned & how do we not view this as a punishment instead of a blessing?
2018-04-23 People's Suffering: Suffering is not God's will.
2018-02-16 Jesus Learned Obedience: What does it mean when the bible says, Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered? [Hebrews 5:8]
2018-02-02 God Allowing Tragedies: Why does God allow certain tragedies to happen? Why do we always have to believe He had a better idea?
Effects of Sin in Eternity: Will there be lasting effects of present sin in eternity?
2018-01-30 Trial & Suffering Sanctioned by God: Did God create evil, trials & suffering in our lives? [Isaiah 45:7]
2018-01-25 Providing Everything We Need: If there are promises that God will provide all we need, then why are there starving masses in other countries? [Matthew 6:25=34]
2018-01-08 Being Mistreated: We need to be prepared to be mistreated!
2017-11-22 Preterism: Can you please define preterism?
Calamity & Catastrophe: What about world wide disasters?
2017-11-17 Holiness of God & Permitting Suffering: Regarding the goodness/holiness of God, why would an all-loving, all-powerful God not step in & prevent horrific human suffering?
2017-10-30 Satan Oppression or Just Bad Luck: How do we know when it's Satan attacking us or it's just bad luck, & is it important to know the difference between the 2?
2017-10-06 Appreciates what Steve said about Pastors & Teachers: Caller appreciative what Steve just said about false teacher & Prophets.
The Massacre in Las Vegas: Caller thinks we should never forget what happened in Las Vegas.
2017-09-18 Church being Us: The Church or the Mansions are us!
Drinking Urine & Eating Dung: Where does it say that in Isaiah that if you add or subtract one word in the Bible, you'll drink your own urine & eat your dung? [Isaiah 36:12, Revelation 22:18-19]
2017-09-11 Witnessing to a Unitarian: Caller has been trying to share the gospel to a Unitarian, & he said it's all about love, but should I use the 9/11 tragedy as good example of non-loving event?
2017-08-14 God Allowing Suffering: Why does God allow suffering for His children?
2017-07-31 Prosperity & Blessing in OT, Suffering & Persecution in NT: In the Old Testament there seems to be an emphasis that if you live a righteous life, you will prosper, be blessed, but in the New Testament, just the opposite seems to be true, that we'll be suffering more than being blessed.
2017-05-23 Wife not being a Wife: When can, should someone move on if his wife is not being a wife?
2017-03-24 Overcoming Trials: Can you give me some verses that will encourage me w/ the trials that I've been going through the last 3 months?
2017-03-08 God Disciplines those He Loves: God chastens those that He loves, so is that why He allows suffering & trials? [Hebrews 12]
2017-01-05 God Permitting Suffering: Why does God allow suffering, especially illnesses, physical problems?
2016-11-14 Getting Angry at God: Agreeing with God about what He has for you, accepting disappointments.
2016-09-19 God Creating Suffering: How can any thinking & compassionate person think God is good if He created a world full of suffering?
2016-09-07 Psalm 44, Suffering even though Righteous: Why is the Psalmist lamenting the suffering of Israel & himself, & why is it happening in the first place since they were being faithful? [Psalm 44]
2016-08-30 The Passion: Why is it called “the Passion”?
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